Old Mass Lovin’ Franciscans Friars of the Immaculate

If Pope Francis likes religious with old, simple cars, he ought to love these guys.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. thickmick says:

    Lets hope and pray we have a wdtprs deck to purchase soon. My son would love it!

  2. pfhawkins says:

    I was confused by the video’s assertion the habit is a sign that they’d made it, and were pleasing to God. Plenty of odious sinners have worn the habit.

  3. Marc says:

    Two things are abundantly clear in this video:
    1. Never discount the effect a brochure of booklet handed out or left in a pile can have. These are all seeds and God’s in charge of when and how they grow.
    2. MEET people where they are in the streets! There is a movement here to reduce the Mass and Eucharistic celebrations to meet people where they are (or, better said, entertain them). The Mass prepares you to go to the streets and spread the word through action and deed.

  4. Supertradmum says:

    Envious. I wish I could do that-but my fish in the basket is being a boring word-smith. Thanks, and your link is going on my blog. Love this.

  5. Supertradmum says:

    PS as a sad thing, the order in Singapore can no longer say daily TLM Mass, as one of my friends there just told me. Sunday only. I hope all that gets sorted out quickly. And, I met the priest holding up the Monstrance in this video. Small world–very small.

  6. pinoytraddie says:

    All good things must come to an end…If only the Pope studied the case further.

    Fr. Z's Sour Grapes 


  7. flyfree432 says:

    St. John Bosco juggled. The Friars of the Immaculate skateboard. Same effect. Meet them with joy and ardor, lead them to the Shepherd. We were blessed to have Fr. Stan Fortuna at our parish several years ago. Our pastor wanted to bring him to a fancy restaurant. He wanted to go to McDonald’s and jam with people he met on the street. Not because he shunned the fancy, but because he has the heart of an evangelist and wanted to go where he felt called to share the faith – at all times.

  8. acardnal says:

    I emailed this video to a single mother who is having difficulties with her twelve year old son who doesn’t want to go to CCD anymore . . . finds it boring. (What a surprise.) Hopefully, he will see that friars can have fun and be in love with Jesus and the Catholic Church, too!

  9. av8er says:

    That was awesome! I couldn’t stop smiling during the entire video. Those brotherz have “mad skilz” (if you permit my vernacular).

  10. PostCatholic says:

    This takes me back! When I was 50 lbs lighter and 20 something years younger, I was the only seminarian in my house with a skateboard, a longboard with 10.5 inch gullwing trucks (I’m a tall guy!), softy wheels and ceramic bearings… I remember the most prominent sticker I had on it was “Si quieres la paz, trabaja por la justicia. -Pablo VI” I never got an “obedience” from anyone to do any boarding but I hardly needed one.

  11. CharlesG says:

    With all the discussion of the FFI, why doesn’t anyone address the specific legal issue that seems at state, at least in my mind? If, as Fr. Lombardi said, there is no contradiction between the FFI decree and Summorum Pontificum, does that mean that FFI friar priests are still allowed without permission to say (a) private masses in the EF per SP #2, and (b) occasional FFI conventual masses in the EF? If so then there would not be any contradiction, since SP #3 already requires approval of the ordinary to say EF conventual masses on a regular basis. As a lawyer, I wish the decree had just added the words, “Subject to the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of Summorum Pontificum,…” and eliminated the ambiguity. In a common law system, a test case would be brought to see if such a condition were implied by the court and thus become part of case law. As it is, the language of the decree on its face would appear to contradict SP and not allow EF without approval for private masses and occasional conventual masses, but perhaps we can take Fr. Lombardi’s statement as evidence that a different interpretation is in order?

  12. EoinOBolguidhir says:

    Where are the FFI’s in Chicago! I’d love to pay them a visit!

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