Prayer request

Please pray for David, who died recently.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Clinton says:

    Done, Father.

  2. wanda says:

    Will do.

  3. sawdustmick says:

    Done, Father. Will remember him as one I have been asked to pray for, when I do pray for the souls of the deceased.

  4. ipadre says:

    Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.

  5. viennaguy says:

    May perpetual light shine upon him, + may he rest in peace.

  6. Mike says:


  7. liberanos says:


  8. Random Friar says:

    Of course!

  9. AnAmericanMother says:

    Will pray for him at Mass today.

  10. Andrew says:

    Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae …

  11. Agnes says:

    Offering Holy Communion for him today.

  12. basenji says:

    A spiritual bouquet has been said for David.

  13. Joan M says:


  14. cblanch says:


  15. Amerikaner says:

    I prayed for the repose of his soul.

  16. kelleyb says:


  17. Sacristymaiden says:

    Done. Will remember him in my rosary.

  18. Magpie says:

    Done. May he rest in peace.

  19. DebbieInCT says:


  20. irishgirl says:

    Done-said an Ave Maria for him.

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