This is from LifeSite:
D.C. Archdiocese shoots down rumor Cardinal Ok’d event with ‘Catholic’ gay groupBY KATHLEEN GILBERTWASHINGTON, D.C., December 8, 2010 ( – The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has reaffirmed the illegitimate status of Catholics for Equality, a budding homosexualist “Catholic” group that is scheduled to be hosted at a student event at Georgetown University on Wednesday evening.The archdiocesan statement followed a statement from the Rainbow Sash Movement (RSM), another “Catholic” homosexualist group, which had claimed in a press release that D.C. Cardinal Donald Wuerl had explicitly allowed Catholics for Equality to appear at Georgetown. [So… it seems they lied.]“The Rainbow Sash Movement wishes to congratulate Cardinal Wuerl of the Archidocese of Washington for siding with common sense and reason” by condoning the event, stated the Rainbow Sash press release, entitled “Gay Catholics welcome Cardinal’s (sic) Wuerl’s Change of Heart on Gay Rights.” [Mendacious.]Susan Gibbs, communications director for the Archdiocese of Washington, called the Rainbow Sash press release a “nice piece of fiction” and asserted that Catholics for Equality was not a legitimate Catholic organization.“Putting the label ‘Catholic’ on a group doesn’t make it Catholic,” Gibbs told “It’s not a Catholic organization. It was formed in opposition to Catholic teaching.”The Rainbow Sash release had favorably contrasted Wuerl with New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, who recently signed a message with other major religious leaders supporting true marriage. The homosexualist group called the statement, which declared marriage to be “the natural basis of the family” and “an institution fundamental to the well-being of all of society,” a promotion of “bigotry.” [Mendacious and not terribly bright.]But Gibbs said the D.C. archdiocese was not involved in the decision to host Catholics for Equality on the campus of Georgetown, [Perhaps they will cover over any images of Christ or reminders of Christ as they did for POTUS.] which is under the jurisdiction of the Jesuit order. Catholics for Equality is being hosted by the school’s Republican and Democrat student groups.Catholics for Equality is advertising the event on their website as “A Catholic family conversation on LGBT values.” [I suspect they won’t be stressing the immorality of unnatural sex acts.] The discussion is to include Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, Andrew Sullivan, a writer for The Atlantic and an openly gay Catholic, and Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage.The recently-founded Catholics for Equality is closely tied with the Human Rights Campaign, a leading homosexualist organization in America with whom at least three of the group’s founding board members are associated.One of the founding board members, Tony Adams, is a gay ex-priest and blogger who has called Pope Benedict XVI a “childish idiot” and a closeted homosexual. [Mendacious, not too bright, and nasty to boot.] Adams was recently removed from the list of board members on the group’s website.
Yes…for some reason, I am getting email updates from these people. Talk about being on hell’s mailing list.
As a Georgetown student I can tell you that this event was very heavily publicized on campus. I made my feelings known about the event name and the speakers involved but was told to go serve the bi-weeklyTLM on-campus and shut up.
@ Anita
I got on the email list for these CINO’s, and since I use gmail for all of my emails, I created a filter in gmail to delete any email from them. Then, they sent me a “press release” whining about Archbishop Dolan’s election. So I had to go create another filter for that when I saw the sneaky underhanded way they were doing it. Many email providers allow for blocking or “filtering” of email, some just allow you to mark it as “spam”. Try doing one or the other. If you send some groups an email or go to their website asking to be removed from their mailing list it just lets them know it is a live working email account, and they will really overload you then.
“A Catholic family conversation on LGBT values.” If Hooters’ can be called a “family restaurant” ….
Aren’t we so glad Tony Adams left the priesthood so he can be to vocations director for homosexuals. The pontiff that banned homosexuals from the priesthood is a closet homosexual? What are the subtle cues that i missed? That the Holy Father talks quiet and is shy so that makes him gay? Heck if we go by that criteria, I would be a flamer.
I don’t want to lower the tone, but I think the snide allegations by the homosexual lobby center on the Pope’s choice of personal secretary, ie “gorgeous” Georg.
It’s the same lobby which has tried to claim Shakespeare and the Blessed John Henry, Cardinal Newman among others.
In fairness to the Jesuits, Georgetown, like the vast majority of “Catholic” institutions of higher learning, has only a minority influence from their religious orders any more. There are only 39 Jesuits on the faculty and staff of Georgetown (out of ?hundreds?) and the Board of Directors has only three Jesuits on it (out of 55). The President is a layman.
In fact, the university makes it plainly apparent that the Jesuit community does not control the institution: The Society of Jesus has been an integral part of the University throughout its history. While the University and the Jesuit Community are distinct and separately governed entities, they are united in the long tradition and common spirit of learning and faith that characterize Georgetown.
This should not be construed as a defense of the Jesuit order (much less an endorsement of Woodstock), but it seems that the Jesuits would have only a very minimal role in this decision of the university.
It’s not just that he’s quiet: he’s worn red shoes and designer sunglasses in public, and knew what a camauro was when he was advised that it was cold.
Everybody knows that makes you gay. /sarc
What are the subtle cues that i missed?
You didn’t miss any cues. Rather, in the wacky world of defending the indefensible, it’s de fide doctrine that anyone that speaks out against homosexual acts must be a closeted self-loathing homosexual.
“What are the subtle cues that i missed?”
His taste in music? (Shhh, don’t tell my wife.)
Would it be a sin to deck somebody who dissed B16 to your face?
Catholics for Equality is advertising the event on their website as “A Catholic family conversation on LGBT values.”
Somehow I doubt that the event will have any actual families present…
C.S. Lewis had these hapless agitators identified years ago in his book on the Four Loves — it’s common practice for uneasy homosexuals to try to comfort themselves by saying that EVERYBODY who is anybody is a closeted homosexual.
Makes them feel more “normal”, you see.
It’s just noise. It has to be opposed, though, because if it’s repeated often enough it becomes the perceived truth.
Poor Maggie Gallagher, an excellent spokeswoman for traditional values, will be surrounded by some truly despicable people. I admire her courage and tenacity. I wonder if anybody will hear a word she says?
“But Gibbs said the D.C. archdiocese was not involved in the decision to host Catholics for Equality on the campus of Georgetown, which is under the jurisdiction of the Jesuit order.”
This sounds eerily like the response of the D.C. archdiocese when asked why abortionist homosexualist Nancy Pelosi is allowed Communion in D.C. archdiocese churches: because Nancy is under the jurisdiction of her hometown archdiocese, San Francisco! Even when she attends Mass in the D.C. archdiocese!
jeffreyquick-hey, if a holy Bishop like St. Nicholas could punch out a heretic like Arius, I don’t think it would be a sin to deck someone who ‘disses’ the Holy Father!
If I were a strong man instead of a weak woman, I’d put that despicable Tony Adams right on the canvas! The nerve of him, calling the Holy Father ‘a closet homosexual’!
[sorry, Father Z-I’m just tired of these militant homosexualists.]
You can still deliver the “weak woman”‘s ultimate insult — the glove to the cheek.
Myself, I’m thinking along the lines of using some of that aikido training I spent so much time with . . . . (sorry Father Z) :-D
In fact, they ought to cover over the entire campus and stop calling it Catholic.
Is anyone else amused that the homosexual insults the Holy Father by calling him a homosexual?
Does anyone have a source for the claim that Tony Adams is an ‘ex-priest’? I’ve found him listed on other sites as a Roman Catholic Priest. A founder of Catholics for Equality is Fr Joseph Palacios, a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles teaching at Georgetown. An article at The Georgetown Voice says
“he is an openly gay, ordained Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and he has a background in politics. His distinct pedigree makes him uniquely suited to fighting the battles Catholics for Equality has chosen.
Knowingly fighting for causes the church does not condone, Palacios might be expected to lay low and avoid angering the Catholic establishment. But he makes no attempt to hide his role in the LGBT community. His activity in various D.C. gay rights groups is listed on his online Georgetown biography page. Despite the anger some Catholics feel about Catholics for Equality, he says that at Georgetown he has not been met with the type of opposition or condemnation that he finds elsewhere.
“I personally have only been supported by fellow colleagues and administrators,” he said.”
Vatican 2 in Gaudium et Spes, The Church teaches that homosexuals “… must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.”
More recently in the LETTER TO THE BISHOPS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ON THE PASTORAL CARE OF HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS by the CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH when the Pope was the prefect back in 1986, this teaching has been expanded to correct misinterpretations. And I quote,
“In the discussion which followed the publication of the Declaration, however, an overly benign interpretation was given to the homosexual condition itself, some going so far as to call it neutral, or even good. Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder. Therefore special concern and pastoral attention should be directed toward those who have this condition, lest they be led to believe that the living out of this orientation in homosexual activity is a morally acceptable option. It is not.”
( That is why I have a permanent button in my home page that links to a site to help homosexuals to change. Click on my name to go to my site. )
Oh, Father Tony has said much more than that. You can read him on his blog, Perge Modo. He was trained at the NAC, ordained in Rome, and participated in papal ceremonies. But along the way, his sexual appetites overcame his spirituality (he would put it differently I’m sure.) We should pray for him.
I would not trade places with Obama and the people who covered up Christ for all the money in the world. NO FEAR OF GOD. I have a suspicion that that act will come back to bite them upon personal judgment.
Maggie Gallagher was brilliant last night. Patient, charitable, forceful when appropriate. She well articulated the case against “gay marriage.” She defined terms and went step-by-step through logical implications. I learned from her.
Poor Andrew Sullivan. I was surprised at how unprepared he seemed. No rigor. Just more of his life story than I ever wanted to know. (God was the first person he “came out” to. I wonder if God was surprised, or if He had suspected something for a long time.) Sullivan’s argument boiled down to: I want this, I need this to be happy, and my happiness matters. Up to a point, Andy. But no discussion of what happiness is, no acknowledgement of the power of non-sexual love (eg: of family, or of God), no recognition of the space that celibacy opens in a life for non-sexual love.
So, in summary: Maggie Gallagher is great, Andrew Sullivan is sad and angry (and prone to slandering the pope), and Georgetown is more gay-friendly than Catholic-friendly. Still, Hoya Saxa! and pray for better weather.
Thanks for the report, Boko.
How did those attending receive Maggie’s arguments?
I had to leave the final audience Q&A to go to Mass, but the audience was respectful to Maggie. EJ Dionne was a fair and competent (and I mean that as a compliment, not as faint praise) moderator. But the crowd of, I’d guess, 200 was 2/3 to 3/4 gay and gay-friendly. Mostly students. Gay guys, undergrad fag hags, very few lesbians, and a couple local older gay men. They hooted and hollered for Brother Andrew. His story is their story, or will be if they don’t see the Light.
I am not trying to offend, but can we get some more detail on the “open gayness” of Fr. Palacios?
Is he celibate? Regardless, does he prefer top or bottom ?Is he an order or diocesan priest. Whod is his superior or ordinary? Have they said anything, or, like Pfleger and Keehan, does he get a pass? Oh, where are the New Zouaves when you need them
Folks. The “event” was a speaking engagement in which two devout and articulate Catholics, Maggie Gallagher and Andrew Sullivan, were discussing the place of gay and lesbian people in the Church.
We need this kind of apologetics activity on our Catholic campuses. Georgetown should be congratulated, not ridiculed.
There is, frankly, no reason why the Archdiocese should not have sponsored or approved it. And it’s a mystery as to why LifeSite News is making a big deal of this.