The theories about Maciel are legion…

…but let me throw this out there for your consideration.

After thinking about the declaration concerning the public ministry of the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Rev. Fr. Marciel Maciel Degollado, I had an idea this weekend out in the fresh air of the Tuscan countryside.  (I added that last part to rub it in a bit.)

Consider the major players in the game.  This case has continued into the pontificate of Pope Benedict.  The Prefect of the CDF is now an American cardinal.  The way that Rev. Fr. Marciel Maciel Degollado was treated was really pretty gentle, all in all.  At the same time, while EVERY PRIEST IN THE WORLD could be invited to do penance, few are publicly invited to do so.  Thus, little doubt is left in our minds about what this is all about.

Still, perhaps this is also a signal from the CDF to the USA about the draconian measures that have sometimes been applied to priests who are merely accused of certain things.  The CDF’s statment certainly communicates something serious, but it leaves the man a measure of his dignity.

Maybe you have a different take?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Deanage says:

    The Vatican has “disciplined” Fr. Maciel, but has chosen to refrain from declaring him guilty or innocent of the charges. Probably to prevent the implosion of the LC.

    They have also surely derailed any illusions about his potential canonization.

    My best guess: the Vatican is hoping to give the Legion and RC a chance for to stand on their own merits and divorce themselves from the cult of personality.

  2. 6boysrus says:

    Always been sceptical of the Legion and their appraoch. Something inside- not just rumors heard etc.. gives my tummy a good turning whenever I’m around them.

  3. As I understand things, there inside the Legion itself a war going over over which groups is going to be on control. Some think the Legion has too conservative a reputation and they should move toward the “center”.

  4. patricia says:

    I wonder…the worst of these all is not father Maciel being guilty, which is obvious at this time, but the way the Legion has reacted to the Vatican and the Pope’s decision (here in Chile at least)! So, in this case the Pope is wrong? Are they (Legion) owners of the only truth? If so, why don’t they have a pope of their own, own rules and regulations and so on? It is really unbelievable of a religious and supposedly serious group!

  5. 33KE says:

    Strange opinions. weren’t many saints slanderized/calumnized near end of their
    lives, sometimes by church? Joan of Arc, St. Vianney, many others.
    Seems to me Vatican is saying he’s innocent. In these crazy
    times, if guilty they’d have made an example of him. Perhaps your tummy is turning
    at noticing their good works and allegiance to the Pope. Don’t write off his canon-
    ization yet!

  6. I have credentials from the Cong. for Causes of Saints for a course on the process of beatification and canonization, etc. All the depositions that were gathered on Maciel are now part of the archive of the Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith. In every cause it is necessary to consult also the archives of the dicasteries of the Holy See. When something is found that compromises either the claim that the person live a “life of heroic virtue”, the cause is killed as dead as a doornail. In this case not only the depositions would be part of a process of gathering proofs, but also all the newstories and the declaration of the Press Office. In other words, dream on.

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