Dear readers,
Since it is Ascension THURSDAY, when the first novena of prayer before Pentecost began for the Lord’s Blessed Mother and His Apostles, I have it in mind to start a novena of my own for two personal and important intentions.
Will you, during this novena before Pentecost, also say a daily prayer for my intentions?
Here is a link to a novena to the Holy Spirit which could be used.
I suspected that,when I defended and asked for prayers for Bp. Finn, something bad would happen. Something bad has happened. So, I ask your prayers for the period of the novena leading up to Pentecost.
Looking for support of prayer still, as I keep my own courage up. Also, I ask for a prayer for a priest acquaintance who is in the hospital with some serious problems: Fr. RH.
Satan presses.
Please keep up your prayers. Please do.
About all I can say is that I persevere. And do pray again for Fr. RH who is not doing well at all.
Please continue with a prayer for my intentions.
If your attention span has lasted this long, please pray for my two important personal intentions.
Please do not forget.
Hoping for some necessary results from this novena.
From the Novena to the Holy Spirit:
“Only one thing is important–eternal salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared–sin.”
There it is. So simple, yet so true. These days, however, we try to over complicate the matter. Such straight talk seemingly doesn’t exist anymore. Instead, we hear so much about the temporal welfare, almost to the complete exclusion of the eternal welfare. Social justice and heaven are both good, but not equally good. (Not even close!)
Will do!
On another blog, it was pointed out to me that the novena starts tomorrow and not today, which my hitherto unacknowledged apparent inability to count to 9 had prevented me from realising.
Will do, Father.
@Catholicofthule, I figured that out too, although I’m still not 100% certain.
A “new Catholic” question: If you are praying something, say, a rosary or a novena, can you include multiple intentions? Or should you pray multiples, one for each intention?
Yes father, will do too (starting tomorrow)!
Done. You’ve always been in my prayers, but this one is specific.
Tomorrow, I will be visiting the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. I promise my prayers for your intentions. I will have a Mass said for your intentions at the Basilica .
May the Holy Spirit continue to fill you with his gifts.
Please pray for my son as well, as he discerns a vocation to the Priesthood!
You can count on me to pray the Holy Spirit Novena for your two intentions.
Count me in!
Oh, and of course I’ll pray for your intentions, Father. I was so excited about that quote from the novena that I forgot about most everything else!
It will be my pleasure to do so.
Semper Fi!
I’ll also pray.
I love this novena, it is so powerful. I will be happy to add your intentions, Father.
Fr: Yes, I will pray for your intentions
I will pray for your intentions Father. I love your blog and I am very grateful for it.
Will do. God bless.
You were top of my list, this morning. Godspeed, Fr. Z.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
Semper vigilo, fortis paratus et fidelis.
We pray for our good priests daily, but will add your specific intention to our rosary.
Praying for you.
The Novena runs Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, right? The Novena (any Novena) is supposed to end on the day before the Feast, right? Or do I have it wrong?
Done, Father.
@Dr. Eric, that is my understanding and the EWTN page linked seems to bear that out.
Of course, Fr. Z! Started the Novena today in front of the Heart of Jesus, exposed in the Monstrance, for you.
Thanks, Fieldsparrow. :-)
I had already begun a pre-Pentecost devotion to the Holy Spirit before seeing your post, Fr. Z, but now I’m adding a daily Memorare to it specifically for you and your intentions.
I hope it will suffice that I simply lift up my daily Rosary for you during this time leading up to Pentecost. If I try to do too many devotions, I do none of them.
We all hope your frustrations pass soon.
Glad to pray for you, Fr Z.
the evil one prevented me from getting to 1st Friday Mass this morning by snarling me in road construction, but i’ll offer our evening rosary for you on the way to the baseball game! (and each day till Pentecost)
I am praying for you dear Fr. Z, please also include me and my intention for healing, strengthening, love, a family, and a mission in life if it be God’s will in some way with your general intentions also.
Was already praying for you and Bishop Finn, but will add the Novena to my prayers. A very good way to spend the time waiting for my truck to be worked on!
Coincidentally, the nice lady in the cashier’s window at the car place just happened to visit our parish for Christmas Eve and was charmed. I invited her to come visit us again either for Pentecost or for the first Mass of a young man from our parish who will be ordained priest two Saturdays from now!
I will pray this novena for your intentions, Father.
We’ll do, Father.
Praying for your intentions now.
Yes, Fr., I am happy to pray this Novena for your intentions.
Father, my son and I will pray for you at our Holy Hour tonite (7-8pm PDT). Thank you so much for the link to the Novena for Pentecost–our FSSP pastor remarked at Mass today to start the Novena today. We will pray for you and Bishop Finn during the Novena. Thank you so much for all you do for your readers. God Bless You!
Praying for your intention, Father.
Father, I prayed for your special intentions tonight during the Novena, and added a Memorare which I’ll include each day. Thank you for your blog and everything you do to help us.
Yes, ol’ redlegs has been at work, with little annoyances and bit scary challenges. I pray for all you clergy, especially those who I know by name.
I’ve added your intentions to my Novena. :-)
Keeping you in prayer, Father.
I am praying the novena for your intentions! I also added a penance to my day for those intentions. It just seemed like you needed it!
I’m in, and have been, just so ya know.
We are with you Fr. Z!! Mary, Mother of Priests, Protect Your beloved Priest sons!
I’m praying the Novena for your intentions Fr.
I am grateful. Prayers are very much needed.
Joining the other readers in prayer.
A Holy Spirit Novena and a Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for you this morning, Father.
Praying for you Father!
Still praying for your intentions, Father (you make the fifth Fr. John in my daily prayers), and for Fr. RH as well.
I’ve kept up with the novena so far, your intentions and needs are what I am praying for at this time.
Father Z,
We are going to say our family rosary for you right now! Thank you for all you do. Your blog has been a blessing for us in so many ways. Keep up your courage!!
Praying the Novena for you and your intentions, Father!
Praying for your intention, Fr. Z.
Prayers continue unabated.
I am sure they are being noticed as I have had to deal with fallout in direct proportion. So be it.
your intentions shall be included. Never loose courage
We continue to pray.
This is the first novena I’ve prayed since high school (decades ago). For your intentions, Father, and for the Holy Father as well. Thank you for all you do – including the great ideas for dinner!
Stay strong Father. We are praying for your intentions.
fieldsparrow, multiple intentions are fine. You can have a different one on each rosary decade, or whatever. God knows the need already, you just have to mention it to him so He knows that you know. If you pray for sick people regularly you can develop quite a list and carry it around in your pocket to remind you of them all.
Still on it.
I’m still with you on the Novena, Fr. Will redouble my efforts at other prayers, too.
Keeping on keeping on. Mass tomorrow for your intentions as well.
I missed the beginning of the novena, but I will offer my rosary for your intentions tomorrow.
Still on the Novena for you, Fr. Z, and offered my Holy Communion at Mass for you this morning as well.
Started when you asked – just now checking in to say so – sorry! I also added the request to our parish prayer intention book. “Fr.Z says” carries a lot of weight around our place.
Praying for your intentions Father.
pax et bonum
Dearest Father Z,
Our little family of 7 continues to keep you in our prayers, to include this Novena. Hang in there.
Joining all others in this novena for your intentions , and daily. Father
Still praying! I’m sorry to hear you are going through a hard time.
Father, a novena was more than I can handle right now, but I have remembered (probably by the nudging of my guardian angel) to pray for you here and there. So, I have been praying. God bless you.
Dear Father Zulsdorf,
I am going (DV) to the Chartres Pilgrimage this weekend of Pentecost, and shall pray for your intentions at Mass in the Cathedral on the Monday, as also on Sunday.
@Banjo Pickin Girl, thanks for the clarification! That’s good because it’s what I’ve been doing anyway :D Right now I keep my prayer intentions on a post-it stuck in the back of my small prayer book, which goes with me everywhere. At first I thought I could remember them all but, well, that didn’t happen.
Fr. Z, still praying for your 2 intentions and for Fr. RH.
Still hangin in Father Z
Prayers are going up from mid-southern Sweden, too.
Fr. Z: I have just completed Day Nine, and you were included as part of each day. God bless you.