Yesterday, Sunday, was also the Feast of St. Blaise, upon which we traditionally have the blessing of throats.
Did you receive a St. Blaise Day blessing of the throat?
You don’t have to be registered to vote… sort of like Chicago. Unlike Chicago, you have to be alive.
Pick your best answer. You are registered and approved, use the combox to explain what happened.
This year I was able to receive it because Fr. Heilman came over to church to help with Communion and the Blessings.
Ours was a hybrid, the blessing was read aloud once en masse. The candles were then touched to each throat.
yes, individual blessing, in Latin, kneeling at communion rail.
You say this year you were able to receive it. Just as a priest without assisting clergy can impose ashes on himself… couldn’t he also give himself the St. Blaise Blessing?
Our priest and deacon gave the blessing individually after the prayer of the faithful.
Our priest and deacon gave the blessing to us individually after the Final Blessing.
The priest did an “en masse” version at the final blessing without candles. He said that for “pastoral reasons” he was not doing the individual blessing. One can easily assume the pastoral reasons are that it takes too long. However, those pastoral reasons did not stop the video about the Archdiocesan Stewardship Appeal (annual fund drive) after the homily. Nor did they stop him from standing around in the sanctuary until the piano player got done with the first couple verses of the closing song.
They didn’t even mention it at my parish. :(
Received the blessing by a priest (FSSP) after Mass at the Communion rail while kneeling. This parish also has a relic of St Blaise and so Fr had that placed between the candles as he gave the blessing.
No nothing, and no mention.
Next Saturday the parish is offering a “healing” Mass. I guess that’s instead.
So sadden.
Our parish always does this, individually. Alas, this year they did the en masse blessing simply due to the sheer number of people who attend our parish. I considered asking our pastor, after mass, for the individual blessing but did not go track him down.
Our FSSP parish got it after Mass, with everyone kneeling at the rail–individual blessings. Father even had this groovy candle thing, with two candles intertwined at the handle, and then branching out like the arms of St Peter’s to properly surround the neck of the blessed one. LOL. Pretty cool!
I had to attend the NO Mass at our parish early in the morning in order for my husband to get to Mass before flying out of town for work. The blessing was offered individually to everyone there. Later in the day I sing at a TLM Mass, and it was not even mentioned then, though we had a nice procession around the church for Candlemas.
No St. Blaise Day at all at my parish church. I think it had something to do with the post-Vatican II calendar, which simply obliterates saints’ days when they fall on Sunday. I don’t know why that is–maybe something to do with the fad for “ecumenism” that flourished back then. Protestants don’t have saints, outside of the Apostles and a few others. Sunday is about it for them. So maybe the Church was scrambling to get in line with them.
i did both at the conclusion of Holy Mass: blessing for all and then individual blessings with candles, i needed one myself as my throat has been so sore (which by the way, pray for fr john kemper, living with lung cancer that has spread)…
i have to recall my pastor, years ago, who jokingly would say to his altar boys… if you dont respond correctly: ad altare dei… the candles will light for the blessing of throats! with a straight face & our eyes open wide… of his example: there was at least one seminarian in every year of formation from his parish!
The pastor and I blessed the congregation after Mass using the blessed candles provided. It was long and tiring as there were many parishioners, many children too! I was very happy to be of service for the Lord! The pastor always makes the joke about lighting the candles for the blessing. :-)
Where does a church buy the intertwined candles? AND…does it make any difference with such a blessing if the candles are lit or not??
I received an individual blessing after Mass, in Latin, at the Communion rail. My hubby went to a different parish, didn’t receive a blessing, and there was no mention at all of St Blaise.
Individual blessings by the priest and deacon, said in Latin, at the Communion rail. It was a surprise for me, as I’d never seen it done before (and didn’t even realise it was St Blaise’s day). What a lovely custom, and how good it was of Father to take the time and effort to do it properly.
However, I do have the uncomfortable feeling I’m developing a sore throat today – for the first time in years. Hmm. But God works in mysterious ways…
Ours was the full blown blessing in Latin by an SSPX priest in a freezing cold makeshift chapel here in Luxembourg
Attending a Latin Mass, not in my parish, the very young priest said the blessing in Latin. No, I didn’t know what he said, I was just glad to be blessed, kneeling at the altar rail. Two crossed candles at the throat. The blessings were done after we said the Leonine Prayers after Mass.
I had never heard of this blessing before. Ever. Lucky I went to Latin Mass on Sunday!
Ours was en masse, strangely replacing the last blessing and dismissal at an English N.O. Mass.
It was not done at the parish where I sing with their choir, nor has it been offered since I have been there (2013). I am not sure if it was done at my home parish, but I have my doubts, as it has not been done since the current pastor arrived in 2011. As I frequently have singing duties at both places, I miss this ritual and don’t understand why it is not done.
After High Mass on Sunday, and I forgot, but luckily on the way to a coffee shop, I remembered, and so throats were still being blessed at both rails. The prayer and blessing by the priest I only every saw hear Confessions, was in Latin. The parish priest was blessing throats at the altar rails.
Went to noon mass, Father did an en masse before the final blessing using the formulary without the candles. Father apologized and said due to the crowd (full church of 500 people) it would have taken too long to bless everyone individually. I believe him – the church was scheduled to have another mass in about 30 minutes after, and Father is bi-ritual and had to leave for Divine Liturgy elsewhere at our parish chapel so he needed to drive there. Honestly I’d rather an en-masse actual blessing from a priest than a dubiously-effective blessing from a EMHC
I have fond memories of receiving this blessing as a child from our parish Priest. This past weekend, when our clueless pastor at the end of Mass asked “Eucharistic Ministers” to come up to get some candles to help him administer the blessing of throats, I left in disgust. Yes, yes I know that the book of blessings permits them to do this, but it still isn’t right.
I received the blessing at one TLM Mass, years ago, in Latin and kneeling at the altar rail. At the TLM this year, on the last page of the bulletin, there was a brief biographical sketch of St Blaise taken from, and giving the blessing of throats in Latin and the vernacular.
I thought they might have a blessing in the church after Mass, but no. However I saw a small knot of people waiting outside the sacristy door afterwards, and joined them. I have suffered from bronchitis and pneumonia in recent years and I was hoping to receive the blessing. The priest brought out the crossed candles, and so I received the blessing, standing and in the vernacular.
Had the earlybird blessing from Fr John from the Diocese of Honolulu at the Basilica of St Mary where I’ve been going to noon Mass on First Fridays with a friend who’s a parishioner there. Fr said he had been asked to do the blessing on Friday because it would be too busy Sunday.
We also had the benediction of the Panettone (a traditional christmas cake originally from Milan). We have the tradition to eat it after the benediction of the throat.
It is possible to see some video on facebook S. Messa cattolica in rito antico Ticino
It was a Saturday night Mass at a very small parish, maybe 10 people or so. It was offered for those that wanted it, but I didn’t go up. I guess I tend to think that I should only get it if my throat needs blessing due to sickness etc.
After reading through these posts, I’m wondering- what is this “altar rail” of which people write? I’m assuming it is something prescribed by the Americans With Disabilities Act, which I think must have been incorporated into the General Instruction of the Roman Missal since the ADA is more of a concern to Catholic clerics than any other guidelines I’ve heard of.
I changed parishes last year when two things happened very close together: the bishop instituted an Oratory (in formation) of St Philip Neri in the town centre church, and in my local parish (run by Jesuits), the priest who’d been saying a Novus Ordo Latin Mass for many years was re-assigned to a parish in the North, so there was no longer a Latin Mass. The Oratorians do everything by the book, bless them, so we had individual blessings after Mass, even though the congregation was large by English standards.
Individual blessings after Mass kneeling at the communion rail. In a nice touch, our TLM parish chaplain was assisted by one of the parochial vicars (NO only), who reverently blessed all using the English translation on the left side of the rail while Fr. B. was doing the Latin blessing on the right side.
Individual blessings after mass by Extraordinary Ministers. Candles were used and the prayer was read in English. Not many stayed for the blessing.
I attended Mass at a parish which is not my usual parish. Interestingly enough the Mass was said by a young priest whose home parish celebrates a solemn Mass weekly. He, himself, has celebrated solemn Masses on a number of occasions with the approval of his almost as young pastor. Keep in mind this , for this Parish is a subtle transformation of which I totally approve. The candles from Candlemas were being distributed for free but no blessing offered. My home Parish did this on Sunday the last time February 3rd fell on a Sunday. I was wondering was this a directive from the diocese ? My daughter encountered the same in NYC. She was told they were being blessed on 2/4 after the daily Mass. She asked if she should approach the priest about this privately seeking a blessing, if she should encounter a hard time, she could ask him how the Parish closings were coming along. ( I was feeling a bit peevish at her news) I suggested she not follow my original idea and be nice. My nasty suggestion was my sense that this is another Catholic custom not reinforced and to the outsider may seem superstitious but in fact teaches the help of the Saints and our utter dependence on God for everything.
We had individual blessings done by the priests and deacons. At the pastor’s “request,” we also had extraordinary ministers (EMHC) “blessing” throats. However, I was very clear before the sermon that laity cannot bless throats; at best, it is an intercessory prayer. Needless to say, it undermined their use, which was my point. To the pastor’s credit though, he blest throats at every Mass.