Sometimes shops or businesses or other places have to close up at times outside their usual schedule.
Yesterday, after my hit with EWTN, I stopped in at the library of my school, the Augustinianum, to do some work in the wonderful library. The Augustinianum is literally across the street from St. Peter’s Square.
Posted in the library was this sign, the likes of which you are unlikely to find anywhere else in the world
In the event of the election of the Supreme Pontiff, the library could be subject to a sudden and special closure .
I have put a facsimile of this notice on my office door for the mystification of the populace (and an evangelising opportunity). :-)
I would consider putting this up if it were in latin. ;)
Interesting question: would the library close because of practicial reasons, or because the librarian will make a dash for St Peter’s square (or the rooftop)?
Brilliant. A friend who is studying for the priesthood in Rome had as his Facebook status over the weekend:
“No classes on Monday as Prof is preparing to enter the conclave – if he is elected no more classes on Monday”
If I were that friend of your, I wouldn’t count on the exam being cancelled though, even if Prof is elected. Any half decent professor can fit in an exam between sessions of cleaning out the curia… ;)
Notitia latinis litteris: “Nota bene: Summo pontifice electo, bibliotheca subito claudetur.”
Ut videmus, lingua latina verbis paucis loquitur.
Salutationes omnibus.
Tom, I can read it fine. I wish, however, I could write as well as you!
As soon as I hear of a result in the conclave, I’m bringing out my laptop and watching the news live. I go to a Catholic college, if the professor doesn’t like it I’ll leave class.