Never Say Die

From CNA:

Argentinean ‘Miracle baby’ continues to improve

Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 1, 2012 / 04:02 pm (CNA).- Luz Milagros, the baby who was found alive after spending twelve hours in a morgue in Argentina, continues to improve and gain weight although she is still on a respirator.

According to an April 30 report by CNN, Luz now weighs two pounds and is no longer receiving inotropic drugs.

Although her condition is still serious, the progress she has made in recent days has given hope to her mother, Amalia Bouget, the rest of the family and the staff at Perrando Hospital in the province of Chaco.

According to the news agency, Luz’s three siblings are “anxiously awaiting” her at home to accompany her on the final stage of her recovery.

Amalia Bouget gave birth prematurely to Luz at 26 weeks of pregnancy. After being declared stillborn by doctors, the baby spent 12 hours in the freezing cold temperatures of the morgue with no food or clothing, before she was found alive.

Bouget later returned to the morgue to take a picture of her daughter, who doctors said had no vital signs when she was born.

“A woman came up to my husband who was waiting to go to the morgue to see her as well, and she told him, ‘She is crying.’ My husband thought she was talking about me, but it was my daughter who was crying,” Bouget said.

“I’m a believer. This was all a miracle of God,” she said.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fortiter Pugnem says:

    Isn’t this one reason to sign NO on the back of our driver’s licenses?

  2. tealady24 says:

    It seems a miracle. Of course, there are those who would argue that the cold room had something to do with it. Or her premature state, or something rational. Because we are all masters of our universes.

    The miracle of the sun was almost 100 yrs ago; why is it we hear so little of that miracle, because what else could it possibly have been?

  3. RichardC says:

    @ tealady24

    I think one of the messages of Fatima was that a big penance for our times is to be true to our station in life. When I recall that, it helps me to trudge, trudge, trudge.

  4. Kathleen10 says:

    I love the miracle of Fatima, love to read about it. I also wonder why we don’t hear more about it. Mirable!

    This sweet little baby has fighting spirit! God bless her little heart (and lungs). May she live to be 100, and love the Good Lord who gave her life.

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