Seminarians and Gregorian chant in the Netherlands

From a reader:

Hello Father Z
First let me thank you for your wonderful work with your blog. I am an young woman living in a parish with, well, an “interesting” liturgy. Thanks to the many Catholic blogs out there like yourself, I now know there is so much more!
Here is a link that I thought you would like! At a dutch seminary three Dutch seminarians are posting their gregorian chants on Youtube for the world to see it. Two are in their second year, one in his third.
They also posted a chant for the first Sunday of Advent. Hope you’ll enjoy it! Thanks and God’ Bless from the Netherlands. 

Here is a sample:


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. That was beautiful! Both the chant and the humility.

  2. Very beautiful! I hope to see more and more of the Chant!


  3. Giovanni says:

    Is the Church doing any better in the Netherlands? Numbers wise, does anybody know?

  4. TJM says:

    This simple example provides a poignant illustration of the universality and timelessness of chant. It is so encouraging to see that the young are wiser than their elders. Deo Gratias, Tom

  5. Maureen says:

    With God raising up priests like Fr. Roderick in the Netherlands, I think there must be a resurgence coming. Of course, the situation there is difficult, with both large numbers of literally godless people and large numbers of Muslims, and a good amount of traditional anti-Catholicism. But things can get better!

  6. Jayna says:

    Maureen: Fr. Roderick has from time to time spoken about the problems plaguing the Church in Holland, but if these seminarians are anything to go by, it sure does appear to be getting better!

  7. Dutchman says:

    This seminary is doing very well.

    The bishop, the rector and the spiritual director (a Legionary of Christ from Irland) are all working in the same Catholic direction. This is a sign of hope.

    But also keep in mind: There is a lot of good music and even some Latin in the liturgy in the Netherlands, but many times it ist combined with liturgical abuse or the singesrs just do not go to Church on Sunday if it is not their turn to sing…

    Keep praying.

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