The blog feed

In these pages the "blog feed" might mean something … else.

Here is a Nuthatch, impatiently waiting for me to leave the proximity of the feeder.

In fact, impatience and irritation was the theme of this shoot.

The Chickadees are pretty nearly fearless.   They are nesting right now and therefore eat more than I thought possible.   There are great quantities of Chickadees this year.

There is a great deal of singing going on, especially from the nearby pine tree.

They drain the thistle socks with celerity.

You can see how their beaks are specialized for extracting small seeds from little crevasses of thistles and other plants.

Here is a good view of the arrangement of this Chickadees wing feathers.

Penjing is still thriving.   A little sun, a little water…

He will need a repotting and trim when the weather is better.

I had a terrifying moment yesterday when rebooting my main computer.  There was a problem starting.

About 15 minutes later, this process finished and … so far so good.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jim of Bowie says:

    I have found the Nuthatches to be the most fearless. All the birds scatter as I approach my feeders except the Nuthatches who continue to feed until I am within 2 or 3 feet.

  2. Irenaeus says:

    Arrggg computer troubles… it might be time to get an external drive and backup your important data.

    Fr Z. You might want to run CheckDisk/ScanDisk on your hardrive and to repair any errors that might be in the boot sector.

    Right Click on your system hard disk in “My Computer” (usually C:) then click properties.
    Click the tools tab.
    Under “Error Checking” click the “Check Now” button.
    Select “Automatically Fix..” and “Scan for attempt…” and select Start
    A window will popup saying it wont be able to run now but will have to run at boot time.
    Click Yes and reboot.

    I hope this helps…

  3. jesuitschooled says:

    I’ve grown quite familiar with that computer screen father. Generally a system restore is what it recommends and that tends to solve your problems. I guess the emphasis would have to be on ‘yours’ because it sure as heck didn’t solve mine. Just pray you don’t get whatever my computer got.

  4. jesuitschooled: My computer was booting more and more slowly, until it … didn’t, and then I got that. It ran. It is working.

    I think it has something to do with my audio drivers. Once the reboot started to work again, I have far better sound and I am able to use my big external speakers and not just the little speakers built into the monitors.

  5. joebe says:

    On the chickadees, they are so brave that if you hold some seeds in the palm of your hand, preferably sunflower seeds, hold it up where they can see it, stand very still, they will sometimes alight right on your hand to get some seed. Patience is required at first because they are understandably suspicious and yell at you. They are practically weightless.

  6. ssoldie says:

    Fr.Z thank you for the great pictures of the beautiful little feathered friends, I could never get pictures like that at my feeders, so I really enjoy that you put them on your blog, again thank you.

  7. Cory says:

    Fr., since I am what one particular bishop calls “an everyday Joe Catholic,” I am wondering what does celerity mean?

  8. Ricky Vines says:

    You may want to plug in an external hard drive and automatically back things up. I assume who have some internet security software installed. If not you can either purchase Webroot or download free copies of Ad-aware or PC Tools AntiVirus. Also, you may not want to load confidential files in the computer that you use with the internet. Either write them out on a rewritable disk or use a stand alone for those. I hope you don’t mind these unsolicited advice. Just my way of saying, “Thanks for the forum of faith that you provide.”

  9. A Random Friar says:

    Celerity=speed. We get words such as “accelerate” from its Latin root.

  10. Stephanie says:

    Fr. Z – Your bird pictures are always fantastic. How do you get such great shots?

  11. Joe says:

    In the third picture, look at the bird’s feet on the leaves. I find it absolutely incredible that that tree branch/leaf can support that bird’s weight. Just amazing.

  12. Cory says:

    Thanks Friar for your commentary. If I only my IQ was higher I could learn these words. I guess higher vocabulary is ineffable to me.

  13. Jon de Poer says:

    One word: “Mac”. Why not put one on your wishlist? It’s a big purchase, but stranger things have happened, especially with those like yourself who do so much good with computers.

    I’ve always thought Macs might just be the answer to the Novus Ordo prayer asking the Lord to save us from all needless anxiety.

  14. Sarah says:

    I just found your blog. I am so happy to see a fellow bird watcher’s pictures. I live in Louisiana, a bird migration highway. One year I saw a purple finch! I was so excited, I wish I would have had a picture.

  15. irishgirl says:

    I love your bird pics, Fr. Z!

    I’ve heard cardinals outside my window lately….and I saw my first robin in a tree outside the library yesterday! I think he was eyeing the worms that were in the parking lot and sidewalk after the rain [ewwww].

    All feathered fowls, praise the Lord….

    Hope the Penjing doesn’t get ‘zapped’ from being too close to the wires….just kidding…..

  16. A Random Friar says:

    To a robin, that’s a buffet line. One adult robin can consume 14 ft earthworms/day. Nummy!

  17. Simon Platt says:

    I have no doubt that an adult robin could consume 14ft of earthworms in a day, but I wonder – could it take off afterwards?

  18. A Random Friar says:

    That’s why the song is “Rocking Robin” and not “Flying Robin.”

  19. Rockin’ Robin! Ah yes!

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