The Feeder Feed: baby edition

There are new birds at the feeders.  They are literally new: some of them are babies.Twitter

Some shots will following in the next days.

Here is a adult male Hairy Woodpecker with baby in tow.  The young one makes a noise like a squeaky toy and absolutely shadows the adult.

Hasn’t really figured out how to get to the part with the food…

Not a baby Oriole, though I saw an immature example earlier today.

Not a baby Bunting, proverbial or otherwise.

This immature Grosbeak has been using the "backstays" to get at the food.

Still learning the ropes.

Not a baby woodpecker.

The birds are delighted that I am back.  Their gluttony is the proof.  I will warmly appeal, therefore, for donations.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. We have adult Finches and nut hatches feeding baby sparrows here in our bird feeders??
    I am amazed! I actually saw this happening!

  2. GirlCanChant says:

    I just had the week from Hell, but as soon as I saw the title of this post, I let out a big AWWWWW! And that was before I got to the pictures.

  3. Supertradmum says:

    Thanks for the great photos. They are sooooo cute.

  4. GirlCanChant: You, too? The week from Hell?
    I don’t feel so bad…it’s all over, I guess…Jesus, mercy! Mary, help us! Saint Michael, protect us!!

  5. DebbieInCT says:

    Thanks for the great smile that’s on my face just now on a late Friday afternoon! How beautiful these are!

  6. wanda says:

    I love that baby Hairy. What a cute, round fuzzy head. I’m sure the birds are happy to see you Father! Jelly! Oranges! Seed! Food! Extra mouths to feed, ya know.

  7. Nora says:

    So … the 8 y.o. grandson, who is visiting, looks over my shoulder, hoping to get back on You Tube as soon as I get up from the computer to cook dinner. He sees this post. “Whose blog is that?” he asks and I tell him “Father Z’s”. His response: “I think I could be a priest, then.”

    Silly. Trivial. Profound.

  8. irishgirl says:

    Baby birds bring out a big AWWWW! Sooo cute!

    I wonder if they fall off the feeders before they get ‘the hang’ of it….sorry Father Z, I just had to make that pun!

    I’ve got baby sparrows in my backyard-I hear them ‘cheeping’ when they’re getting fed!

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