USS Theodore Roosevelt revisited

I found this photo some days back here:

This is the TLM aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt, which I visited a while back.

Here is my shot of this same altar in the chapel of the aircraft carrier.

Here I am with the chaplain in the photo on the deck of the carrier.

The chaplain is on the right.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Florida John says:

    I was stationed on the aircraft carriers from 1954 to 1958; The USS Bennington CVA40 & the USS Leyte CVS32. I remember that the Mass was celebrated in the lower hanger bay with the altar placed in an open area. Of course the priest faced the altar, It was a wonderful experience worshiping at Mass with so many young men. Most of us were still teenagers or early twenty’s. Thanks for the memory update. Now I have something to meditate on tonight! God love you!

  2. Dan Hunter says:

    Father, Is that priest offering Mass, the great Father Charles Johnson?
    If so is he now back in the states?
    God bless.

  3. jesusthroughmary says:

    Is the priest on the left Fr. Perricone?

  4. Stu says:

    It’s not just us Aviators who soar with the angels.

    Great pic.


  5. Allan says:

    I served many masses aboard the USS Shangri La, and USS Kearsarge, in three WesPac cruises. Served mass until I was 21, and still can serve today. I recently served 6 practice masses with my pastor getting him ready for the TLM, which is now underway.

    Deo gratias.

  6. LCB says:

    That looks like a priest who would kneel even on marble… scratch that, even on hot coals.

  7. Bruce says:

    Fr. Z- I saw this photo last week on The Crescat and speculated in Carolina’s combox that the celebrating chaplain is likely a Marine, based on the only visible clue, his “high & tight” haircut… so, is he Navy or USMC? No cosmic import, just wondering.

    God bless you and your apostolate, I am a frequent reader.

  8. Bruce: Fr. Charles Johnson, USN. All Catholics chaplains for the Marines are Navy Chaplains.

  9. Bruce says:

    Fr.- Thx, I didn\’t know that. I assumed the Marines have their own organic chaplains the same way they have there own aviators. I’m retired Air Force, hence my “vincible ignorance” of things Navy and Marine Corps- :>).

    God bless all our holy priests serving as military chaplains in every branch and location in the world, it is a unique and difficult ministry!

  10. jaykay says:

    That photo is just… “right”. This might sound a little whimsical even, but the fact that it’s in b&w means it could be from the WWII or Korean eras, and yet of course it’s bang up-to-date. For me that really strengthens the idea of continuity: tam antiqua et tam nova.

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