For your Brick by Brick file a reader in the Diocese of Oakland wrote:
His Excellency, Oakland Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, will visit St. Margaret Mary’s Church for the second time on May 20, 2010 (Thursday). Bishop Cordileone will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Rite (Extraordinary Form), followed by a Pontifical Low Mass and then Reception at the Father Kozina Hall. This is the 3rd Pontifical Event in the Extraordinary Form by His Excellency on his first year as Shepherd for the Diocese of Oakland (the 1st was September of last year during St. Margaret Mary’s 20th Anniversary of the Indult Mass where he had his first Solemn Visitation and Pontifical High Mass at the throne, followed by the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr. Jose Zepeda, FSSP, at St. Jarlath’s Church last December).
Also, I am told by another source in that area that His Excellency also has a "Say The Black – Do The Red" coffee mug.
There are many reasons to like Bishop Cordileone it seems.
We miss him!
(But Oakland probably needs him more!)
That FSSP ordination is on Youtube (part 1 of …quite a few):
In a couple of years, Chicago might be a great promotion opportunity for the Bishop.
Wow. He really is good. I vote that my adjoining diocese of San Jose be subsumed into the Oakland Diocese.
Also, a random note which actually precedes Bp. Cordileone’s tenure, but which I think is a lovely, truly pro-life statement on the diocese’s part (which mine doesn’t offer, unfortunately): all Catholic cemeteries in the diocese will take miscarried babies/remains at no charge and inter them in communal crypts at no charge to the parents. Not a big deal to most people perhaps, but a concrete “put your money where your mouth is” statement in my book.
St. Margaret Mary’s used to be my parish! I miss that place.
I am not particularly familiar with Italian, but the good Bishop’s surname strikes me as Italianate and I also note a striking similarity between that surname (Cordileone) and the popular French nickname of Richard I of England (Coeur de Lion). Can anyone commenting here confirm whether I am correct in thinking that the two translate identically into English?
If so, he certainly seems to be living up to his name—an altogether good thing, IMHO.
Pax et bonum,
Keith Töpfer
Martial Artist, your thinking is correct.
Excellent to hear, Bp Cordileone is excellent
martial artist: That struck me too. In Italian Lionheart would be ‘cuore di leone’ but it’s close enough. What’s not to respect about a man whose name could loosely be translated as ‘lion-hearted Saviour’?
Oakland’s gain is our loss! We sure had hoped he would move up and stay in San Diego. He is an awesome shepherd!
Reasons to like? Not least his name. “Savior Lionheart?” How awesome is that?
I’ve only heard great things about His Excellency, Bishop Cordileone.
Also, his name could be from a dialect that isn’t the standard Tuscan Italian.
I had the great privilege to attend Mass at St. Edwards, with Mass celebrated by Fr. Jeffrey Keyes.
It was OF but sure felt like a mysterious encounter with God. How Father celebrated the Liturgy of the Eucharist puts me in awe nearly a year later.
A priest who really loves us and the Lord.
Yes, good things from Diocese of Oakland.
“Cordileone” is the Sicilian equivalent to “cuore di leone”, which also indicates his Norman (viking) ancestry.
Take it from another native San Diegan- Bp. Cordileone is solid and a great son of the Church. Likes good music, too. He prays and works steadily on several fronts, and now brick by gigantic brick in his new cathedral. :)
Considering his Italian style, Fr. Z, you might want to ask about getting a ‘mugshot’ of the good bishop and his wdtprs mug for your site. The two of you have very similar ideas on our times and the centrality of the sacred liturgy in recovering Catholic identity.
Good News for Oakland and this Bishop seems to get it as far as the MP instructions go. I believe he was the one wearing the cappa or manteletta that had made news not too long ago, no? The US needs more like him. A refreshing change from the obstinant and rigid apperance and inflexability of many of them. He could be the Bishop “poster boy” of the 21st century. As long as he stays on his side of the bay and away from Mahoney.