A reader (and monthly donor!) alerted me to this great shot of a “worship schedule” posted on the blog Te igitur.
Ten Masses on Sundays
Eight Masses on Weekdays
Daily Vespers and Rosary
Daily confessions from 8 am till 8 pm
Not every place can do this, but some can!
Pray for vocations to the priesthood!
When I was little, Sunday masses (preV2) were 7,8,9,10,11, & 12:15 plus another 12:15 in the school auditorium.
On holy days of obligation the drill was 5:45, 6:30, 7:15, 8,9,10,11,12:15, 12:15 at the school and 6 pm.
I honestly don’t see how 2-3 priests managed this.
This is totally wonderful. May God bless richly this great order – priests and nuns. They have been such a blessing to me and mine!
Ok, so this is in Poland and this is a sign for English speakers, right?
Do the Polish know how good they’ve got it?
The Province of Poland is bursting at the seams with vocations. I lived with several Polish friars in Rome and they regaled me with stories of not having enough space for all the friars in their priories. I urged them to send me to Poland to teach English so some of their guys could come to the U.S.! We need the help! :-)
Fr. Philip Neri, OP
Yes, it’s in Krakow. There’s an August 2011 article in English about it at the blogNovus Motus Liturgicus. According to the article, it is home to a community of sixty Dominican friars, making it “the largest house of the order in the world.” There are some lovely photos of the building accompanying the article.
Pax et bonum,
Keith Töpfer
The brothers of the Polish province have been kind enough to send a handful of good friars to work with us here in the states. Great guys, all!
Our parish in Northern Colorado has two priests, five sunday masses, 2 daily masses and Confession available twice on weekdays (before/after daily masses). I thought we had it good! We’ve had two Polish assistant priests. The first one pushed hard on our pastor to implement daily opportunities for confession. This was a few years back. It has persisted, because the priests have found there is a constant demand for the sacrament when it is made available. There are almost always 15+ people in line when I go. The priests have also started reminding us of the need for confession frequently in their homilies.
Good things are happening in the Archdiocese of Denver. Now we just need another archbishop that can continue to cultivate the seeds Archbishop Chaput planted here.
St Cyrils and Methodius in Detroit offers 5 Masses on Sundays, 4 on Mondays, Thursday and Fridays, 3 on Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Saturdays….confessions offered 1/2 hour before EVERY
Mass, and after Saturday Mass until they are done. They also have an adoration Chapel. They
are a role model for what every large Church should have in place. These Masses are NOT lightly attended either. I could go on forever on all the right things they do, and it shows.
I am in the same parish as John6fan!
I cannot tell you what a great blessing it is to have confession available 6 days a week! I essentially never go on Saturday now! I generally go on a Tuesday.
I know of a couple of attempts on the part of some to curtail all these confession times but the cry from the faithful was too strong. We are accustomed now to this and somewhat spoiled by now. People come from other parishes regularly because they know of the availability although another parish is now offering daily confessions as well.
Ave Maria!
John6fan: I wonder who you are?
That schedule is a near occasion of envy!
Well, now that I need to find an oppo for confession, could Joseph-Mary or John6fan please let me know which NoCo parish you’re discussing?
Go to archden (dot) org and look up the Parishes tab. Under there you will find a sub-section for Confession listing all available times and places. Off of the top of my head though the Cathedral, Holy Ghost, St. Mary of Littleton, and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Latin Mass all have daily Confession but I know there are quite a number of others with at least Confessfion every week day.
What a beautiful church too! I grew up in Detroit (I attended St. Matthew’s Parish on the east side, their school too) and was always impressed by the larger churches there. They were usually built by the immigrant groups they served (St. Matthew was a solidly Irish parish). I believe St’s Cyril and Methodius was Polish. Yhat all changed over the years, of course!
My current parish has six Sunday Masses, one of which is a Latin High Mass. Two daily Masses, plus Lauds and Vespers every weekday and Compline on Fridays. Confessions for half an hour every Monday-Saturday, and plus another hour on Saturday, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for twelve hours every Friday. We are blest with four priests, although often one will be farmed out on the weekend.
masstimes.org also has a filter for Confessions, in case you find yourself travelling. Saves a lot of google-ing. You may want to double-check by phone or web, in case they haven’t updated their masstimes.org listing.
Pity though none are in the Dominican Rite.
It’s actually very important that Summorum Pontificum freed up the use of other variations of the Latin Rite. I have a plan to start a Third Order Dominican chapter and use the Dominican Rite as our official Mass.
Anyone here from Boston? Many years ago, St. Anthony’s on Arch street had a schedule like that. My uncle used to hear confessions all day. Of course St. Anthony’s was full of Franciscans and had no shortage of priests.
smad0142, I appreciate your kind suggestion, but have found that info lacking on many occasions. In April 2012 alone I’ve gone to two different parishes at the time their daily confessions are scheduled to begin and waited a reasonable amount of time, only to have no priest show up to hear confessions. One of these parishes had the same thing happen a few months ago when I went there. That’s the reason behind my question. Lately I usually end up taking a day off work so I can go to midday confession at Holy Ghost.
momoften said, “I could go on forever on all the right things they do, and it shows.”
Yep. Fr. Ben and Ss C&M are two of the many reasons I’m Catholic today. I LOVE my parish!
When I was investigating Catholicism, I called most of the parishes within a several mile radius (there are nine in Sterling Heights, where I live) and Fr. Ben was the only pastor to return my call.
Back on topic: I’m incredibly thankful for our Sunday 8:30 PM Holy Mass, and I often see medical professionals and law enforcement officers in attendance.