While the combox is off to general posting, people who have previously registered should be able to log in and post.
I can do some manual entries, I suppose… but on my own schedule and with no promises of immediate action.
In order even to think of it, I would have to have:
I would have to send back a password… hmmm.. sounds like a lot of work.
We’ll see.
It worked :)
Have you been getting a lot of flame Father?
I’ve been getting a lot of comment spam on my blogs and I don’t even get that much traffic. I can imagine what this blog gets.
Is this a way of keeping out the trolls?
Just askin’-not that I’m one.
Oh, anyway-have fun in ‘Old Blighty’! I hope that you have a jolly time at His Hermeneuticalness’ Jubilee, and get to see some of the sights!
Will you have Tyburn Convent on your itinerary? I went there on all my visits to England! Loved the place…
How does one go about registering for this blog? And, how does one search the blog? I have never been able to find links for either registering or searching.
If you posted then you’re registered!