Tag Archives: dance

Spain: young people dancing a jota in reparation for blasphemy against the Blessed Virgin

UPDATE: It seems that there is a conflicting report about this dance.  It is also said to be a flash mob organized for Children with Cancer Day, or similar.  HERE I like the other version better, but if it isn’t … Read More

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged , , ,

Reason #8573 for Summorum Pontificum

A priest friend sent a video of a Portuguese priest, Fr. José Cruz in Moita dos Ferreiros from Easter 2014. I can imagine statues of Our Lady of Fatima weeping at the sight of this. Enjoy more of Cruz HERE.

Posted in Liberals, Lighter fare, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Mail from priests, Puir Slow-Witted Gowk, You must be joking! | Tagged