A note to readers

Folks, I like discussion.   I really do.

But I must make some observations.

First, when I post an entry on some topic, that really is the topic I intend to post about.   An entry with a combox is NOT an invitation to you to turn that thread into a discussion about any old thing.  Don’t drag entries off topic.  What that does is create more work for me.  If you want to have a combox, stick to the subject.  You can e-mail questions and as time and topic permit, I can post some on the blog.  This is happening more and more recently it seems.  It’s pretty annoying.

Second, if you simply want to spew or grind your teeth against someone, especially the duly appointed shepherds of the Church, don’t even think of posting here.  If you do this in a way that suggests you are uncapable of self-editing, I will block your IP address.  We can a little… litle venting, but it must remain respectful.  Make your points without being nasty.

That’s it for now.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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