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I had great notes from readers.
First, …
St. Benedict’s Chapel in Chesapeake, VA … dedicated their new church this past Saturday (March 5). This is likely the first from-the-ground-up building constructed in the past 30 years specifically to say the TLM. I wrote about the new church with pictures here.
Also, …
In the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles have a new home. They had an open house and photos are posted.
I think the FSSPX built a brand new church near Denver recently, St. Isidore the Farmer.
Congratulations to St Benedict’s!
First new construction for TLM? Don’t forget the FSSP seminary chapel in Nebraska.
What a lovely priory. It is a great example of how you really can combine contemporary architecture with tradition. I love how the gorgeous old (?) altar looks in that “rustic simplicity.” A church I sometimes attend has the tackiest 1970s style, but with a few alterations it could look like that — and an old altar would look so great on the bare wall.
Father, sorry to rain on the parade, but these two dioceses/areas are already on the ball. I’d like to see more of this elsewhere in the states.
I had the tremendous joy of being at the Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus (that’s the name of the new home of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles) for their veiling ceremony on February 27th. 3 sisters made their first profession and received the black veil, and two sisters – including a dear friend of mine – received the habit and their new names as they joined the novitiate.
They are such a beautiful order, and I am glad that one whom I consider a sister has found her home with them. She has long been a devotee of TLM, which is the form that they celebrate. The veiling ceremony for all five sisters was in the context of the Mass for Sexegesima Sunday, and with the exception of the actual vows made by the three sisters receiving the black veils, was entirely in Latin.
It was very beautiful all around, with a reverence that just doesn’t seem to exist most places anymore. They are definitely a great spiritual boon for Bishop Finn and his diocese!
Re: First building for the TLM:
What about the new FSSP Seminary?
As a side note, why haven’t I seen the orthodox (Roman) Catholic blogosphere populated with posts on St. Thomas Aquinas and Thomism on this his feast day? His philosophy and theology are crucial for “brick by brick.”
This is so wonderful to see both places!
Father Nichols used to come to Upstate NY and say the TLM-we miss the FSSP priests here!
I used to get the Benedictines’ newsletter, but not in a long time.
New buildings-and they are certainly NOT ugly!
I think that FSSP is going to build a new church in Houston.
More brick by brick. This Wednesday will be the beginning of Daily Mass in the EF in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. This, of course, is the first time this has happened in over 40 years.
This is wonderful news! I would love to go there when I visit my mother in Virginia Beach. Will have to find out how to get there. BTW, I just voted, Father! You’re still doing well, but we need even more votes for you!
Amongst the many hardships and disappointments of being a “traddie” are the occasional – and, dare I say it, increasingly more frequent – joys like these. We’re privileged to have friends in both communities – in many ways “traddiedom” is a small world – and what is striking about each of them – proper to their station, of course – is the youthful enthusiasm one finds in both. It’s amazing that some remain blind to it, but truly the E.F. is the “new” Mass – the “Mass of the Future” (with all due apologies to Fr. Ellard…)
Brick-by-brick indeed, and there will be a lot more bricks coming from these two sources!
Do you have any info on that? I’m interested. Currently, I go to the TLM at Annunciation Church, which is great; but it would be awesome if the FSSP built a chapel exclusively for the TLM :-)
How refreshingly normal! No hideous modern art or Crosses in twisted metal or altar offset a bit to the left. Just normal.
I grew up in VA Beach and am so excited to see the new church when I’m visiting family. I’m even more excited to attend Daily Mass in the EF in Pittsburgh, we’re about an hour away but we’ll definitely be planing some day trips around the new Mass schedule! What an exciting month!
Excellent. Now I wish some of that TLM love would come over to the west side of VA in Roanoke.
Have you seen this?
Thank you so much for linking to the photos of the open house. I haven’t been able to see their new home yet in any detail, and wolftracker did an amazing job with his photos. I can’t wait to get out to see my sister sometime soon.
Meanwhile in the Archdiocese of Boston….the fate of Catholic patrimony…Historic Holy Trinity (German) Church in Boston’s South End…is being sold for development at a time we are trying to recover Catholic identity…or are we?
Please pray urgently that the sale be stopped! Pass this on widely…
Holy Trinity parishioners have appealed this action to the Congregation for the Clergy, as it should not happen because the church has not been relegated to profane use! A letter was faxed a letter last week but have yet to hear a response. Please pray someone in Rome with proper authority intervenes and/or spotlights this callous disposal of Catholic patrimony. Boston is rapidly becoming Mission territory.