Caption call

A new "Benedictine arrangement" forrrr…. which Basilica? 

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. For the Leonardo da Vinci basilica of course!

  2. FrCharles says:

    Observe, Baron Munchausen, our prototype. RX, uh, Intercontinental, radar-sneaky, multi-warheaded nuclear missile.

  3. Susan the Short says:

    At first I thought it was some architect’s rendering of a basilica, but the candles give it away…it’s one of those Christmas decorations where the heat of the flames causes the propeller blades to circulate, and, hopefully, all the little figurines inside turn like a merry-go-round.

    My Polish pastor has several smaller ones on display in the rectory.

    Note, too, the little reindeer on the base.

    It’s a Christmas whirligiggy-thingy!

  4. Susan the Short says:

    Ooops, sorry! I didn’t realize I was supposed to write a clever caption, not a description.

  5. Jack Hughes says:

    The Holy Father’s ‘gift’ to Fr Richard McBrien:) the figurines are configured to tap the following message out in morse code “say the black, do the red”

  6. William says:

    Up, Up, and Away!

  7. frobuaidhe says:

    “And does Dr. William’s wear it during liturgies or only on state occasions?”

  8. edwardo3 says:

    As of the First Sunday of Advent, the new Liturgical Abuse Eradicator was fully functional. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the Liturgical Abuse Eradicator, Eminence, you may fire when ready.

  9. edwardo3 says:

    Susan the Short, it is a glokenschpiel (pardon my spelling).

  10. RichR says:

    As a matter of fact, Ambassador, the old Ritual does have an obscure papal blessing for these candles thingees.

  11. edwardo: you may fire when ready


  12. Subvet says:

    Best of all your Holiness; it’s totally “green” because it’s wind-powered!

  13. Kerry says:

    “When it rises into the air, what prevents the cake from spinning?”

  14. chonak says:

    Now that ROCOR has been reconciled with the Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Church also honors Bl. Sikorsky.

  15. Kimberly says:

    Beautiful. What the hell is it?

  16. mattdiem says:


    You gan get them directly from germany at several different price points and levels of complexity there….I have been wanting some all year….

    Thanks for the photo Padre!

  17. ghp95134 says:

    “… and, Holy Father, this is our modern architect’s vision of your new helipad atop the St. Peter’s Basilica.”

  18. joecct77 says:

    I bought it on eBay!

  19. Mariana says:

    That’s a German Christmas Pyramid!

  20. Genna says:

    Green Pope tests prototype to cut carbon footprint of Vatican candles.

  21. M J Ryan says:

    I found the perfect new diocese for Bishop Henry of Calgary.

  22. Widukind says:

    Wunderbar! What a splendid improvement for the Christmas children’s Mass. It is so much better than liturgical dancing, I do hope it will catch on!

  23. Unvanquished says:

    It’s the Transportable Multi-Stage Miniature Baldacchino (TMSMB) of course!

  24. Allan S. says:

    “Pope declines to bless cake-topper for wedding of LA’s new suffragan bishop”

  25. EchoRomeo says:

    Cool. The guy on the left is the German Federal President, Mr. Köhler.

  26. Titus says:

    Father, I don’t mean to rain on the parade, but there appears to be some problem with images in Firefox again.

    Also (having looked the picture up in IE), those devices are actually really cool: they work like Susan said and can actually be quite striking. But from that angle it does look a little odd.

  27. LouieJ says:

    T minus 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. and we have lift off the Roman missile!

  28. irishgirl says:

    No caption….I’m kind of echoing Kimberly’s comment…what the ‘heck’ is that?

    Vincenzo strikes again, though! Had to brush the tears from my eyes to keep from laughing out loud in the library! Wish I were that creative….[sigh]….

  29. catholicmidwest says:

    Wow! A cake. You shouldn’t have. No, really, you shouldn’t have.

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