I have often been tempted to start a daily audio homily.
I am tempted, I say.
A friend of mine, I just discovered, is actually doing it!
My good friend Fr. Gerry Murray, pastor of St. Vincent’s in Manhattan has a daily audio sermon on the website of Catholic News Agency.
You might check out Fr. Murray. He is a pretty smart guy.
I would really encourage you to do it. A lot of folks living in less-than-ideal liturgical/catechetical/priestly situations go to Masses all the time with pretty lame homilies, and your site is part of the way in which they cling to what sanity is left in the Catholic world. I think people would really appreciate your homilies, particularly given your expertise in Patristics. Maybe you could just start with Sundays/Solemnities?
I think this would be an excellent idea, Fr. Z! I listened to the homily you posted yesterday and found it very helpful. I’d always wanted to hear a good homily on that Gospel passage, the significance of which I had never quite understood…
Since even just that one homily was so good (an impromptu one at that), your starting to post homilies regularly would be wonderful.
If I ever go back where I went yesterday, I’m going to take my Etymotics ear plugs and listen to your homily, Fr. As long as you don’t require deep “cleansing” breaths and group shouting, that is.
Indeed, he is a smart guy and a good one. I am glad to see that he’s getting some exposure. First the photos from the Mass the other day and now this! One small point of clarification might be in order though, since there are several saints named “Vincent” and more than one Catholic church in Manhattan that bears the name. Fr. Murray is pastor of Saint Vincent de Paul Parish on 23rd Street just west of the corner with 6th Avenue.
So if you’re tempted to do a daily audio homily, then perhaps a weekly audio homily would be even more tempting? It would, I suspect, be easier to maintain of the long run.
Consider Fr. Roderick’s Daily Breakfast podcast (at sqpn.com), for instance. For a long time he was able to do very well daily, but these days it seems he’s luck to get two out a week, for which he’s always apologizing, but there’s only so much time in the day.
Please do it! We would all really appreciate it!
Or if you’re going to give a homily that day that you can record.
Father, do it. I would listen every day, and I know MANY would. You are potentially the most accesible priest in the world. And frankly from the sermons I hear, it would be very very welcome. Do it do it do it. We need it.