Bishop by bishop

Here is something quite interesting for your Brick By Brick file.

I picked up from the intrepid Andrea Tornielli that Una Voce Malaga has been doing some arithmetic.

Apparently, world wide, since summorum Pontificum went into effect some 138 cardinals or bishops have been celebrant for or presided at Holy Mass or Vespers in the older, traditional form of the Roman Rite.


Il sito spagnolo di Una Voce Malaga, rilanciato a sua volta dal blog Messa in latino, ha stilato un puntuale elenco con i nomi – divisi per Paesi – dei cardinali e dei vescovi che hanno celebrato o assistito alla forma “straordinaria” della messa secondo il messale romano antico (o comunque di vespri solenni secondo l’antica forma) dopo la liberalizzazione stabilita da Benedetto XVI con il motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. Questi i dati: Germania 3, Argentina 3, Australia 6, Belgio 1, Brasile 4, Canada 6, Cile 2, Cina 1, Colombia 1, Danimarca 1, Filippine 3, Francia 17, Gabon 2, Italia 15, Irlanda 2, Kazakhstan 1, Liechtenstein 1, Monaco 1, Nigeria 2, Nuova Zelanda 1, Polonia 7, Regno Unito 9, Repubblica Ceca 1, Spagna 4, Sri Lanka 1, Svizzera, 2, Ungheria 2, Usa 33.  Dei 138 ben 20 sono cardinali, 4 spagnoli, 4 americani e 4 italiani (Antonelli, Piovanelli, Poggi e Scola). I vescovi italiani sono 11. Guardando a questi risultati si potrebbe dire che è ancora molto poco. Ma credo che lo sguardo più giusto sia quello del lungo periodo: è cominciato – nonostante le difficoltà, le tensioni, i dinieghi anche clamorosi, le polemiche mediatiche, le rigidità e le rivendicazioni – un processo positivo, nella linea voluta da Benedetto XVI, quella della riconciliazione e dell’arricchimento reciproco fra i fedeli che seguono la messa nelle due forme ora previste del Rito romano. E’ un segno, ancora piccolo ma incoraggiante, dei frutti che sta portando il modo di governare di Papa Benedetto: quello dell’esempio, dei piccoli passi, di “riforme” che per essere tali devono partire anche dal basso e non possono venire soltanto imposte dall’alto.


Bishop by bishop, folks! 


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jesusthroughmary says:

    33 from the USA? I want that list!

  2. lacrossecath says:

    “Francia 17” … Wow, that seems high! There’s something like 100 dioceses, so almost 20%? (no idea how many auxiliaries to take into account)

  3. Vincentius says:

    In my parish alone, 5 American bishops/ex-bishops and one Brazilian bishop have either celebrated Mass or sat in the throne/faldstool for an EF Mass in the last few years. I suspect if one counts former bishops the number is even higher.

  4. jesusthroughmary says:

    What’s a former bishop or an ex-bishop? Archbishop Milingo? President Lugo?

  5. TJerome says:

    Very positive indeed. I assume most of them are younger. Tom

  6. Joan says:

    The Mass in Latin is WHAT UNITES US. We are the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. My Tridentine High Mass is the highlight of my week. It is chanted as it has been for over a thousand years. We need this mystical experience when we go to Mass. WE do not go to a meeting house with club house chairs – and a vernacular that stunts all attempts at mystical prayer. Our Holy Father is so right! However, it is difficult because half of the priests and most of the bishops have no Latin. How on earth did this ever occur?

  7. chcrix says:

    My guess is that Liechtenstein and Monaco are waaay out in front on a per capita basis. Time for the other countries to catch up. By my calculation there should be about 30/million catholics.

    Only 3? Whatever is the matter with Germany? There ought to be 10 times that just in Bavaria.

  8. sea the stars says:

    The German hierarchy is virulently anti-Traditionalist, with only handful of exceptions.

  9. Eric says:

    Brazil has the most Catholics and I see only 4 there. Mexico is either number 2 or 3 and I don’t see them at all.

  10. Ogard says:

    Let’s be charitable to the bishops.

    After all, they had embarked on all this OF failure in obedience to Rome. They have squandered resources on demolition of altars, burning missals, publication of never ending changes, brainwashing seminarians, persuading people that what we were about to get was for their benefit… just to be told to restore the great treasure which had never ceased to be lawful but they had been given to understand that it had – all that now when they are ashamed to be seen uncapable to celebrate the EF, firstly because they have no clue of Latin, and secondly because they are a Novus Ordo output with no clue of traditional piety.

    What can one expect of them?

    All the more, because who can guarantee them that the next pope will not dispose with what he inherits from the present one, and will not bring them back to the pre-Summorum Pontificum state of affairs.

  11. TJerome says:

    sea the stars, well thank God one German bishop isn’t anti-traditionalist, His Holiness, Benedict XVI. I really think this is a generational issue. As
    younger bishops move on up, the more the Sacred Liturgy will improve. Tom

  12. seanl says:

    I would also like to know if there is a list compiled of which bishops in the US are counted. More than I expected, but still not as high as I secretly was hoping.

  13. Dr. Eric says:

    33 bishops out of 195 dioceses and archdioceses. I don’t know if that is a good number or a bad number, but bishop by bishop!

  14. Desertfalcon says:

    Love the EF, but still awaiting orthodox reform of the OF. Waiting…..waiting….waiting…

  15. Dr. Eric says:

    33 out of 195 in the United States, sorry for the incomplete thought.

  16. Dr. Eric says:

    Actually it’s 178, I counted the 17 Eastern Catholic dioceses, obviously they won’t use the EF and their territories overlap with the Latin dioceses.

  17. jlmorrell says:

    It would be interesting to see the percentage of bishops/cardinals for each nation too.

  18. truthfinder says:

    I would like to know who the bishops in Canada were. I know of one but the others, that would be interesting. Anyone know?

  19. truthfinder says:

    Disregard my question. I found the list:ALEMANIA: Obispos Dick, Hanke, y Mixa.
    ARGENTINA: Obispos Baseotto, Laise, y Sánchez Sorondo.
    AUSTRALIA: Cardenal Pell. Obispos Hart, Elliot, Grech, Coleridge, y Jarret.
    BÉLGICA: Arzobispo Leonard.
    BRASIL: Obispos Areas Rifán, Silva Matthes, Da Silva, y Guimaraes.
    CANADÁ: Obispos Roussin, Miller, Prendergast, Elliot, Lemay, y Blais.
    CHILE: Cardenal Medina Estévez. Arzobispo Piñera Carvallo.
    CHINA: Cardenal Zen.
    COLOMBIA: Cardenal Castrillón Hoyos.
    DINAMARCA: Obispo Kozon.
    ESLOVAQUIA: Arzobispo Bezák.
    ESLOVENIA: Cardenal Rodé.
    ESPAÑA: Cardenales Cañizares, Martínez Sistach, Herranz y Navarrete.
    ESTADOS UNIDOS: Cardenales Foley, George, Levada y Egan. Obispos Vann Johnston, D´Arcy, Cordileone, Doran, Blair, Grech, Nienstedt, Bruskewitz, Finn, Morlino, Dewane, Bevard, Serratelli, Perry, Slattery, Burke, Matano, Burbidge, Foleih, Tobin, Hernann, Rhoades, Vigneron, Brunett, Timlin, Conley, Reiss, Di Noia, y Carlson.
    FILIPINAS: Obispos Escaler, Hobayan, De Gregorio y Lagdameo.
    FRANCIA: Cardenales Ving-Trois, Ricard y Barbarin. Obispos Thomazeau, Scherrer, Madec, Boivineau, Delmas, Guillaume, Rey, Fikart, Aillet, Aumonier, Brouwet, Wintzer, Gaidon, Pansard, Riocreux, Battut, Lebrun y Mathieu.
    GABÓN: Obispos Engonel y Madega.
    HUNGRÍA: Obispos Varga y Farhat.
    ITALIA: Cardenales Antonelli, Piovanelli, Poggi, Scola. Obispos Bettori, Fisichella, Appignanesi, Tardelli, Oliveri, Giovanetti, Brugnaro, Rabitti, Molinari, De Magistris, Ravignani, Boccardo y Miglio.
    IRLANDA: Obispos Martin y Magee.
    KAZAJSTAN: Obispo Schneider.
    LIECHTENSTEIN: Obispo Haas.
    MONACO: Arzobispo Barsi.
    NIGERIA: Obispos Tochukwu Ukwuoma, y Ochiagha.
    NUEVA ZELANDA: Obispo Meeking.
    POLONIA: Obispos Balcerek, Golebiewski, Depo, Deca, Malysiak, Dziuba, Zscysinski, Mizinski y Pieronek.
    REINO UNIDO: Cardenal O´Brien. Obispos Stack, McMahon, Kenney, Malcolm, Moran, Arnold, Hopes, Longley.
    REPÚBLICA CHECA: Obispo Baxant.
    SRI LANKA: Arzobispo Ranjith.
    SUIZA: Obispos Genoud, Huonder y Farine.

    I know that for Canada Archbishops Roussin and Miller usually only celebrate for Confirmation at the one TLM parish. (Unless anyone knows differently.)

  20. Robert_H says:

    My pastor told me a few weeks ago that our Bishop is going to preside at our EF Mass at some point this year.

  21. Moscatelli says:

    I think I heard His Excellency Jan Baxant rumoured as successor to Cardinal Vlk of Prague. Bishop Fisichella is rumoured as possible future Archbishop of Milan. Interesting to see if there will be promotions coming from this list in the future …

  22. Semper Idem says:

    It’d be nice to see the Bishop of Greensburg on that list. That’ll never happen.

  23. Andy Milam says:

    That’s an incomplete list regarding the USA. I know of several more who are not listed who have celebrated the EF. Bishop Earl Boyea, Bishop Paul Coakley, Bishop Alex Sample, and Bishop R. Walker Nickless.

    The first two I have witnessed celebrating the EF as bishops. The next two, I know have celebrated (at least) prior to being consecrated (err….ordained) bishop.

    Now, I am under no auspice to think the list is exhaustive, but I’ve heard of these as well. I’ve also heard (from a classmate and friend from Fargo) that Bishop Aquila knows how, although there is no record of him doing so.

  24. Cricket says:

    Perhaps I missed it, but I don’t see Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zen on the list. The TLM doesn’t have a great following in Hong Kong, but Cardinal Zen faithfully celebrates it several times a year.

  25. Eric says:

    Our archbishop has done two confirmations in the traditional rite. I guesse that doesn’t count. He’s not on the list.

  26. Hidden One says:

    Cardinal Zen is listed under China.

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