B by B

I was delighted to receive some good B-Day news:

I just received a phone call yesterday asking my husband and I if we would be willing to pay for a biretta for our parish priest so he could go for training in the Extraordinary Form. We said absolutely (and offered towards an altar rail!). Even here in a diocese that has been forsaken for so long, we are building! Now we pray that the new bishop chosen for us is an orthodox one.

Biretta by biretta.

Bishop by bishop.

Brick by brick.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. New Sister says:

    Happy Birthday, Father, with thanks for all you do. Ad multos annos!

  2. friarpark says:

    Happy Birthday, Father!!

  3. dbqcatholic says:

    Happy Birthday, Fr. Z!

  4. Happy Blessed Birthday Father Z! May God bless you with vitality to enable you to keep on fighting the good fight of the faith.

  5. off2 says:

    Happy Birthday, Father!

  6. VexillaRegis says:

    Happy birthday, Fr Z! It always feels special when it falls on a Sunday.

  7. John F. says:

    Happy Birthday

  8. yatzer says:

    Happy Birthday!! We are actually having a birthday party here for our son today, also. Hurray for everyone!!

  9. amymev says:

    Well then, how about another gift? Our pastor wore that biretta this past week, and has now completed his [first] training with the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. He is very much a “smells and bells” kind of guy, so I am sure he took quite a liking to the Canons Regular! One brick laid, and another one fired.

    Felicem natalem!

  10. AloysiusJM says:

    Great news! Deo Gratias!

    oh, and Happy Birthday Father!

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