NEW Z-SWAG: Catholic and Faithful – American and Free & Dic Nigra – Fac Rubra – UPDATES

I am rolling out a couple new items of  Z-Swag:

First, since we are in a context with the Obama Administration for our freedom to act like Catholics in the public square (cf 1st Amendment), I have this car magnet and sticker:

I have not yet seen one with my own eyes.  I have one on order.  However, every time I have made something, it has turned out well.

For this design click HERE.

Then, because I get at least one request a week for it, I have now a Latin version of the popular Say The Black – Do The Red design.  I have actually had the design for a while, but figured it was about time to pull the trigger.

Check the S-Swag Store HERE.

I made the nigra and the rubra plural, so that we Have “Say the black (things) – Do the red (things)”, which on reflection made better sense.

I also have a left-handed version for you sinister types.


I added a variation for those of you who prefer an alternative text.  There are both left handed and right handed versions of this as well:

And for you Latin “traditionalists” out there, I have a rather more archaic sounding Latin alternative of the same:

And also for those who prefer it this elegant version:


Another version:


Mr. UPS just brought my swag!



The car magnet is sharp and clear and easy to read.  Looks nice!


Clear details, too… though such clarity probably isn’t needed on a car.

Who says this has to go on a car?


The mug is nice too.  Behold the Ur-Mug.

(pesky phone camera is dying on me I think)



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kathleen10 says:

    Cool stuff Fr. Z! Love the sticker.

  2. JLCG says:

    Oras aequoris latini lustratus te oportet scribere ” nigra legenda, rubra agenda” reor.

  3. Charles E Flynn says:

    Given Saturday’s menu at the Sabine Farm, it is safe to assume we will not be seeing a bumper stick that has this combination:

    Dic Nigra

    Fac Rubra


    I Brake For Squirrels

  4. Panterina says:

    I do like JLCG’s version better, but I am thankful any Latin version of the mug: It just feels so right!

    @ Charles: LOTFL!

    As for the lefty version, I take it that, in mug etiquette, the words need to face outwards?In other words, there’s no point to preach to the choir…

  5. irishgirl says:

    Like the bumper sticker / magnet, Father Z! If I had the money, I’d certainly get them!
    @ Charles: ‘I Brake For Squirrels’. Ha, that’s a good one, considering what the good padre cooked up at the Sabine Farm lately! You’re making me smile here….

  6. While I like the Latinity, I don’t think that I would feel comfortable brandishing this cup around here in the South. Just sayin’

  7. AlexandraNW says:

    Same reservations as Father Gregory, given lack of exposure to Latin in the public square, and insufficient context. I wonder how it would look in Spanish, instead?

  8. I have added a few new versions in Latin.

    Is there interest in other languages?

  9. Legisperitus says:

    Fr. Gregory, agreed. “Nigra” was for a long time used as a rather ungracious Southern pronunciation of “Negro.”

  10. Pedantic Classicist says:

    Fr. Z,

    Thanks for the additions (I particularly like the “faciunda” one; love wacky Latina Prisca). Agreed, though, on the concerns about “nigra” (glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that). Furthermore, wouldn’t atra be a bit better anyway? Correct me if I’m wrong, but considering that atramentum can be “ink,” it seems like atra would work a bit better.

    Hmmm. Koine Greek?? ;)

    (honestly, though, I would buy that)
    O, speaking of archaic Latin:
    HAVETOTE, omnes. PC

    [I can add an “Atra” version. Several. Check them out.]

  11. elestirne says:

    Lightbulb moment: I just now realized why they’re called “rubrics”. I probably should have figured that out before…

  12. CharlesG says:

    Hmmm, an almost Novus Ordo-like multiplicity of options for the Latin version…

  13. CharlesG: almost Novus Ordo-like multiplicity of options for the Latin version

    Think about it. That side of the Roman Rite is where the problems are. I am just making their mugs choice more like their way of praying.

  14. Mariana says:

    Sciurus is squirrel in latin, but what is “brake?” As in “I don’t brake for squirrels.”

  15. In Latin, “to brake, check” is freno.

  16. MyBrokenFiat says:

    All this wonderful banter makes me wish I paid better attention in my own Latin classes as a child. It’s great fun to see you all keep outdoing your own cleverness, but I think I’d be having a better laugh if I understood the nuances. Still – cheers. :) These are wonderful!

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