
Cardinal's with birettas

There was some biretta confusion this morning.  Birettas are to be worn with the center point to the right, so that you can grasp it with the right hand and move the thing.  Birettas are always handled with the right hand.

It was a little amusing to see His Holiness put the hats on the new cardinals with the points every which way.  This created some real confusion for the first fellow, who couldn’t find the point when birettaquette (as I call it) dictated that he tip it as he went on his way.

Look, when these consistory ceremonies get a little repetitive, you start noticing details.  For example, the Holy Father inadvertantly gave the titular church of St. Helena to two cardinals.   Can we say that His Excellency Archbishop Marini is responsible for all these goofs?  Why not.  "Point to the proper page, for Pete’s sake!"

Cardinal Zen did receive his properly oriented from the hand of the Pontiff.

Let this be a warning to my fellow clerics.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Victor says:

    “Can we say that His Excellency Archbishop Marini is responsible for all these goofs? Why not.”
    Quite true – why not?

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