PODCAzT 145: Athanasius Schneider on ‘Amoria laetitia’

In this PODCAzT I read for you the open letter by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of St Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan.

It seems that it was originally released in Italian, but it was subsequently translated into English. The English appeared on the blog of the Voice of the Family. However, everyone involved, including His Excellency Bishop Schneider, would like it to be widely diffused.

Here’s my contribution. It maybe that you won’t sit and read it – it’s longish, some 6500 words in English – but maybe you can listen to it while doing other things. That’s where I come in.

Bp. Schneider tackles some of the difficult and confusing, seemingly contrary to the Church’s teachings, in the infamous Chapter 8 of Amoris laetitia and points out the possible bad effects. Therefore, he – and I guess we – would like greater clarity about them.

Along the way you hear a cut from Robert Shaw’s O Magnum Mysterium, “If ye love me” by Thomas Tallis.

And… “Love” by Paul Simon.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. ThankyouB16 says:

    On widely diffusing this:
    Ed Pentin at the Register has published it. This is significant: EWTN and The Register are now “mainstream, conservative” Catholic media. No one could accuse them of being reactionary or “traditionalist.” Well, when THEY see just cause in publishing this, then all of us better get on board too. We need to show the world what the sensus fidei is really all about.

  2. kiwiinamerica says:

    Uh oh….this won’t go down well. Pockets of resistance still remain.

    Stand by for further outbursts from Casa Santa Marta in the coming days, about “rigid”, “harsh”, “judgemental”, “Pharisaical” “neo Pelagians”.

  3. St. Epaphras says:

    Thank you very much for reading this for us. I’ll put it on the iPod with other good Catholic sermons and teachings. It is of very great importance both now and in the future. We need to hear the truth, especially now and in the future.

  4. Hans says:

    I look forward to listening, but I thought I would say that Tallis’ “If ye love me” is great fun to sing, but this weekend when it’s to be sung I’ll be serving at the altar. Indeed, I’ll be purifying the vessels just then, so I can listen …

  5. juergensen says:

    Much as I have wondered why the U.S. Congress, after 200+ years of legislating statutory texts, needs to legislate any more statutory texts, why does the Church, after 2000+ years of scripture and magisterial teaching, need to issue any more documents, in particular on something settled such as the Sacrament of Marriage?

  6. CharlesG says:

    I very much appreciate the good bishop’s intervention here. (He is a charming man who visited our Tridentine Mass Community here.) However, if he does get requested clarification from this Pope, I wonder if he would like it. Maybe something for a future Pope to sort out?

  7. majuscule says:

    Thank you for taking the time to record this, Father. I am having trouble concentrating lately when I try to read lengthy documents. (So of course I haven’t even read AL, sad to say.) I was able to listen to and understand the good bishop’s words.

    Thank you both!

  8. thomas tucker says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that the official Church, in the person of the Holy Father, appears to be saying that marriage is indissoluble, but we’re going to act as if it’s not. This is a tough pill to swallow.

  9. mysticalrose says:

    I really appreciate this, Father Z. I was able to listen to the good bishop’s remarks on my way in to work today. Thanks!

  10. IloveJesus says:

    AL appears to be written with “constructive ambiguity” (as Henry Kissinger would say).

    It’s so interesting that both sides of this issue, the liberal and traditional, are claiming that in effect nothing has changed!

    I wonder if my husband will regret spending the $800 for the annulment proceedings he is instigating (after 25 years of marriage and 5 kids). Couldn’t he save a lot of money and hassle by seeking pastoral counsel that would suit his needs?

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