I subscribe to the plan of voting for the most conservative candidate who has a real chance to win. The candidate might not be perfect, but, as the young papist Tom Peters put it today, imperfect is better than evil.
Evil and, I could add, confused.
Here is video of pro-abortion catholic VP Biden saying that Planned Parenthood is forbidden by law from performing abortions. Yes… really…
Ehem… that’s just about all Planned Parenthood does!
Planned Parenthood profits from abortion and works to cause as many profit making abortions as it possibly can. And THAT is what the Obama/Biden ticket wants to fund with tax payer dollars… or perhaps fund with dollars raised by fining religious institutions which won’t cave in to their evil agenda.
And let us not forget that Biden doesn’t want to second-guess China’s “one child” policy.
Biden says he is “personally opposed” to abortion but won’t impose his views on others. Uh huh. That’s the old Kennedy-Cuomo pro-abortion catholic dodge. When you spin that out to others issues the position is exposed as a fraud. “I’m personally opposed to someone knocking you out, cutting you open, and selling your kidneys on the black market, but I don’t want to impose my views on others.” “I’m personally opposed to putting 68 year-olds with Crohn’s Disease to death because they will drain system under Obamatax, but I don’t want to impose my views.” “I’m personally opposed to rape, but I won’t vote for any law against it. That would mean imposing my views on people who think rape is okay.”
Can. 915!
If this isn’t “public” enough to warrant Can. 915, it’s my opinion (admittedly worthless) that Can. 915 should just be officially stricken from the law.
Our poor, ignorant “catholic” Vice President. If he would simple access Planned Parenthood’s own website he would read the following:
“Where Can I Get an In-Clinic Abortion? How Much Does It Cost?
Abortions are available at many Planned Parenthood health centers, clinics, and the offices of private health care providers. Use our health center locator to find the nearest Planned Parenthood health center that offers abortion services. If there is not a health center nearby that provides the abortion services you need, call your nearest center for a list of referrals.
Nationwide, the cost at health centers ranges from about $300 to $950 for abortion in the first trimester. The cost is usually more for a second-trimester abortion. Costs vary depending on how long you’ve been pregnant and where you go. Hospitals generally cost more.”
?!?!?! I bet the staff at PP clinics will fall off their chairs when they hear this!
Their evil platform is clear: it is to expand the number of abortions through taxpayer funding. They want all of America to be complicit in the tens of millions slaughtered. News flash to obamabiden: human beings do matter.
And, it looks like the desperate campaign strategy of the final weeks is to have obama say one thing and biden another, criss crossing each other with lies, and to simultaneously portray the other side as lying.
Sounds like its time to send the Sherrif around to make some arrests then!
What about the fact that Romney’s policy is for abortion to be available in certain instances (rape, incest, life of mother). If abortion is evil it is always evil. Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil, right?
I’m not trying to not pick – I would sincerely like to understand how I can vote for either candidate with a clean conscience ? Canonically.
And I thought it couldn’t get any worse. This man is doing Obamas dirty work for him, and doing it with great enthusiasm. If he can say this, and people applaud, have we passed the point of no return?
Sissy: I’m sorry to say I agree with you.
Since when have they cared what the law thinks? You think the mentality of pro-abortionists who violate the most natural law there is will observe technicalities in man-made laws?
Meanwhile, in Canada… particularly Ontario, remember that anti-bullying bill that was supposed make homosexuals and other deviants feel at home in Catholic Schools? Well guess what! Now it’s being used to prevent Catholic Schools from teaching against abortion and to keep pro-life views out of the schools because that’s misogynistic against women!http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontario-education-minister-catholic-schools-cant-teach-abortion-is-wrong
Surprise Ontario Bishops!!!! You let them put one foot in the door, now they’re in and they’re making themselves at home! How along until Catholics Schools get to install ‘Emergency Clinics’???
At one point in the debate Mr. Biden asked “Who are you going to believe?”
Is he serious?
Pingback: Joe Biden Claims the Law Forbids Planned Parenthood From Performing Abortions - Catholic Bandita
This may be very uncharitable but I seriously wonder if Biden’s botox treatments seeped into his brain and did damage. Only a fool or an idiot would lie about things that are so easily and completely proven to be false.
Biden couldn’t find his backside with both hands if you spotted him nine fingers.
Granted, all money is fungible, but did he mean that Planned Parenthood cannot use any federal government money for abortions? Otherwise, if he really thinks that PP does not perform abortions, then I am really worried that he has lost his marbles.
He does not seem the least bit bashful about imposing just about every other view of his, but when it comes to his “view” on abortion, well, can’t have life imposed on others.
If this isn’t “public” enough to warrant Can. 915, it’s my opinion (admittedly worthless) that Can. 915 should just be officially stricken from the law.
Here Here! Will we ever see action against scandalizing “catholics” in our life time? I don’t think they’ll ever stop unless action is taken. Biden, Pelosi, Durbin and their ilk will continue to mislead Catholics until much more public statements are made that they are not in union with the Church in Rome.
“I will never impose my beliefs about abortion on anyone. Oh, sorry, except for the unborn. And they will never have a vote anyway.”
Many, many “Catholic” politicians.
It’s impossible for a devout Christian, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Calvinist, to get anywhere in politics today. Biden, Pelosi, Ryan and the rest would rather gain and keep power than attempt to enact laws reflecting Christian morals.
I included Ryan simply because the Republicans will never do anything pro-life, even when they control both Houses of Congress and the White House. Why devout Christians waste time voting for Republicans is a mystery.
Therefore, we may as well vote for our economic interests. Then again, Democrats treat union people the same way Republicans treat pro-lifers: say the things they need to in order to get elected, and then ignore them.
When we have 100% of American Catholics voting for pro life candidates then we will change things.
Remember that over 50% of Catholics helped put these pro abortion,pro ssm, pro euthenasia
Democrats into office. We had a priest where I live who was involved with Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good — on a local access channel basically campaigning for Obama.
He assurred everyone that Obama would be very pragmatic when it came to abortion–wink, wink.
Also remember that at the Dem. convention the delegates booed when God was put back into their platform.
There is a difference between the two parties and it is up to those of us who are voters to hold the Republicans feet to the fire when they drift.
David Collins says: I included Ryan simply because the Republicans will never do anything pro-life, even when they control both Houses of Congress and the White House.
Abolition of abortion “rights” is not something that can be done outright by controlling the Congress and the White House. What the Congress with the White House can do is control the makeup of the courts, by the appointment, when vacancies occur, of conservative judges and Supreme Court justices. Right now, the abortion issue is in the hands of the Supreme Court. Democrats will not appoint any justices who will overturn Roe v Wade, which would send abortion back to the states where it can be abolished. If Obama wins this election, his judicial choices are guaranteed to maintain abortion “rights” for many decades.
Why devout Christians waste time voting for Republicans is a mystery.
It’s because the other choices are so much worse. At least the Republicans, for now, are the party that claims to be pro-life, pro-religion, in favor of personal rights and responsibilities as given us by our Creator, etc. They can be held to those standards. The Democrats are openly and *flagrantly* anti-life, anti-religion, and intent on turning us into a collective state in which our rights and responsibilities are determined by a government that neither knows nor respects Nature’s God. Democrats cannot be held to a standard that they do not espouse.
It is a clear choice, even if imperfect.
David Collins said: ” . . . the Republicans will never do anything pro-life, even when they control both Houses of Congress and the White House. Why devout Christians waste time voting for Republicans is a mystery. “
Actually, they do and they have! They stopped funding of Planned Parenthood and any domestic or international organizations that perform or facilitate abortions; they stopped abortions from occurring on US military bases; they stopped funding abortions in the Fed. Employee Health Plans (insurance). I could go on. They basically stopped using tax payer money to fund abortion activities. Until the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade that is essentially all they can do is control the expenditure of federal funds.
The thing that scares me about Biden is that he seems to really believe what he is saying. Reality be damned!
This man is one heartbeat from the Presidency.
If that doesn’t scare you, nothing will.
“Republicans will never do anything pro-life, even when they control both Houses of Congress and the White House.”
Mexico City Accord, ban on partial-birth abortion, ban on federal funding of fetal stem-cell research, born alive acts, restrictions on abortion too numerous to mention…..”abortion on demand” no longer exists in most states because of Republicans.
Why devout Christians waste time voting for Republicans is a mystery.
Much less one than when they vote for Democrats, whose positions could hardly be more opposed to Christian principles. And particularly to Catholic principles.
I would follow Giuseppe’s take on this. That PP is “prevented” by law from using the funds the VP is talking about for abortions.
Yes, *I* do believe that funds are fungible.
Random Friar said: “I would follow Giuseppe’s take on this. That PP is “prevented” by law from using the funds the VP is talking about for abortions.”
Occam’s Razor, Random Friar and Guiseppe. Why give Biden the benefit of the doubt on this one given that he told numerous, obvious lies about all sorts of things? Why assume this example is any different? Even the USCCB called him on his lying. He claimed he never voted for the Iraq or Afghan wars, for goodness sake. Do you think he has forgotten his own votes? The simplest, most reasonable explanation is that it was a deliberate lie meant to rev up the base.
Maybe one day there will be a Distributist party. In the meantime the Republicans are the lesser of 2 evils.
Maybe one day there will be a Distributist party. From your mouth to God’s ear. In the meantime the Republicans are the lesser of 2 evils. Because they talk a good game?
The federal ban on fetal stem cell research didn’t apply to the stem cell lines already being
usedbrutalized in laboratories. Planned Parenthood has said that the trumpeted Mexico City policy had no effect on them. And so on. I will leave delineating Republican hypocrisy to someone who knows far more about politics than I do.As far as cooperating with evil by voting for a Democrat, golly, isn’t there something called “double effect”? You know, where even if you foresee an evil being done by doing something good (like voting for your economic interests) it is still morally permissible.
Last thing: I do have a teachable spirit. If knowledgeable people wish to correct me, I will listen.
David Collins, Roe v. Wade gave an unfettered right to kill children in the womb with NO regulation possible in the first trimester and very little thereafter. Every single regulation that has been tacked on since 1973 is result of Republican action: requiring an ultrasound, waiting periods, parental consent, requiring abortion clinics conform to medical standards of other medical facilities, requiring actual licensed M.D. s to perform the procedure, and on and on. Just because one particular law isn’t perfect, you reject the advances made. That sort of absolutist mindset will never accomplish anything. This is our generations fight to end slavery. Slavery wasn’t ended overnight in one fell swoop, and abortion won’t be ended overnight either. But we are moving in the right direction. Only the Republican party has tried to enact personhood amendments to both the US Constitution and state constitutions. And only the Republican party has a platform that stands for the proposition that abortion is evil and must be ended. Your stated position is either one of despair, or else you are just trying to discourage Republican voters.
Despair is more like it, Sissy.
David Collins, if you are letting yourself sink into a state of despair, you must remind yourself that despair is sin. I have had to remind myself of that fact many times and marshal my will to resist. I will pray for you right now. Remember that Our Lord is in control. He hears our cries and will respond as is best for us and His plan. Trust Him and be of good cheer!
Yes, Sissy, despair is a sin to be guarded against.
Another small part of my hope is that I was in college during the Roe v. Wade controversy and to my eternal sorrow, added my bit to enable abortion on demand. Even then I was amazed at how quickly the moral climate changed from “never happen” to “yes, of course.” Now I see that we must change our hearts (especially mine) before we can change laws. I am encouraged by the overwhelming opposition to abortion among our young people. It is purely the Holy Spirit working in them and not effective church teaching. If the Holy Spirit can reach people as hardhearted as me, then there is every reason for hope.
Thanks. A sinner like me needs all the prayers he can get.
The awful thing is that it may be our Lord’s will to let the Church undergo severe persecution in America. Oh well, He did say something about taking up the cross and following Him, didn’t He. “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Yeah, yeah, I would rather it not be the blood of anyone I know; nevertheless, Thy will be done, Father.
“The awful thing is that it may be our Lord’s will to let the Church undergo severe persecution in America.”
That is certainly true; I believe that is exactly how Obama got elected in the first place. Whom the Lord loves, He chastens. As Americans, we cannot say we didn’t deserve it. How many millions of children dead now, on our watch? Yes, He might decide we need further chastening, and in that case, we will just have to prepare for martyrdom. But either way, our days are in His hands. And His Church will not be vanquished. So, we just trust Him and cheerfully carry on with His help.
Rod Dreher in Crunchy Cons wisely said: “Republicans are the party of Greed, Democrats are the party of Lust”!
I don’t like either party, frankly, and am a confirmed Independent. But I’m also extremely pro-life. Here’s the gambit: the next President we elect will likely appoint one or two new Supreme Court Justices. Who do you trust more to do this?