S. Ioannis Didaci Cuahtlatoatzin

From the estimable Vultus Christi:

Yes, that would be the much loved Saint Juan Diego of Guadalupe as he is designated in the new Solesmes Antiphonale Monasticum for December 9th. Here is the official Collect for his feast with my English translation:

Deus, qui per beatum Ioannem Didacum,
sanctissimae Virginis Mariae dilectionem
erga populum tuum ostendisti:
eius nobis intercessione concede,
ut, Matris nostrae monitis Guadalupae datis obsequentes,
voluntatem tuam iugiter adimplere valeamus.

O God, Who, through Saint Juan Diego,
didst show forth the special love of the Most Holy Virgin Mary
toward Thy people,
at his intercession, grant us
so to obey the admonitions given by our Mother of Guadalupe,
that we may ever be able to fulfil Thy will.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Rich says:

    Come on! There’s no Latin translation for Cuahtlatoatzin? Where are those free online Latin-Nahuatl dictionaries when you need them?

  2. S. Murphy says:

    Third decelnsion. Genitive Cuahtlatoatzinis.

  3. S. Murphy says:

    Even Latin adopts foreign names when necessary.

  4. There’s significant disagreement about just what the man’s Nahuatl name means, and there’s already a lot of Aquilas in the martyrology.

  5. Dr. Eric says:

    Since Diego is Spanish for James/Jacob, why isn’t his middle name rendered as Jaobis or something similar?

  6. Dr. Eric says:


    Stupid iPad!

  7. Today is also the anniversary of Fulton J. Sheen’s death.

    Think of it. He was a great devotee of the Blessed Mother, and remarked that he prayed for the following intentions regarding his death: (1) that he “drop dead” at the age of 80; (2) that he die on a Saturday in honor of Our Lady, or (3) that he die on one of her feast days. In fact, he died in 1979 at the age of 84; on a Sunday; and not on a feast of Our Lady. He was disappointed on every count.

    Or was he? He died on the anniversary of the first apparition on Tepeyac Hill, and now it is the feast of the saint who received this apparition.

  8. Gregorius says:

    Awesome! S. Ioannis Didaci is my confirmation saint, though I took the spanish form of his name.
    S. Ioannis Didaci, ora pro nobis!

  9. Actually whether the Spanish “Diego” (Latin: Didachus) is the same as the Spanish “Iacopo,” “Iago,” “Santiago” (Latin: Iacobus) is not so clear. This link will do something to clarify (or make more obscure) the issue: http://spanish.about.com/od/historyofspanish/a/diego.htm

  10. AnAmericanMother says:

    Father, THAT is the kind of clarification that I really like! Seriously, simplifications are usually more confusing, and certainly more misleading, than just laying out all the facts. Thank you!

  11. Emilio III says:

    FWIW, the Spanish liturgical calendar has him listed as “SAN JUAN DIEGO CUACHTLATOATZIN” with an extra C

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