The Red Mass

On the 1st Monday of October the Supreme Court of the United States begins its new season.

There are now six Catholics on the SCOTUS.  In the history of the Court there have only been twelve.

This morning was the Red Mass to mark the beginning of the judicial season.

I pray to God the Justices begin their hard deliberations in the state of grace.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jennywren says:

    I went to the Red Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral the first year I became a Catholic in 2004 – interesting experience. I won’t go again, but I will continue to pray for our Supreme Court Justices…..especially those Catholics who have been marked with a sign of grace, that they be open to the Holy Spirit and the will of God, that they see that only in recognizing the dignity of the human life from natural conception to natural death, can we really be a country of justice and freedom.

  2. DarkKnight says:

    Am curious to see if our newest justice attends. The articles at the time of her confirmation indicated she was a bit CEO.

  3. I was there. Couldn’t see everyone from the back of the SRO congregation, but Justice Sotomayor was there. I don’t know that she or even Justice Kennedy has given the public scandal that would preclude the propriety of receiving Communion, but Biden has certainly given such scandal. (I think the scandal is the relevant thing here, inasmuch as a public advocate of abortion could have made a good Confession and truly repented right before Mass, but public reception of Communion would still be wrong until the scandal was addressed publicly.)

    Good, even very good, liturgy given that it was a vernacular versus populorum Propers-free NO with all the obligatory nods to multi-culti lay participation. Nowhere near as bad as the Pope’s Nationals Stadium Mass. Brief subtle mention of justice for “those who don’t even have names yet” in a nice erudite homily directed at the legal community and one strong pro-life prayer of the faithful.

    The most powerful moment for me was after Mass, as I stood with the pro-life Catholic protestors who challenged our betters in the Church and government to stand up for life, and who also promised them our prayers. One of the priests, a young concelebrant still vested, came over and thanked the protestors for their witness, asked for their prayers for strength for himself and all priests, and gave them his blessing. A Man of God among men. Thank you, Father, whoever you are.

  4. It was yesterday (Sunday the 4th) in DC, by the way.

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