CNA: Maltese editor on Kmiec’s proposed ambassadorship: “somewhat of a poisoned chalice”

With my emphases and comments, this from CNA:

Maltese newspaper editor comments on Kmiec’s proposed ambassadorship

Valletta, Malta, Jul 8, 2009 / 12:14 am (CNA).- The editor of a Malta newspaper has commented on President Barack Obama’s choice of Prof. Doug Kmiec as ambassador to Malta, describing the appointment as “somewhat of a poisoned chalice” and noting the controversies concerning Kmiec and his campaign to elect Obama to the American presidency.  [And Kmiec is now an apparatchik whose paycheck will come from SecState Hilary Clinton.]

Noel Grima, editor of the Malta Independent Online, said that though Kmiec was a Catholic and a pro-life person he has “fallen foul” of some Catholic leaders for his public stances on abortion and other pro-life issues.

Noting Kmiec’s past as a law school dean, a law professor, and a member of the Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidential administrations, Grima then discussed Kmiec’s transformation into a supporter of President Barack Obama, an open proponent of abortion rights. [NB: "transformation"]

Kmiec had said he was convinced that then-Senator Obama wanted to alleviate social conditions that correlate with abortion. Though describing himself as a Republican and a Catholic who believes in traditional marriage and the beginning of life at conception, he said he believed as president Obama would respect and accommodate opposing points of view.

Grima noted that a priest denied communion to Kmiec at a Mass for a California chapter of Legatus, a Catholic businessman’s group. The priest was forced to apologize to Kmiec by Archbishop of Los Angeles Roger Cardinal Mahony. [Big surprise there.]

The amount of hatemail and hate comments about him is simply unbelievable,” Grima wrote.  [So… a perfect choice to send as an ambassador.]

However, Kmiec has also become an ardent defender of the Obama administration.

Listing Kmiec’s defense of Obama’s embryonic stem cell policy, the president’s pro-abortion appointees, and his recent proposal to end state recognition of marriage, Grima also noted that the nominated ambassador has engaged in controversies with several Catholic prelates.

According to Grima, Kmiec has criticized Archbishops Raymond Burke and Charles Chaput and Bishop Joseph Naumann for saying Catholics who support abortion should be denied Communion. Kmiec has called this denial a form of “intimidation.

Kmiec also labeled as “intrusive” Pope Benedict XVI’s comments to pro-abortion rights Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic and Speaker of the U.S. House. His defense of President Obama’s embryonic stem cell research policy also brought criticism from Cardinal Justin Rigali, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.


Remember that Kmiec will be a company man, a paid apparatchik of the Obama Administration sent to advance the Administrations agenda… with Malta.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tom says:

    Thumbs down!

  2. Fleeb says:

    Richard III: “A horse! A horse! My Kingdom for a horse!”

    Doug: “My soul! My soul! An eternity in torturous hell for my soul!”

    Doesn’t have the same ring…

    President Wormwood is making Uncle Screwtape proud.

  3. Jack says:

    One has to ask why Kmiec was appointed ambassidor to malta? the 1st reason is obvious, being AG for Wales is no longer the post it once was, secondly the fact that the maltise still by and large practise the Faith and iabortion is ilegal there (so far as I know). Let us Hope that the maltise pay absolutely no attention to Arch-traitor kmiec.

  4. Tom R. says:

    Interesting that the fellow who is editor of the Maltese newspaper’s name is Grima. I always suspected that Saruman’s influence was somehow in play here…

    Poor Wormtongue Kmiec. We need to pray for him.

  5. Well, as I understand it, in Malta, the Catholic Church is the state or official religion. No one is compelled to be a Catholic, but state funds support the Church and laws reflect Catholic dogma, particularly Catholic social teaching.

    So I suppose the argument could be made that Kmiek being named amabassador to Malta is just part of Obama’s strategy to divide and conquor the Catholic Church. Not that it will work — history is strewn with the remains of better and stronger men who thought they could destroy the Church — but that won’t stop The One from trying.

  6. Daniel says:

    “Grima then discussed Kmiec’s transformation into a supporter of President Barack Obama, an open proponent of abortion rights. [NB: “transformation”]”

    Well, yeah, he needed to get a job working for Obama somehow. I wouldnt be surprised if he met with Obama beforehand and made a deal – his support for a cushy Obama job.

  7. Matt K says:

    What a perfect word to describe Kmiec; “apparatchik”. Fr. Z you are constantly expanding my vocabulary!

  8. Peggy says:

    So, the little ol’ paper from Malta can get the background on a mere ambassador-to-be, but L’OR can’t be bothered to research and report on the President of the United States of America.

    God bless Malta!

  9. chironomo says:


    “Apparatchik” is the perfect word to describe not only Kmiec, but many (if not most) of Obama’s appointees because of the increasing similarity between the Obama administration and the former Politburo. With the appointment of Kmiec as a “Catholic” ambassador, I’m waiting for BO to appoint Abe Foxman as Ambassador to Iran just to be consistent!

  10. Charles R. Williams says:

    Malta is a Catholic country but the ambassadorship is nothing but a low level plum to a low level supporter. The US relationship to Malta simply does not have a Catholic dimension to it. Nor does it have any strategic significance. I think the message to Catholic supporters of Obama is that you will surely be rewarded for your support but with fancy crumbs. This is the kind of reward you get for making a very large campaign contribution. In a university you get a building named for you. In politics you get the ambassadorship to Malta.

  11. Heather says:

    I’d love to have the Ambassadorship to the Barbados, but I wouldn’t sell my soul for it.

    Does Malta have the right to refuse a candidate the same way the Vatican does?

    Why doesn’t Obama appoint Kmiec as ambassador to France or England…oh wait. Right. Nevermind.

  12. Hidden One says:

    May Kmiec’s presumed mission in Malta fail utterly, for the good of his soul.

  13. irishgirl says:

    Hidden One-ditto!

  14. Andrew, medievalist says:

    Why do I sense that faithful Malta is Mr Kmiec’s testing/training ground? If he proves that he can do damage there, watch for him to be promoted to the Holy See itself.

  15. ED says:

    Mr. Kmiec reminds me of Judas he’s sold his Catholic faith for Obamas rule. Just shows that Gods graces are needed to persevere in the true church and true teachings of JESUS!!

  16. Jim says:

    The Maltese have withstood worse than Kmieck. They will ignore him.

  17. Matt Q says:

    Jack commented:

    “One has to ask why Kmiec was appointed ambassidor to Malta? the 1st reason is obvious, being AG for Wales is no longer the post it once was, secondly the fact that the [Maltese] still by and large practise the Faith and abortion is illegal there (so far as I know). Let us Hope the Maltese pay absolutely no attention to Arch-traitor kmiec.

    Daniel commented:

    “Well, yeah, he needed to get a job working for Obama somehow. I wouldn’t be surprised if he met with Obama beforehand and made a deal– his support for a cushy Obama job.”


    I don’t think it’s a secret Kmiec is a cheap, shameless whore. Since the campaign, this fool has been nagging and begging for a position with the Administration. He even wanted in on the Cabinet. We see where that went. So, after the dust has settled, all of a sudden Obama has use for this creep? It really makes one wonder what kind of fix Obama was dangling in front of that egotistical addict. It also causes one to pause and really wonder what Obama has in store for Malta. Nothing but creepy evil stuff of course.

    = = = = = =

    Tom R commented:

    “Poor Wormtongue Kmiec. We need to pray for him.”


    Go ahead.

    = = = = =

    Sean P. Dailey commented:

    “Well, as I understand it, in Malta, the Catholic Church is the state or official religion. No one is compelled to be a Catholic, but state funds support the Church and laws reflect Catholic dogma, particularly Catholic social teaching.

    So I suppose the argument could be made that Kmiek being named amabassador to Malta is just part of Obama’s strategy to divide and conquor the Catholic Church. Not that it will work—history is strewn with the remains of better and stronger men who thought they could destroy the Church—but that won’t stop The One from trying.”


    Yes, Malta is one of those Catholic states which is now a treasure unto itself and is becoming an endangered species.

    All countries have the right to decline an ambassador. The Holy See has declined us three times already especially since all the Administration wants to do is foist some contaminated nutbag on the Church. It is not too hard to read into the machinations of this president. He has an agenda alright and the true benefit of mankind is not it.

    = = = = =

    Matt K commented:

    “What a perfect word to describe Kmiec; “apparatchik”. Fr. Z you are constantly expanding my vocabulary!”


    LOL From yet another Matt ( what, five of us now? ), notice how the name “Kmiec” makes one think of that alarming little sound one makes just before THROWING UP?

    It also rhymes with GIMMICK. No coinidence there I suppose.

    As Peggy said, God bless Malta… and protect her from the Administration too.

  18. LCB says:

    Dear Malta,




  19. Hans says:

    Fr. Z wrote: [NB: “transformation”]

    Many seem to think, but chironomo wrote, “‘Apparatchik’ is the perfect word“.

    That may well be, but Tolkien’s idea of a ‘wraith‘, of something that has become twisted — akin to ‘writhe’ or ‘wreath’ — is what sticks in my mind. That ‘transformation’ seems to me to be a twisting of his Catholic faith rather than a departure from it.


    Charles R. Williams wrote, “Malta is a Catholic country but the ambassadorship is nothing but a low level plum to a low level supporter. The US relationship to Malta simply does not have a Catholic dimension to it. Nor does it have any strategic significance. …

    Well, yes and no. If memory serves, Malta has been a consistent voice in international circles against the Culture of Death. Mr. Kmiec’s role, almost certainly, will be to twist them out of that position by argument, suasion, and deception rather than the clumsy brutish methods that have been attempted in places by previous (e.g., Clinton) administrations.

    This move is not as trivial as it might at first appear; it may be rather cunning. The best place to attack defenses is at their weakest point, or their least-well guarded. In any event, one should never underestimate one’s Adversary.

  20. Zubismom says:

    “This move is not as trivial as it might at first appear; it may be rather cunning. The best place to attack defenses is at their weakest point, or their least-well guarded. In any event, one should never underestimate one’s Adversary.”

    This is exactly the thought that went through my poor brain when I heard of the appointment.

  21. observer says:

    “Stupid is as stupid does”. Obama likes to pretend that he really believes that CINOS are the best (just like all the others because, hey, they call themselves catholic) appointees and why, he won’t ruffle any feathers – like he cares. Following the Alinksy rules – adding to the division of enemy groups can only cause more chaos to take advantage of.

  22. Andreas says:

    OK. Something needs to be clarified here: the word is “?????????” – id est, aparachnik: don’t frop the “n” even though many use the incorrect form (aparachik). Trust me: it’s wrong.

  23. Joe from Pittsburgh says:

    Malta will ignore Kmiec, as previously noted. They have withstood worse.

    I have heard nothing about an appointment to the Ambassador to Poland. I suspect most Polish have as much use for the Kenyan Egomaniac as the Maltese will, which won’t be much.

  24. Hans says:

    Andreas, according to my (New Oxford American) dictionary:
    apparatchik |?äp??rä ch ik|
    noun (pl. -chiks or -chiki |- ch i?k?|) derogatory or humorous
    an official in a large organization, typically a political one: Tory apparatchiks.
    • chiefly historical a member of a communist party apparat.
    ORIGIN 1940s: from Russian, from apparat.

    That’s English. What it might be in other languages I cannot say.


    I’m not saying or suggesting that this is an insurmountable difficulty, Joe, but merely ignoring Mr. Kmiec is unwise, it seems to me. It would be much better to actively show his twisted views for the folly they represent. Remember, he will have many allies in the media to help spread that folly. Look at how many people have been fooled by those arguments already. Malta was, in the days of withstanding worse, on the front lines of a continent of faith. Now it is part of a thin lifeline.

  25. Dave N. says:

    Malta doesn’t strike me as a particularly plum position.

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