Where I grew up, the mosquitoes are large enough to carry away small children. Now they carry West Nile virus, to boot.
The Dominicans Nuns in Summit, New Jersey, the “Soap Sisters” whom I have have pushed here from time to time, have a Bug Spray!
Here is how they describe it:
This all-natural spray made with soybean oil and lemon eucalyptus essential oils is great to keep away bugs and mosquitoes! Don’t Bug Me spray comes in a convenient 4oz spritz bottle. Seasonable availability only. (March-September)
Click HERE to go to their site.
So much better than that nasty spray can stuff with its vile nerve gas smell… not that I know much about how nerve gas smells, mind you.
Drive away some blood-sucking bugs and help the Dominican nuns…. decidedly NOT members of the LCWR.
Yes, they still sell soap.
Finally, take a moment to refresh your supply of Mystic Monk Coffee! Get good coffee and help the Carmelite brothers.
I bought my mom some soap and stuff from the Dominican Sisters for Mother’s Day. My gift is a little late. Thanks for the idea, Father Z.
Now here is a funny coincedence: after Mass yesterday I walked up to Father to tell him thanks, and as I approached him, he spun around and squirted me in the eye with that same bug spray. Of course he was very apologetic and said it was an accident…..hmm
I recently ordered the bug spray since I live in a state where basically the state bird is the mosquito and West Nile is a problem.
If it works well I may ask them for a large economy size. We had a mild winter.
The Soap Sisters have BUG SPRAY now? Oh, that’s really cool!
If I had the money, I’d get a bottle!
There’s a certain shrine I go to in eastern New York State where the ‘skeeters’ can get really ravenous! When I was there last September, the mosquitoes were so bad I had to pull the hood of my sweatshirt over my head to keep them from buzzing my ears!