Please let us in on any good news you have had.
I could sure use good news!
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Coat of Arms by D Burkart
St. John Eudes
- Prosper of Aquitaine (+c.455), De gratia Dei et libero arbitrio contra Collatorem 22.61
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020 8133 4535
“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
If you travel internationally, this is a super useful gizmo for your mobile internet data. I use one. If you get one through my link, I get data rewards.
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My PC kept getting the “Blue Screen of Death” late Wednesday night, and would not start at all. Being in a tight financial situation, I am unable to afford a new computer at this time. I tried re-installing the OS. That was a no go. I wiped the partition, still wouldn’t work. My landlady was kind enough to allow me to use her PC so I could let my blog readers know I would be out for awhile. Anyway, after making my post, I researched the BSOD error code, and found that it all could be a simple case of replacing the motherboard battery. I replaced it Saturday, was able to re-install the OS, and I am back online, for a cost of $4.32. That was good news to me anyway!
Our latin Mass group is kicking some major goals. Congregation size is growing steadily (for a horrible Mass time of 5pm) and the Parish reaction is getting more and more positive. We’re having our very first HDoO Mass on Thursday and the initial feelings of angst and worry on both sides of the parish fence has all but disappeared (unless we spill candle wax on the altar cloths…). May God be praised.
My oldest daughter found out at the last possible minute (day deposits were due) that her first choice college was hoping her scholarship to 3/4 tuition free and admitting her to the honors program. She’s the second of nine, so the scholarship increase was a huge relief to my husband and me.
Dawn Eden is coming to Detroit to speak about her latest book, “My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds With the Help of the Saints”
I got to spend a lovely weekend with my family at the beach; they came down to see me since my Master’s graduation was on Friday. I’m now officially a Master of Arts in English and my department awarded me the Outstanding Graduate Student Award (given to 2 out of 20 students in my program).
We have Holy Hour tonight at 7 PM ( in the mountains on N GA ).
pax et bonum
Spent a lovely day with my family yesterday. Our boys, 13 and 7, are getting so big. My younger boy served Mass for the first time.
I found out yesterday that we will have a real Ascension Thursday Mass in our parish and the only one in our diocese! We have had Ascension “Sunday” for years where I am and I asked our new pastor when he got here if we could do Ascension Thursday in the Extraordinary Form. He said yes! High Mass with all the smells, bells, whistles, schola, etc. 7 pm, Thursday night at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Grand Rapids, Michigan. If you know anyone in Grand Rapids that would be interested, pass the word. Let’s pack the pews!
Our son and his wife have their first baby, and he’s due home from Afghanistan any day now to see his daughter for the first time. Our daughter and her fiancé are coming to visit. Wedding plans heating up – my mom loves planning weddings but I do not. We’ll muddle through somehow.
Great news at the cathedral of the Epiphany is Sioux City, IA: our once a month EF will be offered every Sunday starting in October. Deo gratias!! Big shout out to Fr. Vitt, the rector, and Fr. Lingle–please say a prayer for them and to have more priests like them.
Another Confession to Prepare Myself for Holy Communion. DEO GRATIAS!
I found a job and moved to Washington DC. I also found a beautiful Dominican parish church downtown which will be my home parish.
Thank you, Jesus, Mary, and St. Anne!
We celebrated my wife’s first Mother’s Day yesterday and I joined the Knights of Columbus at our parish last week.
A very newsworthy diocese has just received a very significant appointment. I have sent you an email with more details!
After four years of suffering, I finally graduated from medical school on May 12, 2012. Now off to ENT residency. Deo gratias.
I’d like to shout out to my intercessors in prayer: in the first place Mary the Mother of God, St. Joseph the Worker my patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Joseph Cupertino, St. Thomas More, St. Peter Canisius, St. Joseph Moscatti, St. Luke the Evangelist, Sts. Cosmas & Damian, & St. Blaise (patron of ENT physicians).
Now the hard part: maintaining my Catholicity in a healthcare system which grows more antithetical to my values year after year. Since 1948 Geneva Convention, the Hippocratic Oath has had the abrogations against euthanasia and abortion removed and specific protections for homosexual interests inserted.
Last night I sang parts II and III of Handel’s Messiah with the symphony chorus. It ended with the breathtaking “Worthy is the Lamb” and the “Amen.” Felt like I was flying off to heaven.
Atra Dicenda, Rubra Agenda,
My love and prayers go out to you as you embark on your medical career. I’ve been at it for 33 years now, and as a pediatric nurse practitioner, have dodged many a bullet in being required to prescribe birth control. I worked with 5 pediatricians (2 formerly Catholic) who had no problem covering for me and would prescribe oral contraceptives to any child, anywhere, til the cows came home. Right now I volunteer at a clinic and am not required to prescribe birth control.
My good news is this…I was dumbstruck this morning at how wonderful my cup of PG Tips tea tasted. Hot, black without adulterating it with milk or sugar. If Ben Franklin said “beer is proof that God loves us”, let me say that a nice cup of steaming hot black PG Tips, or Red Rose Tea, is proof that God loves us. Could tasteless Lipton be the work of the devil?
Certainly interesting, and I hope good news: my mind flew (if you’ll pardon the verb) back to your 5 May feeder photo-report post with its range of species when I just ran into a news item about a lecture (in Amsterdam, during ‘National Bird Week’, and already all-booked-up) on the Hermitage version of Frans Snyder’s ‘Concert of Birds’ (1630) by the ornithologist, Nico de Haan, and his art-history-minded wife, Els, illustrated with the songs or cries of 26 of the 27 species included (the bat is presumably supersonic), attending not only to Snyder’s fine accuracy of depiction, but also the possible symbolic dimensions of the painting (as a whole evoking the Last Judgement? – is that what the focally-placed owl is proclaiming from a book?) – to be repeated in St. Petersburg later this year, after the painting returns there. Alas, no mention of an on-line audio-visual version, which would be jolly (especially if in English or sub-titled)!
Our polyphony choir is singing Palestrina’s Missa Aeterna Christi Munera for Ascension Thursday!
We had the loveliest Confirmation at a FSSP parish in Dallas. My 2 oldest were confirmed, along with 22 other young ladies and gentlemen, many girls wore beautiful dresses of white, while many young men wore suits. The bishop could not attend, so our FSSP priest performed the sacrament.
It’s so wonderful to see the sacrament in such a way, to give real meaning to the sacrament. (and the confirmation was separate from the sacrament of the Eucharist, which made it more enjoyable with young children).
Afterward, lots of food and celebration!!
Late Saturday afternoon, I attended an ordinary form anticipated Mass of the 6th Sunday of Easter celebrated by one of our diocese’s wonderful young priests. Ad orientem in Roman vestments, with most of the priest’s parts beautifully chanted, including the Gospel. The Ordinary (Kyrie-Gr, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) in Latin–Missa de Angelis, all the English propers chanted–beginning (after organ prelude) with introit in lieu of processional hymn as priest and server exited sacristry and approached the altar, offertory and communion antiphons chanted by choir in lieu of hymns, Latin motet (Non nobis, Domine) after communion, the usual bells and smells, no recessional, Mass followed by a stirring Christus Vincit–Latin chant alternated between celebrant (verses) and the choir (responses), after which the priest retired with server directly to the sacristry as the organ postlude began. Wonderful sermon about ad orientem celebration and the Church’s glorious treasury of sacred music as twin jewels, the sacred music lifting us up to heaven, where priest and people face together, the East whence Our Lord will come in glory.
Admittedly, this was not a typical parish Sunday Mass, instead a children’s Mass, the closing Mass of a chant workshop for children from several different parishes. But, really, ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem!
My fourth child, and second son, Thomas Alexander was born last Tuesday and attended Mass for the first time ex utero yesterday. Also, my mother’s day gift to my mother was letting her hold her newest grandchild for the first time!
Bishop Tobin came to celebrate Mass and bless our Odoration chapel yesterday.
Should have been Adoration Chapel
Yesterday we went as pilgrims to the Shrine of the Queen of Peace in Herzegovina (Hrasno); there were many priests hearing confessions before the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Bishop Ratko Peric was main celebrant with a dozen concelebrating priests, and the bishop gave the homily. It was the 35th anniversary of the Queen of Peace Shrine, and Bishop Peric announced that Pope Benedict had given the gift of a plenary indulgence to pilgrims under the usual conditions of confession/communion/prayers for the pope’s intentions…I estimate the number of pilgrims was four to five thousand…
Today the annual feast of Our Lady of Zecevo was celebrated in Nin (Croatia); Archbishop Puljic was the main celebrant along with about twenty priests of the Archdiocese of Zadar. The Mass was celebrated ad orientem, and a procession through the streets of Nin followed…
We Had a nice procession for our Lady of Fatima with the Rosary after our 12 noon TLM . Well attended and a Beautiful day.
We also have at my parish a new group forming the BSP Brothers and Sisters of Penance Rule of St Francis 1221 (mostly).
Lastly: I don`t think any of my family members left the Church this week!
I had been working through the preparation for consecration to Our Lady since right after Easter, and this weekend, on the feast of OL of Fatima, (and mother’s day) I consecrated myself to Jesus through Mary. I have tried several time in the past to complete this consecration but could never stay focused enough to complete it. Thank you Blessed Mother!
My wife’s youngest daughter, who has been in the clutches of drug addiction to the extent she abandoned her four children and has beed living on the streets seeking and abusing drugs, called her mother yesterday for the first time in months. Clear headed and apologetic for her behaviors claiming she was now clean and sober and living with a christian couple that are her sponsors. She is on psychotropic medications to control Bi-Polar disorder and will keep in touch. Many thanks to God for the happiness my beloved Barbara experienced in receiving that call! To be further boosted when our oldest grandchild (soon to be 15 and one of the abandoned ones) called to wish his grandmother a happy mothers day! As much joy was experienced in my household as on the day Barbara was baptized and confirmed!
Our fist son, second child was born this morning at 3:40, named Michael after the mighty defender, Who Is Like God? Mama and baby are healthy :)
2 new priests will be coming to my parish, bringing the total number to 4. Good news to the parish, specially to our current pastors. They really need the help!
I would call this great news. Last Saturday the Extraordinary Form of the Mass was said (for the first time) in the Chapel of the St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul, MN. St. John Vianney is the minor seminary at the University of St. Thomas.
Baseball news, Father.
My 4 year old had his first t-ball game this weekend. Not only was he a good sport giving every batter a high five who reached base (he was playing first base) but when he reached third on his bat he ran into his own Visitor’s dugout instead of home.
We will be having a CARMELITE RITE liturgy on Ascension Thursday (6:30pm) at St. Joseph’s Church in Troy NY! This is like finding water in a desert!
Just received word that I have been officially accepted to enter the Carmelite nuns of Terre Haute as a postulant. Deo Gratias!
We are having a High Mass for Ascension Thursday !!!! Thanks be to God ! Our FSSP priest agreed to come for this special day. (We usually have a low Mass with local priest who is also wonderful).
Sarah R. – I will add you to my prayer list for our daily rosary.
We are having a High Mass at 6:30 PM on Ascension Thursday, offered by our wonderful parochial vicar who also offers the regular Sunday Low Mass at 12:30, and Monday morning Low Mass. For one and one-half years, we had High Masses regularly twice per month (with a good schola and polyphony choir) but the pastor suppressed them two years ago and now we have only occasional High Masses a few times per year. However, we do have Low Masses three times per week, including Sundays–Deo gratias.
Yesterday at Corpus Christi Dominican Monastery of Cloistered Nuns in Menlo Park, CA, Sister Mary Isabel of the Angels made her first profession of vows. The service was beautiful, reverent, and filled with tradition. The guest choir was the Dominican Brothers of the Western Regional Province.
This Saturday my parish held two masses to celebrate the first communion of many of our children, from second grade all the way through high school. The mass was beautiful, the children looked dapper, and almost all of the students in my third grade class, with no prompting, received on the tongue!
Although my gentle confessor is being transferred, the new young priest who is coming has the reputation of being very bold in preaching the truths of the faith. He is a strong pro-life advocate and is also devoted to Our Lady. Sounds like two good things to know about a priest coming your way.
Deo gratias, I have an interview for a position on Wednesday.
Domine, ad adiuvandum me festina!
In a part of the world where things traditional are not generally valued my bishop descended on the parish where I am curate and specifically asked me to learn the Extraordinary Form. He also said: “I suppose I ought to learn to say it as well!”
Mary Jane says:
14 May 2012 at 8:22 am
Our polyphony choir is singing Palestrina’s Missa Aeterna Christi Munera for Ascension Thursday!
Hey Mary Jane,
Our jr and sr. high school students are singing this Mass for the graduation Mass this year too, in two weeks! I have sung part of it in a community choir years ago too. My 7th and 9th grade children will be singing with their classmates.
My own good news is my 5th child will be making her first confession on June 2 and first Communion June 3.
Sarah R.: That’s so awesome!!! Congratulations!
I was able to go to Confession yesterday and get advice on an issue I had been struggling with for a while.
Our second boy, Alexander, was born May 9th without complications and we were able to come home from the hospital a day early. His Baptism is scheduled for this weekend. We now have “An heir and a spare”!
After lots of hard work, our oldest child was awarded the “St. Paul Award” for Most Improved Player as a sophomore on his Catholic prep school varsity basketball team.
Yes, I would say St. Paul was most improved! A clever and very faithful coach we have…praise be to God! NB: the St. Michael award was given to the best defender :-)
Our daughter is expecting #6 in November.
That will make 13 grandchildren for us. A baker’s dozen
Our parish recently announced a new pastor, due in July and an excellent preist and person. And yesterday made the announcement for our associate pastor. While I do not know our new associate or heard him celebrate mass I am excited as he has a history with my favorite church(Assumption Grotto in Detroit) and has been spoken highly of by the pastor there.
Thank you God for filling the vacancies with true shepards!
Next door to us, Thomas Aquinas College graduated another class of well prepared young Catholics. Homily by Fr. Buckley was thoughtful and humorous as was the commencement address given by Mother Assumpta of the order Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Fr. Illo of Stockton will soon join the priests serving at this college. He will be another gift to us!
In the diocese of Sioux City, Iowa at the Cathedral of the Epiphany, we will start having the Latin Mass every Sunday as opposed to once a month, come October 2012.
I recently got a job. I’m getting along well with my team, paid well for a kid just out of college, and to boot I held down the fort today — less than two weeks in — with my usual guide out of the office and some cleanup to do from a major issue yesterday.
It’s supposed to last about five months, although there may or may not be related opportunities afterward, the details of which might depend on the policies and procedures of the consulting firm I’m working through currently; so if anyone’s taking prayer requests for four to six months from now, you could jot down to pray that either a full-time equivalent of my current job is a possibility or that I find a job at least half as good when this one’s done.