From a reader:
I’m happy to pass along to you something in the brick-by-brick category. The administration of the International Theological Institute, an ecclesiastical theological faculty in Austria, invited a priest of the congregation Servi Jesu et Mariae to offer a solemn high Mass according to the 1962 Missal on Easter Thursday. The Mass was beautifully celebrated and well attended (considering the small size of the institute). The liturgical life of the little community here at the I.T.I. is really a unique blessing. There are four priests of Byzantine rite here who offer the holy sacrifice daily in the beautiful liturgies of the East. The daily celebration in the ordinary form of the Roman rite is done according to the black and the red, and once weekly in Latin with Gregorian chant. And as of this past Fall, a once weekly low Mass in the extraordinary form has been added thanks to the good will and hard work of a young priest here who undertook to learn how to say it without any previous experience. I have even been learning right along with him, how to serve the low Masses – a very rewarding experience for me!
Is that the chapel at the Kartause?! Oh, how I wish I could have gone back there for this!
I can not wait to start studying at the ITI in October. I fell in love with the Catholic Church after I converted two years ago and want to serve the Church fulltime on day in whatever position (maybe as a Deacon) I am needed. God bless
Well, it looks like the Kartause! I see the Maria Thron statue!
When I was there, many moons ago, there was a young priest visiting from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. He patiently explained to us who and what he was, and that he had permission to celebrate Mass in the older form. Some of us were suspicious!! Those were the early days still, when things were still a little confusing. Ah, how far we have come! Thank you Pope Benedict!
The I.T.I. is an excellent Catholic school. The community is great, and the curriculum is based on first hand reading of the great masters, especially St. Thomas Aquinas.
Its seven principles of theological inquiry give a good insight into the character of the school, especially considering that students, faculty, and staff really take these seriously:
1. The Word of God as Center
As the inspired Word of God, Scripture, as the Church receives it, stands at the center of the curriculum. All other courses are ordered to unfolding its meaning.
2. Ad Fontes, East and West
The Curriculum has its point of departure in the primary sources written by the great masters of the theological tradition, from the Fathers of the Church to the present age. It draws on the theological tradition of the East as well as of the West, seeking in this way to “breathe with both lungs of the Church.” The Greek Fathers and St. Thomas Aquinas are particularly important points of reference.
3. Pedagogy
Teachers and students actively collaborate in pursuing the understanding of the Church’s faith through the reading and guided discussion of the masters. Care is taken that students truly prepare the texts and that sufficient room is given to student participation to develop the virtues of active and responsible reading and thinking.
4. Theology in its Unity
Foregoing premature specialization, the Curriculum seeks to unfold theology out of its inner unity, in conformity with its essence as a scientific reflection of the faith of the Church. The Curriculum is ordered around the central mysteries of the faith: the Trinity, the Incarnation, grace, justification, the Church, etc. All particular questions are addressed in the light of these central mysteries.
5. Theological Rationale
The rationale of studies at ITI is theological throughout. Both the sequence of semesters and the composition of courses in each semester are shaped in accord with the above mentioned unity to allow for a systematic building up of the parts of theology. When questions usually classified with other fields (philosophy, psychology, sociology) are discussed, they are discussed for the sake of theology and in an order required by theology.
6. Primacy of the Theological Question
Historical-critical investigations are a necessary aspect of the study of sources. Such investigations, however, find their inner completion only in the properly theological question, “What is the truth of the matter?”
7. Above All, Charity
Theology stands under the rule of the new commandment and exists for the sake of union with the One whose love for us we come more deeply to understand. It is therefore studied and taught at the heart of his Church.
-Taken from the ITI website:
It is my understanding that the ITI is going to relocate from Gaming to somewhere nearer Vienna. Perhaps plans have changed.
You are correct. As of this coming Fall the ITI will be in Trumau, just south of Vienna.
Oh my goodness! I yelled out loud in joy when I saw that this was the Kartause! I can’t believe it! How awesome! My heart is still in that chapel.
Southbend: how long is “many moons ago?” I was there 5 years ago at this time with Franciscan.
Were any Franciscan students attending the Mass?
What a beautiful place! ITI has always impressed me, especially their commitment to studying and living ad fontes.
But with the 20,000 euro per year price tag, how does one afford to study and live their with a family?
Is that a monk of Norcia, Italy assisting as subdeacon?
David, no he is a seminarian in the Vienna diocese. However, the deacon is a monk of Norcia. They are brothers.
John, I’m excited for you and your lovely wife and your lovely children! I wish that had been on offer when I was there. I trust the TLM will accompany the move to Trumau?
There used to be low Mass in the old rite every day, except Sunday when there was a sung Mass (said by a diocesan priest). Whatever language the “standard’ daily NO Mass was in (Latin, English, German), the Ordinary was always from the Kyriale, likewise at the Sunday morning Mass, celebrated by the TORs from FUS. There were also additional a couple of said Latin NO Masses ad orientem during the week. (Plus the Byzantine DL, sometimes Vespers, the Akathist once a week, and NO Latin compline evey night, replaced by old rite at some point. FUS had NO English Lauds during the week.) Perpetual adoration.
The rest of the world is a bit of a let-down :-)