Keep watching this for updates!
I received this from a WDTPRSer:
Bishop to celebrate Missa Pontificalis
Bishop Robert C. Morlino will celebrate a Missa
Pontificalis (Pontifical High Mass at the Throne) according to the
Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite based on the Missal of Blessed John XXIII.
The bishop will celebrate the Mass on Gaudete Sunday, Dec. 16, at 2 p.m. at
Holy Redeemer Church in downtown Madison.
Here’s the link:
(it’s the 2nd article on the front page)
The Tridentine Latin Mass Society of Diocese of Madison is also planning to
start a weekly TLM soon.
On the side note, at the St. Paul’s University Catholic Center at University of
Wisconsin-Madison, there is Latin Novous Ordo every Friday at 5:00pm. The
priests over there are amazing. There are 2 daily Masses, Holy Hour, and
confession 30 minutes before every Mass on the weekday. A very solid Newman
center in a secular university.
I also received this:
His Grace the Most Reverend Barry James Hickey,
Archbishop of Perth, Western Australia, will celebrate solemn Pontifical Mass
at the throne at 9.30 am on Saturday the 20th of October 2007, at St Michael
the Archangel Chapel, Leederville (the Cathedral is currently closed while
being renovated). The sacrament of
Confirmation will also be conferred beforehand.NB In case you may wonder, in the Canon here in Perth the
priest must name the Archbishop as "Finbarro Jacobo".
The young Catholic community at UW-Madison is another sign of hope for our beloved Church. I went to Mass at the Newman Center back in the late 90’s with a friend who was in graduate school there and, boy, was it an experience. The building was a rectangular concrete bunker with altar in the middle of it. A woman read the Gospel and we distributed Holy Communion to each other by passing It to the person in line behind you. I have since spoken with catholic students at Madison and it sounds like things have really changed since then!! A Latin Novus Ordo Mass, hot damn!
Deo Gratias!
Ave Maria!
More good news from a priest I know who lives on the Eastern Seaboard:
Dear Friends,
Today a surprise came my way. Here in the Diocese of [redacted] we have had the traditional mass (i.e. Tridentine mass, “old” mass, extraordinary form, etc.) for quite a few years. It has been celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month at the centrally located Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in [city, state]. For 9 years now I have been happy to be among the priests taking a turn saying this mass which ended up being about 3 or 4 turns a year.
With the coming of the Pope’s Motu Proprio the rector of the Shrine has decided to learn how to say the old mass and have the mass every Sunday. So, I figured I’d get less chance to celebrate it now that the rector himself would be doing it. Every day mass is celebrated in the evening at the Shrine which has all-day adoration and confessions for several hours each day. On Mondays mass is in the morning, however, preceding the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. So, in addition to the Sunday celebrations of the old mass the rector has decided to add an evening mass in the extraordinary form each and every Monday as well. He telephoned today to ask me to help him with this.
So, now, instead of saying the traditional mass 3 or 4 times per year I’ll be saying it twice every month. Confessions take place from 6-6:45 followed by Benediction and Reposition. Then mass starts at 7:00, p.m. I’m very glad the rector called and very excited that I’ll be saying the old mass on a regular basis now. There has been no interest whatsoever about it in my own parish so there is no need or desire for it here.
Best Wishes,
Father “Jones”
Wow! How things change!! I spent a year in UW Madison in the early 1990s and I well remember the concrete bunker that is St Paul’s on State St. I have a memory of a nun giving the sermon for the Feast of the Annunciation and liking the Virgin Mary to an unmarried mother. I think at the same mass, the priest stood on one side of the altar with the nun on the other side shadowing his actions during the consecration! Luckily, a week or two later, I managed to find a more normal parish that was like being home again in Ireland.
I am so delighted that things are changing in Madison; it is such a nice city!
Deo gratias!
“NB In case you may wonder, in the Canon here in Perth the
priest must name the Archbishop as “Finbarro Jacobo”.”
I wonder what “Tod” (as in the bishop of Orange) is in latin.
The changes at St. Paul’s University Catholic Center at University of Wisconsin-Madison are fairly recent (the last two years) and very welcome.
There are new priests there who are doing wonderful work. Yes, it is still a concrete bunker (that won’t change any time soon) however the quality of the liturgy there is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was just 5 years ago.
The news that Bishop Morlino is bringing the TLM back to Madison is wonderful. Hopefully with his leadership it will spread throughout the diocese
His Excellency Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, Auxiliary of the Diocese of San Diego, will celebrate a Pontifical Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form on Saturday, 17 November in the church of St. John the Evangelist at 12:00pm. The mass will be offered on behalf of and will be served by the Brothers of the Little Oratory of St. Philip Neri in San Diego, in conjunction with Chorus Breviarii San Diego, and the TLM Society of San Diego. The mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of Fr. Sir Hugh Barrett Lennard of the London Oratory, and will be accompanied by the Bach Collegium San Diego, Ruben Valenzuela Director, singing the Anerio Requiem.
For further information on this Extraordinary Form Pontifical mass, please go to
This is wonderful news. My daughter lives in Madison, so I visit there often; I have never been to a Novus Ordo in Latin and would love to experience it.
Now, a question–I know someone who lives in another college town, Ann Arbor MI–does anyone know of a Traditional Latin Mass there?
Ann Arbor…does anyone know of a Traditional Latin Mass there
There is one in Flint and one in Jackson, both about equidistant from Ann Arbor…
“Now, a question—I know someone who lives in another college town, Ann Arbor MI—does anyone know of a Traditional Latin Mass there?” Well…not too far away in Detroit is Assumption Grotto where we Celebrate a TLM every Sunday at 9:30. A number of our parishioners come in from Ann Arbor.
Now there’s a truly liberal (in the best sense of the word), generous, and pastoral bishop. I think there are many bishops in this country who should hold their heads in shame for refusing
to fulfill the needs of all of their flock. Tom
There is a TLM in Detroit each Sunday and Holy Day. Here is the link:
A Latin Novus Ordo Mass at UW-Madison, hot damn! Right on, Dylan. Have we reached the millennium? This news makes this Badger very happy.
Mr. Power, the letter from your priest friend is somewhat unclear. I was at the shrine this evening for Mass. The Mass schedule as it appears in the bulletin is:
Sunday 11:00am EF
Mon-Fri 8:15am OF; 7:00pm EF
Saturday 8:15am EF
So, basically on September 14th the shrine went from one TLM per month to a daily TLM. Deo gratias! By their fruit you shall know them. Summorum Pontificum is bearing much good fruit.
The following is posted on the St. Aloysius website (a Madison WI Diocese parish in Sauk City):
Tridentine Mass Server Training
Written by Fr. Miguel Galvez
Thursday, 18 October 2007
All SMAG members are invited to take on a new and exciting challenge! We are going to teach all those interested in learning how to serve the TRIDENTINE MASS. It’s the way Mass was said years ago. But did you know that the way we say Mass now is only about 40 years old? Sounds like a long time, but remember that this year is 2007… so 40 years isn’t all that much. The Tridentine Mass is the way Mass was said since St. Pius V reformed the Roman Missal in 1570 up until 1970 (that is 400 years!!); but its main parts and prayers go back to the early years of Christianity. It’s the way that St. Francis attended (and served) Mass, as well as St. Benedict, and even St. Aloysius.
In the Tridentine Mass everything is VERY precise. All the movements you have to make are meticulously described. You will have to answer the priest in Latin (the rest of the people attending Mass usually answer in the silence of their hearts or in a low voice). So, it requires a lot of discipline and love for Jesus to serve this Mass properly. I’m sure you are all up to the task.
Not only is it a beautiful thing to serve the Tridentine Mass, but you will also learn to serve the other form of the Mass (the one you are used to) with much more devotion and respect for what is going on: the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. This experience will make you an expert altar boy.
Our first training session will be on Tuesday, October 23 from 5:30-6:30p.m. I hope to see you there. The next training sessions will be at the same time on: Oct. 30th, Nov. 2nd, and Nov. 6th. From then on, it’s practice, practice, practice. One thing is knowing WHAT you have to do; DOING it is a whole new ballgame.
If you want to get started right away and see what the Tridentine Mass is all about, check out on the Internet. Look for the “Learning to Serve at the Altar” section and take a look at the online tutorial. It may seem a bit confusing at first, but soon you get the hang of it.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call me. Hope to see you there,
Fr. Miguel
See it for yourself at