The 6:30 Mass at Maiden Lane, for HM the Queen, is on, but I am not liturgically involved. Do take in the Mass and gain its benefits. I will head to the Coal Hole either way, aiming at about 7:00 pm MONDAY or shortly after (depending on if I also chose to hear Mass). Text around to friends and let others know as you will. I have received word from a few people who are coming. Some friends, such as His Hermeneuticalness and Mulier Fortis are away on pilgrimage.
Some people have asked about a blognic in London. I would be happy to participate.
Otherwise, perhaps Friday 8 June in the evening.
If you are in the area, drop me a line and I can send my UK mobile number for texting/meeting purposes. Some of you should have it already. If you write, use the CONTACT option on this blog’s top menu and put: “FR UK MOBILE TEXT ME” in the subject line – and include your mobile number! I also have my skype number: 02081334535 – though I don’t check that as often.
Any Chance for a blognic on Tuesday evening? I’ll be in London on Business, albeit only from Tuesday to Wednesday, unfortunately.
[Maybe we can meet up. Drop me a line with a mobile number for texting purposes]
Regrets. Am in Southern California.
Hope you have opportunity to do some Jubilee stuff.
Fr we have just got tickets for the LMS meeting and are in the process of booking hotels we are from the frozen north . . So we’ll be in London on Monday . .so the Coal Hole will be swinging . .be there or be square . .!!! We will return to our northern fastness on Tuesday . .then launch another raid south on Friday . .southerners just don’t know how to drink . .pathetic that we have to travel all this way just to soak up beer . .!!!
I hope.one day Father that you will visit Texas . I’m sure we could have a Texas style blognit. I wish you the best on your visit to the Uk.. You are in my prayers .
If you could drop us your number please . .I have your e mail address but no phone number . .thanks, yours Jim.
If I didn’t have a broken foot in a cast, I’d fly over for that — cos I know Supertradmum will probably be there, too! (my two favorite blogs – yours and hers, Fr Z.)
Sorry, I am on pilgrimage to Walsingham this week and will be at the conference on Saturday. I am not sure I can make the blognic on Friday night, but if you are up to it, maybe a pint after the conference with some of us would be nice.
I have had a few sms texts from people who are coming. It will be nice to see people again.
Interesting, Father. A friend just sent me these updates. I am from Kansas City, and my sisters from Pittsburgh, PA. We are vacationing together in London this week! And I was just at that 6:30pm Mass at Corpus Christi on Maiden Lane earlier this evening…
I do hope you enjoy your stay in London, as my sisters and I certainly are!
Cheers! :)
We had a nice small gathering last night, very friendly. A few people sat at another table down the way and didn’t have much to do with our other little group. I think they were on their regular and habitual post-Mass schedule. Still, it was very nice to see people.
Hi, is there one for Friday and when and where? I shall be in London.