London Blognics: A) Monday 7pm Coal Hole and B) Friday… TBA.


The 6:30 Mass at Maiden Lane, for HM the Queen, is on, but I am not liturgically involved.  Do take in the Mass and gain its benefits.  I will head to the Coal Hole either way, aiming at about 7:00 pm MONDAY or shortly after (depending on if I also chose to hear Mass).  Text around to friends and let others know as you will.  I have received word from a few people who are coming.  Some friends, such as His Hermeneuticalness and Mulier Fortis are away on pilgrimage.


Some people have asked about a blognic in London.  I would be happy to participate.

Otherwise, perhaps Friday 8 June in the evening.

If you are in the area, drop me a line and I can send my UK mobile number for texting/meeting purposes.  Some of you should have it already.  If you write, use the CONTACT option on this blog’s top menu and put: “FR UK MOBILE TEXT ME” in the subject line – and include your mobile number!  I also have my skype number: 02081334535 – though I don’t check that as often.

Blognic in London

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Anton says:

    Any Chance for a blognic on Tuesday evening? I’ll be in London on Business, albeit only from Tuesday to Wednesday, unfortunately.

    [Maybe we can meet up. Drop me a line with a mobile number for texting purposes]

  2. off2 says:

    Regrets. Am in Southern California.

    Hope you have opportunity to do some Jubilee stuff.

  3. tecumseh says:

    Fr we have just got tickets for the LMS meeting and are in the process of booking hotels we are from the frozen north . . So we’ll be in London on Monday . .so the Coal Hole will be swinging . .be there or be square . .!!! We will return to our northern fastness on Tuesday . .then launch another raid south on Friday . .southerners just don’t know how to drink . .pathetic that we have to travel all this way just to soak up beer . .!!!

  4. JohnW says:

    I day Father that you will visit Texas . I’m sure we could have a Texas style blognit. I wish you the best on your visit to the Uk.. You are in my prayers .

  5. tecumseh says:

    If you could drop us your number please . .I have your e mail address but no phone number . .thanks, yours Jim.

  6. New Sister says:

    If I didn’t have a broken foot in a cast, I’d fly over for that — cos I know Supertradmum will probably be there, too! (my two favorite blogs – yours and hers, Fr Z.)

  7. Supertradmum says:

    Sorry, I am on pilgrimage to Walsingham this week and will be at the conference on Saturday. I am not sure I can make the blognic on Friday night, but if you are up to it, maybe a pint after the conference with some of us would be nice.

  8. I have had a few sms texts from people who are coming. It will be nice to see people again.

  9. Calypso says:

    Interesting, Father. A friend just sent me these updates. I am from Kansas City, and my sisters from Pittsburgh, PA. We are vacationing together in London this week! And I was just at that 6:30pm Mass at Corpus Christi on Maiden Lane earlier this evening…

    I do hope you enjoy your stay in London, as my sisters and I certainly are!

    Cheers! :)

  10. We had a nice small gathering last night, very friendly. A few people sat at another table down the way and didn’t have much to do with our other little group. I think they were on their regular and habitual post-Mass schedule. Still, it was very nice to see people.

  11. Supertradmum says:

    Hi, is there one for Friday and when and where? I shall be in London.

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