Nancy “The Theologian” Pelosi rides again! Same-sex ‘marriage’ is perfectly “consistent” with Catholic Faith

It has been awhile since Rep. Nancy “The Theologian” Pelosi said something stupid about Catholicism.

It’s her turn again!

At LifeSite I read:

Nancy Pelosi: Gay ‘marriage’ is ‘consistent’ with Catholic teaching

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 2, 2015 ( — House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, says that same-sex “marriage” is perfectly “consistent” with Catholic Christianity.  [That’s just plain dumb.  No, it’s just a lie.  She knows better than that.]

Pelosi brought her grandchildren to see her receive an award from the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, to show the young, impressionable children that “marriage equality is important.”  [Friends, if you open your Illustrated Catholic Dictionary and look at the entry for can. 915, you will find a picture of Nancy Pelosi.  Then again, her photo appears in multiple entries.]

In an interview with Thomas Roberts on MSNBC, Pelosi said she took the children to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund gala because “it’s really important to see what the practice of our faith is.”

Pelosi, who described herself as a faithful Christian and “mainstream Catholic,” said her pre-adolescent grandchildren needed to see and be present at a gay and lesbian celebration in order “to give them the image that we have for all people,” meaning the image the Catholic Church has for all.  [God help those poor children.]

The House Minority Leader explained that same-sex marriage “is important,” and that her grandchildren “have been hearing this [message supporting gay ‘marriage’] their whole life” because “they go to Catholic school.”  [Pro-sodomy in Catholic schools in San Francisco?  I’m shocked!]

In perhaps the most controversial of her statements, Pelosi said, matter-of-factly, that same-sex ‘marriage’ “is consistent with the dignity and worth we [Catholics] attribute to every person.

Roberts asked about comments from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL, that continual demonization of traditional Christians could get the Catechism of the Catholic Church branded as “hate speech.” Pelosi responded, “I thoroughly disagree, being raised in a Catholic family [and] raising a Catholic family.” [Can. 915… please?]

Pelosi contrasted what she characterized as Sen. Rubio’s “polarizing” and “unfortunate” Catholicism with her own “mainstream Christian thinking.

She summarized Catholic catechism as teaching support of gay ‘marriage’. “The fact is, what we’re taught was to respect people in our faith.” Pelosi went on to criticize Rubio’s opposition to gay ‘marriage’, explaining, “To say that [homosexual ‘marriage’] endangers mainstream Christian thinking is so completely wrong.”

Pelosi added, “I don’t even think that Pope Francis would subscribe to what Sen. Marco Rubio said” supporting traditional marriage.  [DING DING DING-ALING DING!  We have a winner!]

The House leader concluded with the hope that Rubio would change his position on gay ‘marriage’. “I hope that we can persuade him differently, because the country is going in a completely different direction now. And it’s very, very exciting.”

It was not her first theological faux pas. In the past, she has claimed that the Catholic Church has only opposed abortion for “like maybe 50 years or something like that.”

Yah.. something like that.

Please… someone… I beg you…

Here is the Can. 915 swag you can get.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in 1983 CIC can. 915, Liberals, Sin That Cries To Heaven, You must be joking! and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. tealady24 says:

    And deliver us from evil (aka the Pelosi’s of this world.) The Church says nothing about catholics like her, they gave Ted Kennedy a prince’s funeral and the Pope just keeps speaking in riddles. We are going to Hell in a handbasket sooner rather than later.

  2. Dimitri_Cavalli says:

    The problem may not be Pelosi, but interviewers. Show her a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the parts that condemn homosexual conduct (and pre-marital sex between heteros) and abortion, and ask her how she can reconcile her statements with what’s on the printed page with a straight face. had a list of Church teachings that have changed since Pope Francis was elected. The list was totally blank.

    On the one hand, liberals insist that Church teaching officially tolerates abortion and homosexual conduct but then insist that Church teaching now mandates the welfare state and a progressive tax system, which it doesn’t.

    If only a reporter would ask the pope: (1) Does Church still believe that homosexual sexual acts (as distinguished feom individuals with same-sex attractives and homosexuality as a condition in people) are sinful? (2) Is capital punishment, as administered in the United States and Japan, morally equivalent to abortion?

    If you ask supporters of gay marriage, religious and non-religious, if they believe that unmarried couples, homo and hetero, who are just “shacking up” are doing anything wrong or if their arrangements should be morally and legally treated as inferior, what do you think the answer will be?

    Cynics used to scoff that marriage “is just a piece of paper.” While federal and state governments will not yet recognize polygamous marriages (since it may still be viewed as “an icky, right-wing Mormon thing”), there is nothing legally stopping a man from living with several women in the same house, having sexual relations with them, and fathering children with them. (The reverse could happen, a woman living with several men.)

  3. robtbrown says:

    Nancy Pelosi is the only politician in memory who lies but doesn’t do it to try to convince anyone.

  4. GAK says:

    I can’t remember the exact quote or even who said it. But my favorite commentary on NP was along the lines of this:

    “You’ve gotta love Nancy Pelosi. Fourteen-year-olds can get abortions without their parents’ consent but sixty-five-year-olds can’t smoke in the rotunda of the capitol building.”

  5. Supertradmum says:

    Some people lie so much they forget where they have laid down the truth…..sad, sad, for her own sake.

  6. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    a progressive tax system, which it doesn’t.

    If only a reporter would ask the pope: (1) Does Church still believe that homosexual sexual acts (as distinguished feom individuals with same-sex attractives and homosexuality as a condition in people) are sinful? (2) Is capital punishment, as administered in the United States and Japan, morally equivalent to abortion?

    Not so much. We would get an answer which might refer us to Cardinal Schoenborn, since he was one of the writers of the Catechism, or we might get the claim that Vatican intervention isn’t required in all disputes.

  7. blena says:

    Her name isn’t Nancy its Legion

  8. Charles E Flynn says:

    I suspect Nancy Pelosi never did a book report on The Book of Gomorrah.

  9. greenlight says:

    Right around the time of Pope Benedict’s abdication, I was growing increasingly scandalized that Nancy Pelosi, Biden, etc. were allowed to use their office to spout their heresies without any sort of penalty or public censure from their bishops. Good times, good times. Nowadays, the confusion and division comes straight from the top.

  10. majuscule says:

    In an interview with Thomas Roberts on MSNBC, Pelosi said she took the children to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund gala because “it’s really important to see what the practice of our faith is.”

    I wonder if she ever thought of taking them to Mass “to see what the practice of our faith is.”

    Oh wait…they probably attend Most Holy Redeemer… (“The all inclusive Catholic Church in San Francisco’s Castro District”)

  11. excalibur says:

    She is demonic, as much of San Francisco is. Let us not mince words, she is doing the work of the devil.

  12. zama202 says:

    Did any bishops weigh in on this to correct Pelosi?

    Hello…bishops…cardinals…anybody out there?


  13. organistjason says:

    Nice try Fr. Z with Canon 915. To the best of my knowledge his Excellency Archbishop Cordileone has not, “Theologian Pelosi’s” Ordinary, put his foot down. While serving as past Speaker and now Minority Leader his Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl, the ordinary for the Capitol District, has said he won’t put his foot down. Both she and other pro abort politicians, pro gay marriage politicians (Joe Biden) routinely receive the blessed sacrament (Including at papal masses with both his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and…….). It’s much like the laws on the books for the United States Government. If they aren’t enforced, “what difference does it make” to quote the presumptive democrat party nominee. We have very few bishops that will stand up and take the heat for speaking the truth of what the church teaches. Cardinals Burke, Sarah, Pell, Mueller are good examples of prelates that say it like it is. Many Cardinals have seemed to forget that they took an oath……”to defend the faith to the shedding of their own blood”. I suppose that depends on “what the meaning of the word is….is….” I’ll pass that along to Fr. Lombardi for the next in flight ex cathedra presser.

  14. pseudomodo says:

    New Motu Proprio:
    Pope sets new policy for removal of negligent politicians.

    We can only hope

  15. Kathleen10 says:

    She is not just saying it. She really believes it. She brought her grandchildren, whom I sure she cares about. To indoctrinate your grandchildren into something, you must believe it. She is going out of her way to make SURE her grandchildren see and accept homosexuality. And in San Francisco, there’s no confusion, she knows positively what all is involved in homosexuality, and she’s good with it. In San Francisco, a year ago or so, they were having trouble with the seats in restaurants or outdoor cafes, because naked men were sitting on them and leaving, well, bodily fluids leaking from their bums. I’m sorry to be so graphic, but this is true. There was a whole stir about it and what to do. So she knows and she clearly thinks this would be a good thing for her grandchildren to know about and approve of.
    This is what happens when public figures who speak for Catholicism are not publicly corrected by moral authorities or excommunicated. It effects the culture. And she’s right, in her way, because “the country has gone in a completely different direction now”, but does downward count as a direction?

  16. Joboww says:

    Im confused here, isn’t she under Archbishop Cordelione’s authority? If so he would have the ability to place an interdict on her person.

  17. Benedict Joseph says:

    Gee, I wonder who will rebuke her. There must be at least one ecclesiastic willing to proclaim the Gospel. One?

  18. Mike says:

    There must be at least one ecclesiastic willing to proclaim the Gospel. One?

    From within an institutional structure so beholden to the State as AmChurch has become? Don’t count on it.

  19. SKAY says:

    “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

    She is a legend in her own mind and is indoctrinating her own grandchildren into the “Nancy church”.

  20. Andrew D says:

    When is this evil witch going to be ex-communicated? And no, I’m not sorry for calling her an evil witch.

  21. jhayes says:

    Note that the LifeSite article is a year old (June 2, 2015).

    I hadn’t noticed that at first and wasted time looking for a video of a 2016 interview.

    Here’s the May 2015 Pelosi interview LifeSite is talking about


  22. Janol says:

    Pelosi claims ssm is consistent with the Faith and now Jean Vanier of L’Arche, of all people, comes out supporting assisted suicide claiming “the authority of Pope Francis for his stand”.

  23. JARay says:

    We, here in Australia, are having a General Election on 2nd July! Yes, we have elections too!
    The two major Parties are the Liberals and Labor. The leaders of both parties should be Catholics.
    Malcolm Turnbull is a convert and last night on our TV he declared that he will vote for Same-Sex marriage! Bill Shorten the leader of the Labor party was baptised a Catholic and brought up in Catholic schools. He is divorced and re-married and he has been publicly pushing for Same-Sex marriage all the way through his election campagne.
    What a dreadful prospect lies ahead of us here in Australia!
    There is perhaps a glimmer of hope because of a dreadful progam being pushed in Australian schools which promotes gender fluidity and challenges children to role play as being of the opposite sex. It is called “The Safe Schools Program” and it is causing uproar amongst many parents and the spin off of this is that more and more of the general public are turning off SSM because of this, so that when a planned referendum is held after this election, it just might come up with “NO” because of this Safe Schools uproar.

  24. tcreek says:

    “The battle to keep late-term abortions legal is sacred ground” – Pelosi, 1913

    “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” ? Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Bishops ???

  25. Mike says:

    She needs tough love. Heck, we all do.

  26. christopherschaefer says:

    “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
    Matthew 18:6

  27. Maltese says:

    I wonder why a small-band of Catholic parents are sending their children to this excellent new school:

  28. Widukind says:

    Teasing some friends the other day, I told them that Pelosi was dropping out of politics. I
    told them Pope Francis asked her to come to Rome and head up the committee on women
    deacons. I had to duck from their response. Wouldn’t you know it, as soon as I mention her
    name she has to show up in the news.

  29. TheDude05 says:

    If I were her Bishop, or Archbishop in this case. I would call her and kindly explain her many errors and the sin of scandal and require her to make a public proclamation repenting of these evil ideas. If she refused I would grab some candles and and walk out onto the steps of the Cathedral, after alerting the press, and excommunicate her in the style of St. Thomas Becket. I would then have her order of excommunication read at every parish in the archdiocese and posted on the website. That might finally be able to get her attention and call her to heel.

  30. pannw says:

    jhayes, so, has the Scandal been repaired? I know I haven’t heard of any public retraction of this heresy. Or are her poor grandchildren still being scandalized? May God have mercy on their parents and this wicked woman.

    TheDude05, hear hear…she isn’t getting any younger, either.

    If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand. But if thou give warning to the wicked, and he be not converted from his wickedness, and from his evil way: he indeed shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.

    Please, Archbishop Cordelione, do something. Jesus, please help him.

  31. JabbaPapa says:

    The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund gala is “the practice of our faith” ?????

    Did they have a rainbow flag-waving pseudo-Mass given by a lesbian “catholic” priestess with her liturgical dancers or something ?

  32. JabbaPapa says:

    Chris Garton-Zavesky :

    If only a reporter would ask the pope: (1) Does Church still believe that homosexual sexual acts (as distinguished from individuals with same-sex attractives and homosexuality as a condition in people) are sinful?

    Not quite what you’re asking, but : Amoris Laeitia 251 “there are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family

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  34. howardduncan says:

    ” theological faux pas.”

    It is past the time when we just correct her.

    Her obvious detachment from Catholic reality (how could this detachment be confined to Catholicism) is a serious personal problem. In her political position it has been a very serious problem for us. This pattern of making simple statements opposite to well known facts even by the newly confirmed, is rampant among other major politicians as well, but not always to this consistently obvious simplistically wrong extent.

  35. Elizabeth M says:

    I can understand why her Archbishop is slow to act. He needs prayers. It takes courage – more than most of us have I think – to deal with the aftermath and riots that will happen if Can. 915 is enforced. Must it come from Archbishop Cordelione? Could not a Cardinal step in? This would avoid any direct attack on Cordelione, and he could always chicken out by telling people it came from someone else so I have nothing to do with it. I would hope he wouldn’t be that weak though.
    Should Can. 915 be enforced, you might as well close all the Catholic Churches in SF region. Each priest would be attacked, each parishioner who doesn’t agree with the liberal agenda would be spit upon more than they are now. The “c”atholic schools would close. The area would no longer have any remnant of Catholic identity and another earthquake would rock the city. This is would be terrible as there are small pockets of faithful Catholics in the Bay fighting every day for Christ.

    It would be best if this could be done quietly and she could simply refrain from taking communion. The digital age and the anger that infects so many today would not allow that. The devil would not allow this to happen quietly. And would we, who see what she does and call for judgement in this, be satisfied if her ban was imposed behind closed doors?

    Easy to say what must be done, more difficult to act upon.

  36. Mike says:

    Easy to say what must be done, more difficult to act upon.

    The San Francisco ordinary (ad multos annos!) has his archiepiscopal hands plenty full with nonsense like this going on.

    He deserves many of our prayers and all the help (lay and clerical) he can get. One day sooner or later an archiepiscopal foot is going to have to come down, and as Elizabeth M notes, that will loose the hounds of Hell.

  37. william_sr says:

    As they say in the old country, Latae sententiae. I wonder what church she goes to in DC. I don’t think Archbishop Cordileone would stand for her receiving Holy Communion in San Francisco.

  38. YoungLatinMassGuy says:

    Maybe she really is that stupid…

    The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

  39. Fr. Reader says:

    “I hope that we can persuade him differently, because the country is going in a completely different direction now. And it’s very, very exciting…”
    Oh, I see, that is the reason, everybody is going in that direction, and it is very exciting.

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