Your Corpus Christi Processions Reports

Did you participate in any processions?

Any newly revived processions?

Give us a report of what you saw and heard.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jael says:

    We had benediction and a procession inside the church–the priest, deacon, subdeacon, and altar boys only. I guess the new clergy failed to get the permit to do it on the public street like we have in the past.

  2. mrsschiavolin says:

    Yes, with our Cathedral. Very solemn and beautiful. We went to the state capital and prayed for religious freedom in between all the Latin hymns.

    As a bonus, we drove past the Hispanic procession on the way home by accident. Awesome!

  3. NancyJ says:

    Solemn Mass followed by a procession through the neighborhood accompanied by our youth and adult choir. Great homily urging us to stay after Mass and pray for 15 minutes as this is the time when Jesus is within us (immediately after the Eucharist) – this prayer time trumps all prayer during the rest of the week. To top it off our youngest son received his First Confession. A beautiful morning.

  4. LadyMedievalist says:

    Our Cathedral did a procession around a city block after Mass this morning which ended with benediction at the altar in the Mary garden outside the church. Lots of curious stares as we processed down the street, singing hymns! Our bishop obtained permission from the city to have a longer procession in 2 weeks as part of the Fortnight for Freedom, so after today, I am very excited about that!

  5. Yes, we had a procession from one my parishes to the other, about a half-mile away. We’ve done this for six years. We did get permission from the Archbishop! (I confess I forgot some years–I beg your pardon Excellency!) It was hot; it was powerful; it was an inestimable privilege. I wrote about it here.

    I’ll miss this in my new assignment; but perhaps I can organize something similar there.

  6. Elizabeth R says:

    St Ambrose in St Louis had a procession around the neighborhood. We started at the church, stopped at four altars set up by residents, and ended at the church. First communicants, Knights of Columbus with swords, Boy Scouts, police, and a lot of parishioners. Prayers and hymns in English, Latin, and Italian.

  7. ddoyle1220 says:

    I was able to serve a beautiful Mass and procession led by His Excellency Timothy Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Great homily, followed by a beautiful outdoor procession around the Shrine, including stopping on the steps overlooking Michigan Ave. at an Altar set up, ending in the Crypt Church with Choral Meditations followed by a few hours of silent prayer prior to Benediction.

  8. CaliCatholicGuy says:

    Went to my first Corpus Christi procession – we didn’t have anything like this in my childhood parish, although we did do May processions saying the rosary. It was a blessing to be able to take my wife, as she is a convert to Catholicism. We processed out of the church across the street to the parochial school and around the perimeter of the school and back to the church. We stopped at three different altars, had three gospel readings (was wondering why we had 3 deacons at mass today) and Monsignor blessed us with the monstrance, plenty of incense and latin hymns. We then processed back to the church and had benediction and the divine praises to finish up. The procession was led by the servers, K of C 4th degree in regalia and first communicants. Felt so right kneeling on the bare ground at each stop and singing in Latin. Got a few dirty looks from people driving by, but for the most part everyone was respectful. I look forward to next year, I hope we go again. I felt very connected to other Catholics throughout the world, especially in Latin America and Europe where such processions are more common. I felt proud to sing in Latin, the language of our rite and live our faith amongst the public.

  9. yatzer says:

    We had a lovely procession around the block where the parish has property. There were the KofC, Malta, incense, 3 altars, singing and Benediction. One of the neighbors was out taking pictures and she didn’t look hostile. It was rather hot here, but a wonderful thing. I don’t understand why these were ever stopped.

  10. Girgadis says:

    Procession and Benediction inside the church. Unfortunately, one never knows what impiety might be encountered on the streets in an urban commercial area so I think Father wanted to play it safe this year. The last two years the procession took place outside. Some photos can be seen at the link below.

  11. Beau says:

    Springfield, Missouri – the cathedral had a sung mass in the extraordinary form, with the bishop (James Johnston) in choir. After we processed to the nearby Catholic Campus Ministry with the bishop carrying our Lord. We stopped at two separate altars. As a rough estimate, I would say 400-500 people participated. It was great!

  12. FXR2 says:

    This Sunday I was traveling and away from Mater Ecclesiae. I and my family of six children attended the local Novus Ordo mass in north eastern Pennsylvania. I was astounded by the homily for Christ the King ‘Sunday’ which went something like this : ” We are what we eat. If we eat too many Crispy Creme donuts we start to look like a Crispy Creme donut. A long time ago there used to be processions around the churches and sometimes even through the neighborhoods. These processions are no longer needed because if we receive The Holy Eucharist worthily we become ‘little jesuses and we are our own procession to the rest of the world”
    I won’t repeat what my older children said on their way back to the cabin we were staying at. I am checking into a local Byzantine Catholic Church about 45 minutes away for the next time we are in the area.

    Please pray for our bishops and priests,


  13. onearmsteve says:

    Prince of Peace here in S Carolina had one & even though it was raining outside Fr Smith amended the procession to go throughout the church to the St Joe’s alter then to a set up on at the entrance then to Our Lady’s alter then to the alter of sacrafice then to the high alter. It was awesome. Latin chants by the choir was outstanding. He’s a big traditional kinda guy so had the smells & bells going all out today :) a couple little girls who had 1st communion weeks ago threw rose petals in front of the priest that carried Our Lord, only a few people left (I guess Obama voters that I place nice notes on their windshields telling them how insane their ‘obama 2012’ sticker is with them supporting anti catholic people), a couple priests from the area came to participate, it was just beautiful. No chance anyone was looking at their watches

  14. Lori says:

    Procession and Benediction through the small town of Camas, Washington; St. Thomas Aquinas. The beautiful procession included over twenty alter boys, incense, candles, music, and benediction at seven altars. We finished with a parish potluck hosted by the Knights. My oldest son, who received his first communion this year, was part of the procession dropping rose petals. It was a beautiful day.

  15. RichardC says:

    There was a Eucharistic Procession at the parish I attend. Though, it didn’t leave the parking lot, it was very beautiful to me. First the altar boy, carrying the Cross. Then, young girls, dressed in white, strewing flower petals before the Blessed Sacrament. Then, an altar boy carrying lighted incense. Then, the priest carrying the Blessed Sacrament. Then, the rest of us, following behind, singing hymns.

  16. Traductora says:

    We had a very lovely Corpus procession in St Augustine, led by our wonderful Bishop Felipe Estevez. On Friday, he was at the anti-HHS rally in Jacksonville, on Saturday he led a Corpus Christi vigil procession in Jacksonville that went to two abortion providers located near the church from which the procession started, and today he was out there again. As one of the wonderful Knights of Columbus who were the honor guard said, if the Bishop does it, we’d be ashamed not to do it.

    A very conservative priest (who is anathema in the diocese, except to our new bishop) revived the Corpus Christi procession at the Cathedral about 5 years ago, and fortunately it has been continued by the pastor who followed him. I grew up in New York where this was routine until Vatican II stopped it dead.

    But it’s coming back. In Spain, they make a carpet of rose petals on the street that has designs interspersed with elaborate “paintings” with Eucharistic themes, and the priests and people walk over these rose petal carpets. But I think it will take us a while to get that in (originally Spanish) St Augustine!

  17. Rellis says:

    At the wonderful St. Rita parish in Alexandria, VA we had a procession after the 11AM Novus Ordo “high” mass. “Pange Lingua” out the front doors. Then around the building. Altar boys only (of course). Thurifer, cross-bearer, two acolytes, priest with monstrance and humeral veil.

    Getting back to the front door, assembly takes their pews. Choir switches to “Tantum Ergo.” Benediction proceeds (in English, which was still nice). Blessed Sacrament reposed after a brief time (there was another Mass at 1PM).

    I should say that the Mass preceding the procession featured: ad orientem; communion at the rail as an option; Simple English Propers; Latin in the principal people’s parts (except the Creed); the missa normativa; the Vatican II Hymnal. As it is every single Sunday at 11AM. The jewel of the Diocese of Arlington. God bless this parish.

  18. Dies Irae says:

    Our church gets a parade permit to process in the streets around the church. 11 children made First Communions today, too, very, very beautiful. Frs. sermon was excellent, about the Real Presence, beginning with:
    and going into greater depth about how those who receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin lose their faith, as St. Paul says, “unto their condemnation”.
    While I was unable to walk in the procession, I could hear them from in the church. “Pange Lingua” “Adoro Te Devote” “O Salutaris Hostia” “Adoremus in Aeternum”. Very beautiful feast day!!

  19. Jason Brown says:

    Here at St. Anne’s, the sole parish in Winnipeg with a regular Traditional Latin Mass, we had a High Mass, a procession with 14 servers (and flowers girls), and ended with benediction in the church.

    See photos!

    It was great. Father said he thought it was the first Corpus Christi procession in Winnipeg with more than 2 servers since about 1968. There was singing, groups praying rosaries, and beautiful eye candy for the soul (check out the photos of the procession). One man stopped mowing his lawn to watch us go by.
    Did I mention Father hosted a pig roast afterwards?
    Many thanks to our brilliant Jesuit Father Burwell for planning it and getting the permit so we could parade with Christ through the city.

  20. Elizabeth D says:

    We had a stunningly beautiful procession in Madison, WI, from St Patrick’s Church, to the top of the State Street Steps of the Capitol Building where all the circus-like “Recall Walker” demonstrations were for months until so recently held, where the Blessed Sacrament was placed on a most dignified altar, and we heard about bringing our Catholic faith out from behind walls and into the streets, and how precious is religious liberty. And: “Viva Cristo Rey!” We then processed to Holy Redeemer Church for Benediction. I blogged my photos, you must see, Jesus at the Capitol was extremely dramatic:

  21. Ryan M says:

    St. John Cantius in Chicago had a wonderful procession, but on top of that we had this sight to greet us on the steps:

    Stair Chalk Art

    Make sure to zoom in and see the writing on the lowest steps!

  22. SWP says:

    Ss.Cyril&Methodius is a Slovak Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit. The pastor there is one of the best confessors I’ve ever experienced, and I visit him every time I’m back in the AoD. They combined the 9 and 11 Masses into one 10am Mass with a procession. The Mass was partially in Slovak, since the 9am is normally a Slovak mass, and they had a small orchestra with timpani. You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced the elevation of the host with three bells (two tones) and a timpani rumble! The procession began right at the end of Mass, with the entire cadre of altar boys, thurifers, and bells; the girls casting rose petals the entire way, and then the canopy. We sang in Slovak and English as we proceeded from one altar to the next, and there were four altars around the premises. Most of the people who go to SSCM are not Slovak, but they appreciate Novus Ordo done reverently and well. If I ever move back to the AoD, that’s the parish I would go to regularly. My wife was an altar server, and she says she wouldn’t want to go all the time, but she does appreciate Fr. Ben and how he cares for his flock.

  23. St. Epaphras says:

    Thanks to those who gave links to photos — beautiful!! Thank you to all priests who do have these processions. God bless and reward you! For family reasons I couldn’t get to a parish which does Corpus Christi right (no procession here). God blessed abundantly, however. It was just one of those times you realize beyond the shadow of a doubt that that is JESUS CHRIST in Holy Communion, no matter what else goes on at that parish, no matter what modernist goofiness is said during the sermon, and so on.

    Corpus Christi took on a new meaning to me. Every Holy Communion can and should be life-changing and life and love-giving. That is what happened today. We had a blessed day all day. The graces from Mass and Holy Communion were abundant. We are Catholic! We have the Eucharist.

  24. This was my second time in a Corpus Christi procession. It’s only quite small; we go out the side door of the parish hall, then around the sidewalk and up to the front door. It’s cool though; I’m glad we do at least that. Plus today was first Communion for the young ones, which is always great to see.

  25. asperges says:

    UK: After the main OF solemn Mass and before the EF Mass, so I arrived in time. The altar ablaze with countless candles. Traditional benediction. Procession with full canopy held over the Blessed Sacrament. Bells rung all the time as we processed and the congregation followed singing a mixture of hymns. Amazingly, bad weather gave way to beautiful sunshine. A bit surprised to find some women having a chat near me as we walked along as though it were a day’s picnic. Interesting that the only hymns sung with any gusto were the “old fashioned” Eucharistic hymns of long ago learnt in childhood. Re-entry into church – altar still looking magnificent. Final Tantum ergo, clouds of incense and finish. Then went to the EF (Dominican rite) Mass which followed. Wonderful.

  26. mpolo says:

    In Germany, we had the traditional procession with 4 altars (each with Benediction) and a final Benediction in the main church at the end. This town had laid out a narrow carpet of flowers over the entire route, which must have been at least a kilometer, so that I as priest carrying the Eucharist was always walking on flowers. Each of the altars was decorated with a large carpet of flowers, or in one case with a stone mosaic of the seamless robe of Christ (this was in the diocese of Trier, where they just finished a pilgrimage period to the seamless robe). Very beautiful experience. This year, we even had good weather (last year, we had pouring rain in the same village).

  27. Ben Yanke says:

    We had a glorious procession in Madison. Bishop Morlino was unable to make it, but it was wonderful all the same. We had a procession to the state capital, then to get the other church in the parish. Click my name for pictures…

  28. Ben Yanke says:

    Ryan M, that is so cool!!

  29. JaneC says:

    We have a similar situation to what Girgadis described above. Our pastor has apparently had a bad experience with a procession in the past, where people on the street were mocking the Blessed Sacrament. Our parish had uneventful processions all through downtown in previous years before the current pastor came, but he was unwilling to risk leaving the church building at all. So we had Benediction at the end of Mass and that was it (our church is too small for an indoor procession).

    I don’t agree with his position about processions and I don’t think there was any reason to be fearful, but I do understand “once burned, twice shy.”

  30. New Sister says:

    Today a deacon in Corvallis, Oregon refused to give me Holy Communion until I stood (I had knelt to receive Jesus, as I always do).

  31. Sword40 says:

    First Corpus Christi Procession in 40 plus years at St. Francis Xavier Catholic church near Toledo, WA. It was great. We really worked hard to get it done. Two of the ladies made, by hand, the Canopy. It is a work of art. Compliments were on everyones lips.

  32. AnnAsher says:

    It has warmed my heart to read these notes and to know that throughout Missouri there were processions. I was with you in my heart. In my body, it was too hot for my little ones and my stroller has a flat.
    New Sister I suggest inquiring of the parish priest and then the Bishop. The Deacon can not dictate your pious posture. He can invite…he can not dictate.

  33. Spaniard says:

    Great procession: round the village, 14 acolytes, incense, the sisters in our Community singing… A great testimony, Alleluia!!!

  34. Skeinster says:

    At our EF parish, we had a procession between the 9:00 and 11:30 Mass, with all the trimmings. We are on a very busy street, so we processed only on our fairly spacious church grounds. We stopped at an altar set up in front of the rectory for Benediction, and then processed back to the church.
    Before we got our own church, and were the guests of the cloistered Carmelites, we would process around their property.
    We had one First Communicant and an after Mass social for the ordination anniversaries of both our priests, which fall in the same week. Alas, their duties at the altar and in the confessional prevented them from attending- thanks to the procession- so we may want to re-think that.
    Next year- rose petals, if Fr. will let us.

  35. WaywardSailor says:

    For the first time in my fifty years, I was privileged to participate in a Corpus Christi procession following an extraordinarily beautiful Missa Cantata at Saint Adelaide Church in Peabody, Massachusetts. The procession, which featured beautiful hymns to the Blessed Sacrament and ended with Benediction at one of the Marian shrines on the grounds of the church, was enhanced by the recent acquisition of a magnificent embroidered canopy (at a flea market, no less!) by the priests of our parish. I am unashamed to say that, overwhelmed by the mercy of God, the entire experience brought tears to my eyes.

  36. Titus says:

    My (OF) parish had a round-the-block procession planned, but it was kicked indoors at the last moment because of weather. Very well done, however, thanks to the good work of the servers and the schola.

    I actually went to Mass a second time at another parish, for my cousin’s baptism. There was not a procession—or even the sequence—although there were tambourines. (I think this can be fairly stated as a logical imperative: If T, then ¬P.)

  37. dans0622 says:

    Had a little procession around the outside of the church (by the name of Corpus Christi). The singing stopped but, fortunately, there wasn’t much idle conversation going on among the participants…unlike in times past.

  38. TNCath says:

    Went to Mass at the Church of Maria delle Grazia in Terrasini, Sicily last evening, followed by the procession through the town with the pastor of the parish, three other priests from parishes in the town, and the pastor emeritus, a canon of the Cathedral in Monreale. A very moving and beautiful ceremony, indeed, with altars erected in various parts of the town. The conclusion of the procession took place at 10:30 p.m., with Solemn Benediction. Although the pastor tended to talk too much and give lengthy explanations about what he was doing, it was a magnificent evening.

  39. wolfeken says:

    In Washington, D.C., a traditional Latin High Mass on Thursday evening (the same day the pope celebrated Corpus Christi…) at Saint Mary’s at 5th and H, followed by an outdoor procession.

    The patrons sitting outside at the Irish bar across the street probably did not know the church doors would be swinging open with Gregorian chant (men’s s schola) overpowering their usual “Oh Danny Boy.”

    Another traditional Latin High Mass yesterday for the Second Sunday After Pentecost, with the men’s schola singing the propers in Gregorian chant and a choir singing Byrd’s “Mass for Five Voices.”

  40. cdruiz says:

    Outstanding procession in Manchester, NH. It took about an hour to process with His Excellency, Bishop Peter A. Libasci from Sainte Marie’s, across the river, through downtown Manchester and to the Cathedral. We pulled out all of the stops, Crossbearer, flanking Candlebearers, Bell Ringers, Torchbearers, Canopy, two Thurifers, Boatbearer. The only thing we did not think about were the flower petals! God willing, next year!

    Picture of procession with Sainte Marie’s in the background.

  41. Ef-lover says:

    Beautiful Traditional Corpus Mass at St. Mary’s in Norwalk, Ct. with procession through downtown. Link to pictures

  42. Mark Scott Abeln says:

    A procession at the Cathedral in Saint Louis, Missouri, led by Archbishop Carlson, was accompanied by several litanies and Eucharistic hymns. It was lovely and edifying.

  43. catholictigerfan says:

    It rained and actually was raining pretty hard when the procession began, so we had to do it inside, but it was some kids first communion and they put rose petals in Front of Jesus, we processed to the back of the church then back to the front and did benediction.

  44. poohbear says:

    A procession following Mass. Eight altar boys carrying torches followed by the incense then the Blessed Sacrament protected by a beautiful canopy. The choir followed and then the remainder of the people. Someone had strewn flower petals on the ground beforehand. The procession left the main doors of the church and processed around into the parking lot behind the church and back to the main entrance into the church, and concluded with benediction. The church is on a highway, so probably why we didn’t leave the grounds, but easily visible from the road. I thought it was very nice and brought back memories of my childhood when processions went throughout the entire city.

  45. cathdeac says:

    We had no procession because my parish priest thinks that it is an obsolete devotion. No sequence before Gospel, no solemn blessing, no adoration. A picture of the parish priest among the kids of the Summer Camp instead.

  46. sirknight says:

    We had our first procession in a great many years at Immaculate Conception in Clarksville, Tennessee. About 100 walked around the block after the 8AM Mass….the sad thing was that almost a quarter of those present for Mass left immediately after receiving Communion, and even more were hurrying to their cars as the procession was exiting the Church! A good small beginning, but wait ’til next year!

  47. lpscott says:

    We had vespers at 7:00 to close the 40-hours devotion at St. Boniface in Lafayette, IN. Around 12 servers, 9 priests, and a couple of deacons led the procession around the block, with the choir leading the Pange Lingua.

  48. ppb says:

    In Albuquerque the tradition was revived of having a major public Corpus Christi procession in downtown/Old Town for the first time in 55 years. It was magnificent.

  49. JLC says:

    Same as Rellis. I lectored at the 0715 mass, and, since there is no cantor or schola, got to read the sequence. I went back for the 11:00 mass to take part in the procession.

    Needless to say, the sequence was more impressive chanted in Latin than was my reading. Oh well.

  50. Cricket says:

    Corpus Christi procession at Chicago’s St. John Cantius Church was SUBLIME, as always. (Good sermon from Fr. Bart Juncer, SJC on how we must all be “chalices,” bringing Jesus Christ to the world.) Does anybody know where they get the stencils + spray-on chalk for the sidewalk images?

  51. Dad of Six says:

    At Assumption Grotto church in Detroit we had the EF at noon (Gounod’s Saint Cecilia, with chanted propers and sequence). This was followed by a Eucharistic Procession to 4 altars, and then back into the air-conditioned church. A couple of hundred people took part, with several priests, 4th degree K of C color corps, and almost 20 altar boys. It was near 90 degrees, and I really felt for the priests, knights and altar boys.

  52. msproule says:

    At Holy Spirit in Brighton, MI, we had a procession to four altars set up around the parish grounds. Our pastor was joined by the deacon, K of C color guard, about seven altar servers, girls laying down rose petals, and perhaps 50-75 parishioners.

  53. MouseTemplar says:

    Here in Grand Rapids MI at St. Isidore Parish, we have a long and lovely procession every year. This year we had our pastor [who’d just celebrated the FIFTIETH anniversary of his Ordination!] and two other priests, the Kof C carrying the canopy, and 12 altar boys–yes all boys– in cassock and white surplice carrying vigil candles. We went on a 3 mile circuit through the Parish neighborhoods. A couple hundred participants sang hymns, said the rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet.

    Some folks stopped what they were doing and kneeled in the street. One woman even ran into the house to get a shirt to cover the halter top she’d been gardening in so she could watch the procession more respectfully.

    We returned to Benediction and cold watermelon!

  54. nfp4life says:

    I’m with Ef lover- at St. Mary’s in Norwalk, CT. I got a little of Fr. Markey’s homily on video, and some of the procession. Great and glorious day!
    Anyone in the NY tri-state area should take a ride on any Sunday morning (9:30) – because it’s just as beautiful every Sunday. Many of us travel 45 minutes to an hour every week. It’s worth the trip! see my article for more details.

  55. Robert_H says:

    At Sacred Heart in Grand Rapids, MI, we had a procession around the block following our 10:30 NO Mass that ended before the 12:30 EF Mass.

    @MouseTemplar: I wonder if we know each other? FYI: The EF crowd at SHoJ loves it when Fr. Bozung from St. Isidore’s is celebrating Mass for us.

  56. j says:

    Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston
    Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary form, Celebrated by Fr David Taurasi, followed by Eucharistic Procession around the Cathedral with Stations and Benediction outside, ending in Exposition, Adoration and Benediction with all the Cathedral communities upstairs in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, thanks to visiting Priests Fr Rowe, FSSP, from Australia and Fr Timothy Johnson from North Dakota

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