Solemn Mass, Traditional Roman Rite at 2017 National Catholic Youth Conference #NCYC2017

I had mentioned elsewhere that there would be a Solemn Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite at the National Catholic Youth Conference last Friday.

You want some lío?

We’ve got your lío right here!

One of the participants sent some photos:

Photos are from Sean Gallagher.

This is how it’s done, people.

¡Hagan lío!

Reason 4 for Summorum Pontificum… YOUNG PEOPLE.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. iPadre says:

    Awesome! Our young people give us hope!

  2. Giuseppe says:

    I love the communion rail.

  3. majuscule says:

    I love seeing a conference room transformed in this manner!

  4. Fr_Andrew says:

    Real wax candles, and on the altar, too … sounds like a mess …

  5. Wow! I am so elated to see this! This is a BIG brick by brick for affecting grassroots parishes as many of these youth are likely involved in youth ministry. While maybe only a few will be that inspired to push heavily for TLMs in their parishes, this means a whole new generation of leaders in the Church who will likely become teachers, parish leaders in other ministries, and even parents and future clergy/religious, who were exposed to the Latin Mass. They might even be ecstatic enough to say in casual conversation with Fr, other youth ministry leaders, and even the youth, “hey I want to NCYC and it was awesome that I got to go to the Latin Mass!” This is definitely hope for the future of the Church.

  6. jazzclass says:

    It’s the teen Mass. The TridenTEEN Mass.

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