Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point in the sermon you heard for your Sunday Mass obligation?

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

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  1. Jamin says:

    Following Jesus is hard, we will be persecuted in one way or another, we will have to give up things, loves, life, but in the end it is worth it.

  2. Chrissin says:

    The priest who said our EF Mass this Sunday took the lepers plea for mercy as a point of departure. (The Gospel about the 10 lepers who Our Lord heals and sends them to show themselves to the priests.) It was a beautiful meditation on the quality of mercy. He listed many of the references to mercy in our faith- the ever popular image of ‘Divine Mercy’ in so many of our churches, our own plea for mercy in the Kyrie, the various litanies followed by “Lord have mercy’, the ‘Mother of Mercy’ in Salve Regina, in the Memorare, etc. He quoted Portia from Shakespeare:
    The quality of mercy is not strained.
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,
    Upon the place beneath.
    It is twice blessed.
    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
    He explained that while mercy is an attribute of Our Lord, we would always do well to imitate it. “Is it easy? -No. Is it Godlike? -Yes.”

  3. StWinefride says:

    Mass in the Ordinary Form. The priest said that no matter what happens in the world, we must not lose our faith in God. There’s a reason for everything.

  4. John of Chicago says:

    In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus sounded just like an Old Testament prophet whose words/actions will inevitably divide because they are meant to set the world on fire. Then the pastor quoted the last verse from last week’s Gospel (apparently sparking Christ’s fiery words) that much more will be demanded from those who have much more. He (pastor) said God’s prophets are the one’s who can see more clearly a step or two further down the road that we’re all traveling than the rest of us can and so are the conscience/guide of a family or, even, of a nation. He gave a two quick examples of contemporary prophets including a quote from a Bishop in Brazil, “When I give food to the poor, you call me a saint. When I ask why they are so poor, you call me a communist.”

  5. JKnott says:

    Father compared Jeremiah’s troubles to having prodded the consciences of the people to the response to “Humanae Vitae”. He read a long passage from the document itself and spoke about the consequences of contraception prevalent today. He then clarified what true peace is, the peace that Christ spoke about in the readings. “Peace is not sitting back with the arms folded” but truth.
    Our pastor’s homilies are usually very good anyway but I don’t believe I have ever heard this topic so plainly and assertively expressed on a Sunday. Just a beautiful and courageous !

  6. Gaetano says:

    Our pastor emeritus (a retired military chaplain) has been engaged in a multi-week program working through the foundations of the faith. He has covered what we believe, why we believe and this week was the sources for our belief. He reviewed the structure of the Bible, the various books of the Old & New Testament, and encouraged us to read Scripture more regularly. In fact, he cajoled us by asking how

    I’ve heard of pastors covering broad themes in their homilies pursuant to a structured schedule with the goal of educating the faithful, but have never seen it in action. It is a commendable exercise, especially in this era of poor catechesis.

    While I understand the value of the Sunday readings, they do not lend themselves to a programmatic approach. In consequence, I support the systematic approach.

    Father put a great deal of work into the homily, and it showed. I wish there were more like him.

  7. lucindatcm says:

    Excellent sermon from Father on the foundations of the faith. But its the last couple of sentences that I remember the best. “I want our parish to be a fortress of faith. I want our parish to be an oasis of the Truth…” I’ve got your back, Father. I’m pretty sure that everybody at Mass thought the same thing.
    Now all I have to do is figure out a way for me to grow ever more educated in my faith and manage to get through nursing school at the same time. I’m not sure how to do that.

  8. kevinm says:

    Our Priest (FSSP in NJ) beautifully used the parable of the lepers to explain how sin is like a leprosy of the soul, and how when Jesus told them to ” go show yourselves to the priests” it was a reference to confession. They were cleansed, just as confession cleanses and stregthens. It was wonderful……



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