From Life News:
Planned Parenthood Protestor Spits on Romney Supporter
by Steven Ertelt
A Planned Parenthood protestor [in other words a pro-PP protester = a zealot for PP] who purposefully mingled in with supporters of Mitt Romney at a Wisconsin event to chastise the candidate for wanting to stop taxpayer funding of the abortion business.
After she asks a question about Planned Parenthood and begins filibustering at the event, Romney supporters confront her and she spits in the face of one pro-Romney woman. A local newspaper in Appleton identifies the woman as 83-year-old Mary Hoglund.
Video of the incident appears below:
November 2012!
Pres. Obama is the darling of Planned Parenthood and an aggressive promoter of abortion.
The cult of Molech lives, and Planned Parenthood is his temple. Here in Virginia, we are being bombarded with an ad featuring disturbed women decrying Governor Romney’s pledge to cut off funding for PP. They claim we are being “dragged back to the 50s”. I wish.
That must be the tolerance liberals are so proud of lecturing us about. Unbelievable.
Reminds me of a nasty comment I received from an old friend on facebook that as I have no womb, I should keep my mouth shut about abortion.
President Obama let us know his true feelings when he discussed his daughters, and if they ever made a mistake, shouldn’t have to be “punished with a baby.” I would like to see a healthy, robust debate on this topic, just to make it abundantly clear what everyone’s views are on this issue, and who supports instrinsic evil and who does not. Obviously, to spit in the face of your adversary is not helpful to promoting a robust discussion.
What a pitiable woman, so badly in need of prayers before it’s too late.
One wonders why an 83-year-old is so viciously hostile to the point of being unhinged on the PP issue.
Two women tried to get on the stage in Iowa where Cong. Ryan was speaking. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Only going to get worse as November 6 gets closer. They better get Ryan full Secret Service protection . . . soon! The nut cases abound.
What sort of people nurture this sort of fear in their followers? Isn’t this enough to make a sane person question voting for them at all? I haev encountered this sort of ‘terror in the heart’ with abortion supporters in the most unexpected places. Even the most casual conversation that touches on, say, adoption can bring this out. It is my hypothesis that the person is dealing with a terrible secret, perhaps an abortion or an unwanted child, that has burned a black spot in their heart. they want to be forgiven, but are misled to think the way to do it for everyone to agree that killing or resenting a child is the way. If we can find a way to highlight that the women who get abortions and the men that encourage them are victims as much, or perhaps more, than the innocent live lost, then I think we can gain a lot of traction in this effort to protect Life.
Liberal reason is equalled only by liberal charm.
“Pres. Obama is the darling of Planned Parenthood and an aggressive promoter of abortion.”
These people get a little lower every day. And so why is Card. Dolan sitting down chat with the devil again? To change his mind maybe?
[Card. Dolan isn’t the topic here.]
tealady24 asked “so why is Card. Dolan sitting down chat with the devil again? To change his mind maybe?”
[Card. Dolan isn’t the topic here.]
reg said “It is my hypothesis that the person is dealing with a terrible secret, perhaps an abortion or an unwanted child, that has burned a black spot in their heart.”
Bingo. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the spitter either had an abortion or drove someone to get one. She seems a little too invested in the big lie.
Sissy the left in WI are vicious and unhinged.
Sissy the left in WI are vicious and unhinged.
lydia, the qualifier (in WI) is redundant.
“the left in WI are vicious and unhinged”
Is that limited to WI? I’m afraid the contagion has spread…..
I’d file assault charges. I don’t care how old she is.
I’m just back from a reading a long thread on another website. A writer went into a rant about how Romney will ruin the air and the water, contaminate the food, kill the elderly, “make women second-class citizens”. It WAS unhinged. This isn’t new in this election cycle, but “demonization” like this is new to me. We simply aren’t human. They can’t talk to subhuman monsters; all they can do is spit on us, I guess. Lord, have mercy on them all, and on the people who taught them.
This past January, I went to the local PP to pray the Rosary for the souls of the babies who were dying in the facility, and for the conversion of those who were killing the babies. While praying the Rosary, our group was heckled by one of the abortion workers walking into the building. She was jumping in the air, waving her arms and proudly shooting the finger at us. She did this for about three full minutes, making little short jumps and then higher jumps in the air, all the while yelling vulgarities at us. (Unhinged is an understatement.) When she grew tired of all that strange jumping, she disappeared into the building. Meanwhile, our Rosary was finishing up, and in the course of our presence there, our group managed to save the lives of two babies! That abortion worker’s strange behavior did nothing that day. Prayer, on the other hand, stopped two women from making the worst mistake of their lives …
Strange things happen…
If this is what Obama’s lies are causing – panic in seniors – then we truly know that there are no depths to which he will not sink. I am sorry it has reached this stage – and it’s not even Labor Day yet!
I am certainly NOT supporting anything this woman did, nor the people that have led her to this. But HyacinthClare’s post makes me think of the equally unhinged people who are physically afraid of the Left and what they will do to spy on us and control us like animals. The really scary part is that BOTH sides are right. We have a situation where the Government in this country presumes an awful lot about what it can do before it gets our permission. Our Government is suppressing and ignoring our humanity when it makes us contravene our basic beliefs as surely as when it finances the killing of children in their mother’s wombs. That is not a Left or Right issue. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of our Government and our people about who is supposed to be in charge here. When that is understood, the abortion issue can be addressed where it should be, in the hearts of the people.
I agree with reg and Sissy above– the woman very likely has an abortion in her past and is
now heavily invested in the big lie. Anyone who would dare remind her that what she did
was wrong mustmustmust be silenced…
It’s disturbing to think that, with over 50 million abortions performed in this country alone
since Roe v. Wade, her sort of unhinged mentality is probably fairly common now. Since these
women are the most rabid of Planned Parenthood supporters, you can believe that the
abortion industry will always fight any attempt to address the self-loathing and guilt women
feel after an abortion.
While I ‘get’ how this works on a micro level, I’m baffled to understand how the Democrats
have become Mrs. Hoglund writ large. How did an entire party become so absolutely
wedded to abortion? Why do they respond with such fury to any dissent from the party line
on the matter? Why do they positively celebrate abortion? Last year, down in
Houston, the Democrats held their Christmas party in the new 75,000 square-foot Planned
Parenthood facility. Yes, a Christmas party at an abortion mill. Political parties are
very sensitive to optics and nuances– they knew just what they were doing. That event
was the Democrat’s way of spitting on all of us who oppose abortion. How did an entire party
turn into a Mrs. Hoglund?
Certain precautions are needed if presenting non-liberal points of view:
Where’s Max von Sydow when you need him?
I’ve attended numerous functions, and while it’s hard to put into words, there is a very obvious and dark spirit that often attends these events. It isn’t hard to see, as this one wasn’t. Prayerful walking, praying the Rosary in front of PP locations will result in at least a few vulgar names coming your way, and I don’t care how old the walkers. It’s hard to watch. People should always sign up in two’s if they can. I hate to see one elderly person walking by themselves. Of course it’s joyous to suffer some little thing for the Lord, but it is tough to keep my big Irish mouth shut.
In the last few years, everything has escalated in an obvious way. The hatred is more visible. It seems even since the scandals, the underlying resentment of the Catholic church has floated to the top. How dare we stand in the way of these people! Who do we think we are!
Oh, and I did enjoy the way that lady got “the bum’s rush” out the door. The Romney people had the last word on that! Haha, even a bunch of ladies know how to handle it.
I hate to be the one to point this out, the the lady who was spit on what yelling into the protester’s face, “zip it!” multiple times. She was worked up and yanking the tiger’s chain. Doesn’t excuse it though.
boy i messed a sentence up. “the lady who was spit on was yelling into the protester’s face”
83 and she’s still being used by Lucifer to do his work. Just goes to show you that in this world people of faith will be the objects of attack from all angles by the prince of darkness. Remain faithful, receive the Sacraments and have a healthy prayer life to ward off him and his goons.
Maybe the next time Hoglund will think twice before she expectorates.
“The spit-upon Romney supporter, who was not identified, then smacks Hoglund in the side of the face.”
Read more:
I live in the GREAT STATE of WISCONSIN…Sadly, Madison is Ground Zero for the Progressive Movement (nice name for the American Marxist Party).
This does not surprise me as people like this here (yes even someone in their 80’s) are the representatives of this group-think…
I have met so many wonderful Wisconsinites in the last year and a half that truthfully these characters are outnumbered 100-1 at least…they are vicious, crass and are adamently loyal to their evil cause. BUT!
We have the GREATEST DIOCESE IN THE U.S. with the GREATEST Bishop, His Excellency Robert Morlino! the Lord sent the right worker to this sour grapes town.
Madison and Milwaukee are not representative of the rest of Wisconsin. In addition, both cities have a minority of people like this. I live in Madison but even so these types are not the majority.
Let;s give a prayer of thanksgiving for His Excellency Robert Morlino for have a strong episcopal spine and a prayer of petition that this woman has her heart converted before she is called Home by our Father in Heaven.
Go Badgers!
God love you all!
Does anyone else feel the abortion supporting left shaking in their boots…?
Now that we have a truly pro-life Catholic on the ticket (Big C) who can articulate points well for the moral stability and fiscal stability of the country, the party of death will be getting more desperate as the days go by.
I don’t ever recall a time when people routinely became so physically and verbally aggressive at others with opposing views, or for no reason other than boredom. It is everywhere. The TFP have a few videos documenting the violent attacks on their peaceful protesting for marriage and pro-life, but especially for marriage. Bottles, bricks, cars, etc. It is bizarre. The behavior of the left is out of control. It seems to come from some kind of exploding frustration. They exhibit no peace or reason. What’s up today? Pretty scary.
I can’t imagine anyone better able to define and articulate this crazy behavior better than Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
Wish he were here today.
Tho if the Romney supporter hadn’t gotten right up in the woman’s face I wonder if this would have happened? Just sayin’ . . . the lady on the right gets right up in her face and says something like “zip it, zip it, zip it, or shut up, shut up, shut up – probably spraying spittle in her face first . . .
That being said, I don’t necessarily think that heckling really helps anybody, so probably would have been better if the lady hadn’t infiltrated the event, if in fact that is what happened – and we really don’t know the back story here despite what is surmised.
Though on the other hand I’m really weary of these totally staged events that are made to look like everybody supports Brand A or Brand B but really it’s a totally contrived group . . . in an era in which the voice of the common person is often shut out I sometimes wonder if heckling isn’t the only way for the marginalized to make their voices heard?
My first thought was the poor woman must be ill. Now I wonder whether she is possessed.
Anybody see the news regarding the longstanding charges against Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas? Of course, you haven’t. The national media aren’t reporting this story. All 107 charges have been dropped in an iron-clad court case dating back to 2003. (See for the details of this horribly convoluted mess.) We have reached the point where Planned Parenthood is so powerful, a court of law cannot deliver justice. Given the situation, I don’t think we should be surprised if an abortion supporter spits in the face of another person. There is very little reason now for them to hold back.
frjim4321 says:
18 August 2012 at 10:39 pm
“in an era in which the voice of the common person is often shut out I sometimes wonder if heckling isn’t the only way for the marginalized to make their voices heard?”
Not surprising that you would show up and take up the guidon for an advocate of infanticide. I’ll bet you champion the cause of arsonists, burglars, robbers, muggers, rapists, pedophiles, extortionists, drug addicts, ad infinitum, since their sinful behavior is marginalized as well.
Samwise Gamgee: I wish I could say that the left were even remotely shaking in their boots. IMO they feel so entitled and have felt that way so long, that anyone who challenges them is wrong and not deserving of the most basic respect. They would even turn on each other if they didn’t have conservatives to rip apart sight their mindless slogans. I have lost long standing friends because of the nasty comments they have shared with me, not about me but about politics, news etc. It’s scary to see how their faces change and distort as they speak. Somsthing evil is going on here.
J. Knott, You ask: what’s up today? I don’t know, but we certainly don’t have any leaders who could change or soften the tone. Didnt Obama run on a platform of treating each other better? And it was so welcomed by all Americans. He could have done some good in this way but even that, the least of his promises, was discarded.
BTW, I also think its very possible that the “spitter” could hVe had an abortion many years ago, perhaps in some very ugly squalid situation, handled very badly by one of the “abortionists” that one found by way of very dark means. I know women who hAve had similar abortions decades ago and still cant deal with it, still think about their babies. Yet then they quickly move away from that pain- How much easier for them to funnel their guilt into “helping” women today avoid that scenario, rather than focusing on the real issue: Who would my child have grown up to be? What have I done?
Not surprising that you would show up and take up the guidon for an advocate of infanticide. I’ll bet you champion the cause of arsonists, burglars, robbers, muggers, rapists, pedophiles, extortionists, drug addicts, ad infinitum, since their sinful behavior is marginalized as well.
AA, that’s the way civil rights work. We don’t give freedoms to people that we like and deny them from people we don’t.
Definition of to heckle: to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes : badger. — heck·ler \-k(?-)l?r\ noun .
Does not include spitting, which is not only extremely rude and harsh, but dangerous.
And, as to Madison, I lived there and hated it. Extremely liberal and one of the largest stem cell research faculties which use fetal material is right there connected with the university. Some Catholics work there, but I could not convince them this was wrong.
This is from the website. There is much evil in Madison: Where)do)ES)cells)come)from?
• Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) come from leftover in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos created in a laboratory dish
for the purpose of treating infertility. Those embryos not implanted can be donated for research, otherwise they
are discarded or frozen. ES cells come from these very early-stage embryos (about 6 days after fertilization).
These embryos, called blastocysts at this stage, contain about 50 cells and have not yet developed into tissues.
• One blastocyst may generate one cell line that can be cultured and expanded for years. Many studies can be
done on the cells resulting from one line, so blastocysts are not destroyed every time new research is performed.
• ES cells do not come from aborted fetuses. supertrad no they come from IVF and still means destroying and killing humans)
• ES cells are pluripotent, meaning they can become all 220 mature cell types in the human body. Adult stem cells
can be obtained from tissues in the body and are also early-stage cells, but they can only become the specialized
cell types present in the tissue from which they were obtained, so they are called multipotent.
• ES cells can self!renew and divide indefinitely providing potentially unlimited amounts of cells, but adult stem cells
have a limited ability to divide in culture due to senescence (aging process).
• Recently, mature cells have been genetically reprogrammed to become pluripotent. Called induced pluripotent
stem cells, (iPS cells), they appear to be similar to ES cells. However, new research has shown that they may age
sooner than ES cells. Also, parts of the genetic information in these new cells may not undergo complete
reprogramming, which could cause problems if used in patients.
• ES cells are powerful tools for research on early reproduction and development, causes of birth defects, and
miscarriage. They also shed light on the origins of numerous diseases and disorders, such as Parkinson’s, ALS,
Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, musculoskeletal disease, skin
disease, leukemia, lymphoma, hearing loss, vision loss, diabetes and heart disease.
• ES cells and their derivatives are being used to develop new drugs and t
forgot one parenthesis on my comment and here is the website-
frjim4321 says:
AA, that’s the way civil rights work. We don’t give freedoms to people that we like and deny them from people we don’t.
1. It’s not a matter of “we” giving freedoms. According to natural law (and the Declaration of Independence), freedoms are not merely granted by the govt but rather exist according to human nature (cf natural vs legal rights).
2. Thus the questions of right to abortion and homosexual unions must be assessed according the whether they are consonant with human nature, not whether specific participants are liked or not by the majority or by those controlling the levers of power.
3. In so far as people have been convicted of murder of the unborn as a count against the perpetrator of the murder of the mother (cf Scott Peterson), it must be said that no one has the right to an abortion. Also: The unborn commonly have inheritance rights.
1. It’s not a matter of “we” giving freedoms. According to natural law (and the Declaration of Independence), freedoms are not merely granted by the govt but rather exist according to human nature (cf natural vs legal rights).
What I said, “we” don’t give them.
2. Thus the questions of right to abortion and homosexual unions must be assessed according the whether they are consonant with human nature, not whether specific participants are liked or not by the majority or by those controlling the levers of power.
I thought the topic was about the speech itself and not what the speech was about.
3. In so far as people have been convicted of murder of the unborn as a count against the perpetrator of the murder of the mother (cf Scott Peterson), it must be said that no one has the right to an abortion. Also: The unborn commonly have inheritance rights.
Right, that’s about abortion, I thought the topic was about freedom of speech, heckling, etc.
“I thought the topic was about freedom of speech, heckling, etc.”
frjim4321, the woman wasn’t engaging in any sort of free speech. She committed a crime; depending upon the state, she committed either an assault, a battery, or both. There is no free speech right to touch another person with violence. The topic isn’t at all about “freedom of speech, heckling, etc”.
The woman not only committed an assault, but was doing her best to prevent others from enjoying their own freedom of speech. One cannot claim the right of free speech while trying to deny it to others.
“One cannot claim the right of free speech while trying to deny it to others.”
wmeyer, you’ve hit on it. Fr. Jim defends the spitter on free speech grounds, when it was she who was attempting to shut down freedom of speech!
Why hasn’t this been called a “hate crime” by the media?
The free speech canard is irrelevant to this event. No one is preventing the woman from having her own rally for her views. She is suppressing the right of others to express theirs. I had a friend who was upset that a politician had security to prevent protests inside the hall he was holding his own campaign event. People have been intentionally misled to think they can be allowed to express their opinion at any time in any venue. We do not understand our own Government becasue we have been taught to misunderstand it. This is similar to the state of our catechism, too.
rcg, I would suggest that had this been an Obama venue, the protester would, at the very least, have been told she could not protest inside. Then, on moving outside, she might have been told she could not protest without a permit.
But the media would certainly have invoked their usual canards about hate crimes, killing the elderly, and so on.
…wmeyer, you’ve hit on it. Fr. Jim defends the spitter on free speech grounds, when it was she who was attempting to shut down freedom of speech…
Actually in my first comment I said “…so probably would have been better if the lady hadn’t infiltrated the event…” so how that equates to defending here I don’t know.
I know that I am at times a contrarian voice, but things would go a bit more smoothly if I was heard for what I’m saying as opposed to what some people think I’m saying.
here = her (It’s after 5 here.)
frjim4321 said: “how that equates to defending [her] I don’t know.”
Fr. Jim, I don’t wish to be uncharitable to you or mischaracterize your statements. I don’t believe I did so. Here are two of your statements, to which I responded:
Fr. Jim stated: 1) “That being said, I don’t necessarily think that heckling really helps anybody, so probably would have been better if the lady hadn’t infiltrated the event, if in fact that is what happened – and we really don’t know the back story here despite what is surmised.” and 2)”I thought the topic was about freedom of speech, heckling, etc.”
I interpreted your drawing a moral equivalence between assault and battery with “heckling” and “freedom of speech” as a defense of the woman’s behavior. I read your remarks as explaining away a vile crime as a permissible exercise of civil liberty. I didn’t just “think” that you described her actions as heckling; that was the term you chose. But if by “heckling”, you really meant “criminal activity”, then, please accept my sincere apologies for misreading you.
frjim4321 says:
1. It’s not a matter of “we” giving freedoms. According to natural law (and the Declaration of Independence), freedoms are not merely granted by the govt but rather exist according to human nature (cf natural vs legal rights).
What I said, “we” don’t give them.
You are “we don’t give freedoms (or not) . . . or deny’. That seemed to be saying that it is a matter of positive law. Legitimate Freedom, however, is a function of natural law.
2. Thus the questions of right to abortion and homosexual unions must be assessed according the whether they are consonant with human nature, not whether specific participants are liked or not by the majority or by those controlling the levers of power.
I thought the topic was about the speech itself and not what the speech was about.
Speech always concerns content.
In so far as people have been convicted of murder of the unborn as a count against the perpetrator of the murder of the mother (cf Scott Peterson), it must be said that no one has the right to an abortion. Also: The unborn commonly have inheritance rights.
Right, that’s about abortion, I thought the topic was about freedom of speech, heckling, etc.
No, I wasn’t speaking of abortion but rather the so-called right to it.