Some links to recent posts, which are scrolling off.
- The Feeder Feed: variety edition
- A note to readers
- Fatherhood remains foundational
- WDTPRS Trinity Sunday – Post Communion – An explanation of the Trinity? Sure! No problem!
- A prayer by St. “Padre” Pio
- NYC, Manhattan 23 June: Corpus Christi with procession
- WDTPRS: Trinity Sunday – wondrous in mystery – powerful in majesty
- About Fr. John Corapi with observations about our times
- QUAERITUR: Who is bishop of the Moon?
- RADIO SABINA STREAMING – Rosary in Latin, Prayers for Pope Benedict, other stuff
- QUAERITUR: Bishops and Titular Sees
- S. California: relic of St. Anthony of Padua stolen – UPDATE!
- QUAERITUR: Is it sinful to go to Saturday evening Mass if you can go on Sunday?
- Abortion: the paramount social justice issue
- Pentecost Friday: walking away
- QUAERITUR: Mass obligation and Traditional Anglican Communion
- Amy Sullivan about V.P. Biden’s papal audience
- St. Paul/Mpls: Archdiocesan Corpus Christi Procession – Sunday 26 June
A reminder also to give some support to the Carmelite Monks in Wyoming who are selling coffee and tea to earn their daily bread and to build their monastery.
It is good for the daily grind.
You might give their 4 pack sampler a try if you have not had their coffee before.
Have a small business? Is there coffee where you work? Try some Mystic Monk Coffee and use my link! That would help the monks and Fr. Z at the same time. You can even get a monthly subscription so you don’t have to worry about it.
Mystic Monk Coffee… and Tea.
It’s swell, and I’ll bet your supplies could use some refreshing.