I have had lately numerous requests for me to push this event or that special Mass. I would like to help, but were I to do this all the time, this blog would be taken over.
However, I’ll open this first for your good news. I always enjoy reading about good things happening in people’s lives.
Second, if you have some big MASS coming, post about it here: that is also good news.
Lastly, what I don’t want to see is: “I know this is off topic, but…” or “Fr. Z said it was for X but I am posting about Y…” or “This isn’t really what this entry is for, but everyone should go to site X and do Y …”.
That’s irritating.
How about your good news and some upcoming Masses, liturgies, sacraments, you want to let people know about?
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Grand Rapids, MI, will be celebrating a Solemn High Mass in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the celebration of the EF in the diocese since the institution of the OF. This is only the second time a Solemn High Mass will be celebrated in the diocese in its history. Bishop Hurley will be attending in choir.
It is this Sunday, Nov. 21, at 12:30 PM, at Sacred Heart of Jesus (Grand Rapids).
High Mass with the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. Fr. Dennis Kolinski will celebrate, CRSJC seminarians will serve & chant.
Friday, Nov. 26 (day after Thanksgiving) at 8:30 am at Holy Ghost Parish, Tiverton, RI. (holyghostcc.org)
I got some really great news today: Pope Benedikt will come to Germany next year! And if that weren’t enough, he is going to celebrate mass in MY HOMETOWN. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erfurt)
Old St. Patrick, Ann Arbor, MI, will be celebrating its third monthly First Sunday Missa Cantata on Sunday, December 5th.
Facebook link
This is not a liturgy, so delete it if you deem it inappropriate.
For those of you in the central New Jersey area (e.g. Trenton, Princeton), I will be giving a one-hour presentation entitled “Praying the Mass: Learning the Language of the Liturgy” at St. Gregory the Great parish in Hamilton, NJ, on Wednesday, December 1st, at 7:00pm. The talk is not strictly about the new English translation, but rather about some of the prayers of the Mass, what they mean, and how to pray them from the heart.
Ok – not a Mass, but something very wonderful, and a November tradition at Assumption Grotto.
If you are in the Detroit area, please stop in at Assumption Grotto and spend some time with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
40 Hours Devotion is on tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday.
The choir will sing at the Noon Mass, which will likely be a Latin Novus Ordo. The ushers are serving a pancake breakfast until 2:00pm to help hold people over. And, the closing ceremony, with procession in the parish Church will take place at 3:00pm.
I have a post here which includes links to some pretty good write-ups on the beautiful 40 hours devotion.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one could make all of these Masses and events. However, I’ll be grateful for being able to attend the Sacred Heart of Jesus Solemn High Mass at 12:30 pm in Grand Rapids.
This post is so encouraging!!!
Here’s a little miracle that may make a your day!
I was in need of a job with benefits to take care of my son who has asthma and is prone to pneumonia. Ten days ago I started a novena to St. Joseph, asking him to intercede that I could take care of my son just as he took care of God’s Son by his work. On the fifth day of the novena, I finally got a callback from Starbucks after filling out the application weeks ago online. Yesterday, the ninth day of the novena, I had my job interview (that ninth day being the manager’s suggestion, not mine)! And today, the day after the novena, I got the call that I had the job!
I went right to my parish office to schedule a Mass to be said on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in thanksgiving to our Lady and St. Joseph for this little miracle!
Thank you, Holy St. Joseph! Thank you, Blessed Mother Mary! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for hearing their prayers with me and for me!
[St. Joseph! What a powerful intercessor when it comes to things like this.]
A new TLM Children’s Choir will be presenting their first Sung High Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, Dec. 8 at St. Norbert’s Church in Roxbury, WI. [Nice place!] Yes… another of the many blessings from our beloved Society of Jesus Christ the Priests.
An article was posted in our local Catholic Herald.
Sorry it’s not Mystic Monks Coffee, by the way, Father! If they were hiring and had benefits!
Beginning the First Sunday of Advent, the Latin Mass Community of St. Joseph’s Parish in Fitchburg, Massachusetts will chant Vespers every Sunday at 2:40PM. Special practice sessions with the choir director will be held periodically for those who would like extra help in learning the different chant modes: http://www.latinmassfitchburg.blogspot.com
Please feel free to share our new video promoting the Latin Mass:
FOR SAINT CECILIA’S DAY, Monday, November 22: Solemn High Mass according to the Dominican Rite. For Mass, music: Zoltán Kodály’s Missa Brevis (1943/4). At Holy Rosary Church, Portland, Oregon, at 7:00 p.m. This is a parish of the Western Dominican Province ( http://www.opwest.org/vocations/ ). For more information: http://www.holyrosarypdx.org/
Married two years, 1 beautiful daughter and another baby on the way! As we worried this morning about not being able to pay an urgent and unavoidable bill, the exact amount we needed arrived unexpectedly in the post. St Joseph does it again! Deo gratias!
Also married two years with a beautiful daughter, but this one only two weeks old: extraordinary form baptism to be at Church of the Assumption in Nashville on the 28th.
Assumption also has Nashville’s monthly TLM this Sunday (11/21) at 12:30.
Tomorrow, November 20, we will be having a Gregorian chant workshop at the Cathedral of St. Catharine in Allentown, PA. We have over 60 participants! We’ll be learning a variety of chants, hear a talk, “The Theology of Chant,” discuss ways to bring chant to the parish, and then sing for the regular 4:15 pm Mass! If you are in the area, come for the Mass.
I turned a troublesome business trip into a pilgrimage by visiting Saint Patrick’s Cathedral and Saint Agnes in Manhattan. Trip went exceptionally well for the potholes thrown in its way. Meanwhile a Scout meeting that I could not attend, but prepared for went well. Headed home to my family :)
juxta crucem,
what great news!!! wish i had known… that is my old Diocese and i definitely would have made arrangements to be there!
Our lady of Lourdes in Philadelphia will be having Solemn Vespers on the Sunday’s of Advent at 5 PM i imagine using the new LH but i’m really ignorant about these things. :) it makes me exceedingly happy nonetheless!
My father recently passed away and my family had a horrible funeral with fluttering white vestments and a eulogy about his taste in ice cubes.
When I got home, out of the kindness of his heart, my parish priest arranged for a sung Latin Requiem Memorial Mass; I sewed the pall; we borrowed black vestments because I am sewing a set to donate to the Church and the silk didn’t arrive on time. The music was beautiful, including the entire Dies Irae in Latin. It won’t change the fact that Dad is gone, but it was the Mass he grew up with. Also, a reminder to pray for the souls of the dead, so they don’t linger in Purgatory any longer than they have to.
[Thanks for that!]
lux perpetua,
We hope to make this an an annual event, so maybe you can come next year! Look for the article in the AD Times, probably Dec. 9.
Just found out that I’ve been accepted into Loyola Chicago’s MA in Theology program. I live in Atlanta, so it should be interesting to move to Chicago in January.
The weekend of January 8 & 9 in New Orleans, LA:
Saturday, Jan. 8 – Feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Patroness of Louisiana. There will be a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Archbishop Aymond at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. The statue is magnificant! http://www.holymotherchurch.org/1620158.html
Sunday, Jan. 9 – National Shrine of Blessed Francis X. Seelos, Birthday Healing Mass, celebrated by Rev. Byron Miller, C.Ss.R., Vice-Postulator for the Cause of Canonization. St. Mary’s Assumption Church (a national historical landmark), 919 Josephine Street, (Corner of Josephine and Constance Streets, New Orleans, LA 70130. Confessions before Mass. Veneration of Bl. Seelos’ Relic Missionary Crucifix. http://www.seelos.org The movie, Seelos Tireless Intercessor, has been shown on EWTN, along with a recent program by Bob & Penny Lord in October. Several thousand attend each year. Pilgrims travel from all parts of the country.
If you prefer the Gregorian Latin Mass while you’re in New Orleans, may I suggest http://www.oldstpatricks.org
I ask for prayers for Fr. Victor Celio, O.P. age 51, who died suddenly in October, at his parish rectory. Father Victor heard confessions before the Seelos Birthday Mass. Also for my mother, Anne Lucy, who died Oct. 29 and for myself. I’ve been unemployed since May. God bless.
I posted this good new, but somehow it never appeared; I am not sure why. It is very happy news, as all readers, will, I think agree:
FOR SAINT CECILIA’S DAY, Monday, November 22: There will be a Solemn High Mass according to the traditional Dominican Rite with Zoltán Kodály’s Missa Brevis (1943/4). This is one of the regularly scheduled traditional Dominican Rite Masses in the Western Dominican Province ( http://www.opwest.org/vocations/ ).
For more information on this Mass, see http://www.holyrosarypdx.org/
I recently saw a production of C.S.Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, which briefly toured various cities before returning to NYC. Produced by the Fellowship for the Performing Arts, which creates theater from a Christian worldview, it was an excellent play and I highly recommend it. For those of you in NYC, there is more information here: http://www.screwtapeonstage.com/nyc
As for good news of an event: A parish near to my town is holding an Advent Healing Service with a very charismatic priest, Fr. Edward Murphy. It will not be in Latin, unfortunately, but the Mass will be held at St. Bridget Parish in Maynard, MA on Thursday, December 9 at 7 pm. The last time I heard Fr. Murphy speak it was on the importance of the Rosary. He asked everyone present to pray the Rosary, carry it at all times and never be ashamed showing devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Good advice for everyone in these times! (Incidentally, Fr. Murphy is from the diocese of Fall River.)
After a long period of unemployment, my wife was hired to a permanent position with the US Government.
The “Becoming One” gathering at Our Lady of the Atonement Anglican Use Catholic Church in San Antonio was a huge success. It was wonderful to meet other Anglican Use Catholics and Episcopalians from the U.S. and Canada who are intending to come into the Church as soon as an Ordinariate is established here.
It was a real blessing to attend daily Mass, as well as Morning Prayer, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Solemn Evensong, and Compline complete with “bells and smells” and gorgeous English-style choral music provided by the church’s Atonement Academy school choirs. It was wonderful to again say “and with thy spirit” instead of “and also with you.” (!)
The reverence of the Academy students (Pre-K through 12) was also a huge blessing to behold. These children are being brought up in the Anglican Patrimony and will go out to bring the “beauty of holiness” to a world darkened by the “culture of death.” It’s a truly awesome thought to contemplate.
After years of teaching our children at home and fervent prayers to St. John Bosco & St. Joseph for their intercession because we have been completely unable to afford a Catholic education for our children since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 — this week, a miracle!
Our parish priest visited with the local Catholic high school principal — and we were offered a weekend job at the school that will pay TUITION IN FULL for our two oldest boys at the high school level!! We are just as excited at the opportunity to work as a family for the parish school as we are about the tuition! :)
While my colleague upped my pay but cut my hours, effectively reducing my pay to half of what it was- effective on 1 December; I do get free reign over the new office and it will be mine totally with full rights of ownership and income. Unfortunately, he pulled this stunt when patient numbers are typically low. The good news is that our new baby (#5) is two months from birth and in excellent health. Reading the post above has inspired me to seek St. Joseph’s intercession again as he has helped me out in wonderous ways in the past. St. Joseph pray for us!
A few days ago I awoke in a sweat and desperate concern, over what, I did not really know but I began praying for our son over in Afghanistan. Putting him once again in the arms of Mary our Mother. And asking (begging) his patron Saints and Guardian Angel to protect him, if not his terrestrial body then for the salvation of his soul. Throughout the morning, I would pray a decade of the Rosary…
So today, son calls his father and tells him about “an interesting and exciting day” when he stepped on a land mine trigger. And waited until the troops from EOD could arrive and hopefully, save his life.
Yep, if you guessed the morning spent on my knees in prayer and his “adventure occurred on the same date, you would be correct.
I learned long ago, if I awaken in the middle of the night with an urge to pray, I do.
I arranged a choir to sing today in my parish (NO). For the first time in many years gregorian chant and Byrd’s mass for 4 voices was sung in the praise of God, mass was truely “solemn” and the church was quiet and attentive, and PACKED! There were many comments about how it took older parishoners back to the masses of thier youth and how they missed it, there were coments from the younger parishoners, many with children, about how they enjoyed the mass and the music and how they wished that they could hear it more. There was silence from the “trendy element” of a certain generation who have been forcing 70’s “muuuusak” on the parish today momentarily lost their foothold of mediocrity.
Christus Vincit. Christus Regnat. Christus Imperat.