NYC, Manhattan 23 June: Corpus Christi with procession

Today, Thursday, 23 June at 6 pm there will be a Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form, followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament, in Manhattan, NYC, at the Church of the Holy Innocents (128 W 37th – btw Broadway and 7th).

If you are in the area, please consider going.

There should be beautiful polyphony and the famous Gregorian chants for the day, not to mention the Eucharistic Procession in the streets of Manhattan.

For the Music click HERE.

The procession will be followed, of course, by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

There will be a reception in the church hall afterward.

If things go as I hope, I may be there.  If you are in the region, you should be too!

Pray for good weather!

If during Holy Thursday in the Sacred Triduum we commemorated the institution of the Eucharist, we also were more focused on the Passion of the Lord.  On Corpus Christi Thursday we give the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament more focused honor.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Lirioroja says:

    I will be there and I hope I’ll see you there too Father. Regardless though, you’re in my prayers.

  2. benedetta says:

    That is a lovely flyer. The picture is very beautiful. Wish I could be there.

  3. Brooklyn says:

    I too am very much looking forward to this. A great bonus if you’re able to be there, Father. Each time I am able to go to the TLM at Holy Innocents, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. It is the most wonderful blessing we have in this entire city.

  4. mrsmontoya says:

    And on Saturday, June 25, the parish of St. Thomas Aquinas in Palo Alto CA will process the Eucharist from the mother church of St. Thomas Aquinas to the daughter church of St. Albert the Great, arriving at the latter at approximately 4:30, followed by the Vigil Mass and then Adoration until 8:30 AM Sunday, both in honor of the Feast of Corpus Christi and of the 50th Anniversary of St. Albert the Great Church. All are welcome!

  5. Details of the music for the Mass are now posted at the web site of the Holy Innocents Schola.

    If you’re coming to the Mass today, the Church is easily walkable from Penn Station or the Herald Square subway station. Using public transportation is highly recommended because President Obama is in town and there will be many street and highway closings.

  6. Kieninger says:

    Perhaps, one day, we in the western United States will be able to join the rest of the world in celebrating Corpus Christi and Ascension on their proper days instead of having them transferred to Sunday.

  7. Brooklyn says:

    Samuel J. Howard – Yes, our beloved president is in town trying to collect more money for his billion dollar campaign. But you forgot to mention that Justin Beiber is also in town, and according to the news reports, that is going to somehow tie up our traffic as well. But all the more people to see the procession of the Blessed Sacrament!

    Kieninger – Most of NYC is not celebrating Corpus Christi today, either. We just have a very special group of people at Holy Innocents who are completely dedicated to promoting traditional Catholicism.

  8. Mundabor says:

    It is so beautiful to see an entire world coming back one piece at a time.


  9. Mitchell NY says:

    I was there, with some co-workers..One first timer, one a returner, and the other a lifetme devotee to the 62 Missal. The frst time wanted so hard to follow the Mass in the Missal but the inaudible parts were just too overwhelming for the newcomer. He could not fnd his place in the Missal. ALthough he loved the music and stated the whole thing was serene unlike his usual NO experience. Of course overall the Mass was beautiful. It was full for a Thursday night. I was surprised. The Procession was my first and especially moving. What a powerful witness to Roman Catholicism in the streets of NY. Many stopped to stare, some perplexed and others whispering “What religion is that”? I was proud of my Catholic Identity, singing in Latin behind the Priests and Servers with of course The Body Of Christ leading us all. But we need to sing louder, it didn’t filter to the back and those people could not follow or hear where in the arrangement we were. Next year they should stagger a few people who know the music in the front, middle, and back. This would greatly help to raise our voices to GOD even higher. Moved, I was really moved by the whole thing. Thanks to all who make this possible at Holy Innocents and their sponsors and most of all, our Dear Holy Father for Summorum Pontificum. The Tridentine Rite, Rituals, and Devotions are back. It is so good to see and be a part of. I was blessed to have been able to be there.

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