I get a lot of e-mail every day. It is not unusual for me to get hundreds in the course of a single day.
May I plead with you about a few things?
- Please don’t send e-mails with no subject in the subject line or vague subjects such as "Hey look at this!". I delete them.
- Please don’t send me just a link. Could you tell me what it is, and what parts are important?
- Please don’t send me articles without links if there are some?
- Please don’t ask me to do your homework or translate long texts in Latin for you.
- Please don’t expect me to answer. I simply have too much mail.
- Please attach photos rather than embed them. That saves me a few steps.
Also, if you send me something, I assume that I can use it. I will try to "anonymize" e-mails as much as possible, especially if you are clergy or seminarians.
Your e-mail is appreciated (well, mostly) and useful (well, mostly). But you could be of greater help – please- by considering the aforementioned petitions.