Unfortunately next week is finals for High School and I am on the West Coast, but I will be praying for fair weather and media coverage (too far perhaps?).
Really, really, really wanted to, but just can’t make it happen this year. My husband and I want to go in the future, though, when we can stay overnight instead of doing the bus thing. I’d like to take part in some of the events that happen on the side.
A variety of American Juventutem chapters are expected at the the March for Life (Juventutem Michigan, Juventutem Boston, Juventutem DC, Juventutem Miami, Juventutem Lehigh Valley, Juventutem Lake Charles, and some not yet affiliated (as of 17 January 2014) groups as well as young adults from the analogous “Sursum Corda” groups in Chicago, Milwaukee, and perhaps St. Louis)
All of these groups invite our fellow young adults to come together in prayer for full respect for the dignity of all human life.
In particular, we recommend assisting at these events with a ‘Juventutem flavor’
Juventutem MFL Holy Hour
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
8:00 p.m.
Georgetown Epiphany
2712 Dumbarton St NW, Washington
Further details on Facebook
Paulus Institute Mass in Commemoration of Miss Nellie Gray
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Through the felicitous good will of Fr. Alfred J. Harris, The Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy has scheduled a Second Annual Nellie Gray Mass, which will follow the 2014 March for Life:
Traditional Latin Solemn Mass
6:00 p.m., St. Mary Mother of God Church (5th&H, NW)
Celebrant: Dom Philip Anderson, O.S.B., Abbot of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey.
The Solemn Mass is co-sponsored by The Lyceum School of Classical Catholic Education (whose Schola Cantorum will sing the Mass), Juventutem Michigan, and Juventutem DC.
Post-Mass Juventutem Social
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Immediately after the Mass with Abbot Anderson, there will be a Juventutem social across the street at Market to Market, for young adults (18-35), musicians, prelates, and other clerics. Facebook event: post-Mass Juventutem young adult social.
Juventutem Michigan looks forward to seeing Abbot Anderson again. Clear Creek hosted JM’s 2013 Alternative Spring Break trip (pictures) and will receive young adults again: 3-8 March 2014. Students and young adults from around the country are welcome to express ASB interest via this form.
If you would like updates from Juventutem Michigan, please send your email address to our text message line: (313) 736-5463
On Tuesday, January 21st, the day before the March, Father Abbot will celebrate Mass at 11:30 am in the chapel of Christendom College.
On Thursday the 23rd, the day AFTER the March, his Mass will be at 8:30 am at the Church of St Thomas in Northwest DC.
Alas, no. The timing if the march on a Wednesday makes it very difficult to go. I think it may make sense to move the march to the nearest Monday or Friday. Being near the weekend (on either side) makes it easier to travel there from long distances.
On that note, I’m happy to report that there will again be a large contingent of students and faculty from Notre Dame in attendance. Something like 500 or so expected.
I went the last two years as a chaperone for a youth group, but I will not this year. I am going to our local March for Life this year, and I encourage all of you, if your city has a local march, you should go and support it.
Our efforts and prayers have been awarded in Birmingham. A horrible abortion “clinic” was shut down last year, and we have word that the local Planned Parenthood has stopped doing abortions since Christmas. So there are currently no abortion “clinics” open in this city! Support law reforms and your local pro-life organizations.
I am on the West Coast so I am attending the Walk for Life in SF on Jan. 25.
Yeah, San Francisco, the City of St. Francis. Where the supervisors are accusing Walk for Life of using “hate speech” on their legally displayed banners. They claim that saying “abortion hurts women” is a lie.
I’m going for my fourth time with my parish. This will also be my last time, since this time next year I’ll be a postulant with the Carmelites of Wyoming.
Yes! And really excited about it. My kids are Crusaders for Life with the Yellow balloons. If you see us, please say a little prayer for them.
We are even sleeping on a floor on Wednesday. My Hashimoto hip pain will be offered for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
35 people including myself are going. 32 of these are students (I am a high school teacher). For us this is big news and we are very excited. Two years ago 3 people (2 students) went. Last year 16 people (14 students) went. The co-presidents of the Life Savers club were hoping to get 30 students this year and we’ve exceeded that – praise God! Next year we hope to fill a bus. We have been truly blessed by some amazing students these past couple of years who have put a lot of time and energy into promoting this club and the March for Life. Next, the 40 days for life.
Unfortunately, I am at home this weekend with my 20-year-old daughter, who just had her wisdom teeth removed. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.
Two of our other children, however, are attending. Caleb is a high school senior and Abby is a junior at JPII Shanley High School in Fargo, ND. Abby attended the March for Life last year and she absolutely LOVED it! I was pleased that Caleb decided to go as well this year. Last year, Shanley Teens for Life won the SFLA 2013 High School Group of the Year Award for excellence in pro-life leadership and activism. They brought 145 students. This year four Catholic high schools in our state are sending buses of young people to the event. North Dakota has been very active in the fight against abortion and I’m thrilled that our children are able to be a part of this event.
Earlier this week, one of your posts asked whether or not we should be culture warriors? The answer is yes! Absolutely!
Heading down from New England on Sunday afternoon. Was on the bubble this year due to work/finances/generally-hectic-large-family-life, but my kids – especially my 12-, 9-, and 7-year-old boys – were quite vociferous about wanting to go… So we will be hitting the road after Mass…
My daughter is going with her school and youth group-almost 70 kids. This is the first time for this group and for many of the kids.
I appreciate the info. above regarding Mass in the EF after the March. Does anyone know of an EF Mass or really good OF that is in the morning? I would like to pass the information on to the group so that they have options.
I attended Bishop Ryan High School in Minot in the late 90’s, the pro-life movement in ND is wonderful, they planted the seeds that brought me back to the church after leaving as a young adult. No matter how liberal I was in my youth, I could never identify as pro-choice after learning the truth about abortion in high school. I’ll pray for your daughter’s speedy recovery.
My family will be attending our local March for Life, which is being led by our Bishop and will begin outside the county courthouse and end at the Cathedral.
I’ll be there as I have for the last 7 years. There is going to be more of us from the Rochester Diocese this year…our New bishop, Bishop Matano is going as well. A first for a bishop form our diocese. God be praised!
BTW does anyone know if any Extraordinary Form masses are planned for Old St Mary’s in Chinatown or any other location in DC during the day of the March this year?
I am on a waiting list to go! Franciscan University is sending 8 buses of students leaving at midnight and attending a morning Mass at the National Shrine Basilica. They are considering adding a 9th bus!
My wife and I are coming from Jacksonville, Florida for the 7th year in a row since our marriage 7 1/2 years ago (my wife has been about a dozen times). We brought our three sons and 17 teenagers from our youth group last year, and attended both the Vigil Mass at the National Shrine and the Pontifical Requiem Mass at St. Mary Mother of God. For many of the teens it was their first experience and they were in awe at the Mass and loved the sacred liturgical music (It’s sad that many of them had never heard this type of music which has been so integral to our Catholic tradition until the recent past).
This year we are only bringing seven because of transportation challenges. We hope to see you there, Fr. Z!
Yes! I live in Washington and this will be my thirty-somethingth March. I will be joining up with the entire student body from Christendom College. Hope to see Fr. Z there as last year.
You bet! I’ll be attending with my 19 year old daughter (4th March) and 14 year old son (3rd), along with a great group of homeschoolers and parents who do bake sales to raise the money for the bus to the March. It’s such a truly awesome sight to see the mass of humanity that comes to stand up for life, but even more incredible that the vast majority are college age and younger! The NARAL cabal must lose sleep over it (hopefully!).
Oh yes! The Diocese of Arlington always turns up in a big way! I’ll be marching with the local parish young adult group, I hope, and then attending the High Mass at St Mary’s with others from the youth group and the DC Juventutdm chapter. Can’t wait.
Fr. Z, I’m going on a full bus from Holy Child Catholic Church in Wilmington, DE. One of which is at the least 7 buses from the smallest state in the union. We have two Senators and only one Congressman (none of whom has any regard for human life!) and we’re going on mission to stop the madness, please God!
Please pray for us for good weather as we have with us a remarkable fellow who is wheelchair bound but held aloft on the wings of God and His angels. It would be difficult for him to get around in snow, but then, God always provides. Thanks for you and your blog.
I have gone for 8 out of the last 10 years and am very sorry to miss this year due to sickness. I will pray and fast this year for the unborn. And pray for good weather and safe travels for all who attend!!
I will be attending the March for Life as one of 10 priest chaplains for a group of nearly 500 high school students, young adults, seminarians and religious from the Archdiocese of New Orleans. I am looking forward to this pilgrimage with great excitement.
For the first time in my life, I am able to go. I’ll be going with my school, owned and operated by a certain well-known congregation of sisters in Nashville. FIVE buses from our campus! We are looking at this as a pilgrimage and will be celebrating the Mass along the way. Prayer for us and for the good sisters, that they and our school continue to flourish and be faithful to Christ!
I would love to go to the belly of the beast in Washington D.C, but I will be attending the West Coast Walk for Life in the navel of the beast. This will be my third trip. It is truly spiritually amazing to be surrounded by joyful life loving people of all faiths, colors, and ages. Most of the 55,000 plus participants last year were Catholic. Fr. Fessio from Ignatius press was just named the chaplain for the walk. The walk began 10 years ago with around 5-6000 participants. It is truly a pilgrimage for me.
Peace and God bless,
YES! I am looking forward to spending the day with many friends from Christendom College that are marching, and then afterwards stopping by St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill to visit some seminarian friends followed by Mass at St. Mary Mother of God. It looks to be an exceptionally great day to pray for an end to abortion.
I’ll be there, manning a table at the info fair, then walking with my wife and three sons. It’s the fifth Walk for our 5 year-old, fourth Walk for our 3 year-old, and second Walk for our 1 year-old. Last year a shot of the baby made it on the EWTN coverage.
Yes! It will be the 9th year for me. My husband and 12 yo son are coming too. We have two buses going from our parish and one from the neighboring parish.
In addition to the 6:00 p.m. Solemn Mass that I have previously advertised, above, we have lately read that The Wanderer‘s Fr. Kevin Cusick will offer a 7:00 a.m. Low Mass at St. Mary, Mother of God on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Having subsequently spoken with Fr. Cusick, I know that he is in need of servers for this 7:00 a.m. Mass – if you are a young man who can serve, please tweet that information @Fr. Cusick, or text or email it to Juventutem Michigan.
Previous WDTPRS Fr. Z coverage of Fr. Cusick may be read here.
Our Knights of Columbus Council will be hosting people all day at the nearby churches of St. Peter’s and St. Joseph (both on Capitol Hill). St. Vincent de Paul (less than 1 mile from the capitol dome) will have a sacred music mass Sunday evening at 6:30pm. Feel free to join us at any of these churches.
God willing, I will be headed down on a bus from the Diocese of Trenton. My third time going, and the second year in a row. Should be cold, but I don’t think that it will be snowing like last year (not that I minded the snow, it was such a great day).
Yes. This year I am going on a bus from the parish which hosts the EF mass. I prefer to drive down there and visit my children who live in the area and attend other events, but I was sick for a whole week last month and used up too much benefit time. Going on the bus means I only have to take one day off from work. Get on the bus at 11PM, drive all night with a stop for breakfast, get there, go to mass, go on the march, get back on the bus at 4 or so, get back home at 11PM and go to work the next day. I pray I can sleep on the bus.
I have gone to the march every year for about ten years now. I also went the first four years they held it, in 1974,75, 76, and 77. I took a 1 month old infant in 74. In 77 I was 8 months pregnant with my third child, looked huge, and got lots of attention! After that I had too many children to manage it, and had moved from the parish which sent the bus. Years later I was able to go again, and now I would not miss it.
It would be good if we didn’t have to have the March for Life, because we had finally won on this issue, but I have to admit that I would miss being there with all those Catholics and other Christians.
Susan Peterson
Walking the Walk in SF next Saturday. Just getting over a long bout with the flu, but should be in shape by then and besides, the temperatures have been unseasonably warm (70’s), so this is a small sacrifice, to be sure.
How is the weather in D. C. for the March? It is very cold in much of the Country east of the Mississippi – a baby polar vortex.
The Chicken
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“This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. Z
MaterDeicolumbae on Daily Rome Shot 1223 – “Sluggish schizophrenia”: “Pope Francis’ derogatory statements against “rigid” traditional Catholics are very hard to bear. He should just be open and say,…”
L. on Daily Rome Shot 1223 – “Sluggish schizophrenia”: “The dishonesty of the description of the traditional Mass is breathtaking: “…a taste for …clerical ostentation, which is none other…”
Everyone, work to get this into your parish bulletins and diocesan papers.
The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
St. John Eudes
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“Until the Lord be pleased to settle, through the instrumentality of the princes of the Church and the lawful ministers of His justice, the trouble aroused by the pride of a few and the ignorance of some others, let us with the help of God endeavor with calm and humble patience to render love for hatred, to avoid disputes with the silly, to keep to the truth and not fight with the weapons of falsehood, and to beg of God at all times that in all our thoughts and desires, in all our words and actions, He may hold the first place who calls Himself the origin of all things.”
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Good coffee and tea. Help monks.
I use this when I travel both in these USA and abroad. Very useful. Fast enough for Zoom. I connect my DMR (ham radio) through it. If you use my link, they give me more data. A GREAT back up.
Help support Fr. Z’s Gospel of Life work at no cost to you. Do you need a Real Estate Agent? Calling these people is the FIRST thing you should do!
They find you a pro-life agent in your area who commits to giving a portion of the fee to a pro-life group!
Don’t rely on popes, bishops and priests.
“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
- C.S. Lewis
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A monthly subscription donation means I have steady income I can plan on. I put you my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I often say Holy Mass.
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As for Latin…
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Unfortunately next week is finals for High School and I am on the West Coast, but I will be praying for fair weather and media coverage (too far perhaps?).
Sadly, no. I went last year and really enjoyed it, but it won’t work out this year.
Really, really, really wanted to, but just can’t make it happen this year. My husband and I want to go in the future, though, when we can stay overnight instead of doing the bus thing. I’d like to take part in some of the events that happen on the side.
No, but my 15 year old is going with his youth group.
Yes, we’ll definitely be there! – Traditional Latin Mass at the March for Life:
A variety of American Juventutem chapters are expected at the the March for Life (Juventutem Michigan, Juventutem Boston, Juventutem DC, Juventutem Miami, Juventutem Lehigh Valley, Juventutem Lake Charles, and some not yet affiliated (as of 17 January 2014) groups as well as young adults from the analogous “Sursum Corda” groups in Chicago, Milwaukee, and perhaps St. Louis)
All of these groups invite our fellow young adults to come together in prayer for full respect for the dignity of all human life.
In particular, we recommend assisting at these events with a ‘Juventutem flavor’
Juventutem MFL Holy Hour
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
8:00 p.m.
Georgetown Epiphany
2712 Dumbarton St NW, Washington
Further details on Facebook
Paulus Institute Mass in Commemoration of Miss Nellie Gray
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Through the felicitous good will of Fr. Alfred J. Harris, The Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy has scheduled a Second Annual Nellie Gray Mass, which will follow the 2014 March for Life:
Traditional Latin Solemn Mass
6:00 p.m., St. Mary Mother of God Church (5th&H, NW)
Celebrant: Dom Philip Anderson, O.S.B., Abbot of Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey.
The Solemn Mass is co-sponsored by The Lyceum School of Classical Catholic Education (whose Schola Cantorum will sing the Mass), Juventutem Michigan, and Juventutem DC.
The Institute’s press release can be read here.
Post-Mass Juventutem Social
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Immediately after the Mass with Abbot Anderson, there will be a Juventutem social across the street at Market to Market, for young adults (18-35), musicians, prelates, and other clerics. Facebook event: post-Mass Juventutem young adult social.
Juventutem Michigan looks forward to seeing Abbot Anderson again. Clear Creek hosted JM’s 2013 Alternative Spring Break trip (pictures) and will receive young adults again: 3-8 March 2014. Students and young adults from around the country are welcome to express ASB interest via this form.
If you would like updates from Juventutem Michigan, please send your email address to our text message line: (313) 736-5463
On Tuesday, January 21st, the day before the March, Father Abbot will celebrate Mass at 11:30 am in the chapel of Christendom College.
On Thursday the 23rd, the day AFTER the March, his Mass will be at 8:30 am at the Church of St Thomas in Northwest DC.
Alas, no. The timing if the march on a Wednesday makes it very difficult to go. I think it may make sense to move the march to the nearest Monday or Friday. Being near the weekend (on either side) makes it easier to travel there from long distances.
On that note, I’m happy to report that there will again be a large contingent of students and faculty from Notre Dame in attendance. Something like 500 or so expected.
I went the last two years as a chaperone for a youth group, but I will not this year. I am going to our local March for Life this year, and I encourage all of you, if your city has a local march, you should go and support it.
Our efforts and prayers have been awarded in Birmingham. A horrible abortion “clinic” was shut down last year, and we have word that the local Planned Parenthood has stopped doing abortions since Christmas. So there are currently no abortion “clinics” open in this city! Support law reforms and your local pro-life organizations.
I am on the West Coast so I am attending the Walk for Life in SF on Jan. 25.
Yeah, San Francisco, the City of St. Francis. Where the supervisors are accusing Walk for Life of using “hate speech” on their legally displayed banners. They claim that saying “abortion hurts women” is a lie.
I will be packing…my camera.
I’m going for my fourth time with my parish. This will also be my last time, since this time next year I’ll be a postulant with the Carmelites of Wyoming.
Yes! And really excited about it. My kids are Crusaders for Life with the Yellow balloons. If you see us, please say a little prayer for them.
We are even sleeping on a floor on Wednesday. My Hashimoto hip pain will be offered for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
35 people including myself are going. 32 of these are students (I am a high school teacher). For us this is big news and we are very excited. Two years ago 3 people (2 students) went. Last year 16 people (14 students) went. The co-presidents of the Life Savers club were hoping to get 30 students this year and we’ve exceeded that – praise God! Next year we hope to fill a bus. We have been truly blessed by some amazing students these past couple of years who have put a lot of time and energy into promoting this club and the March for Life. Next, the 40 days for life.
Unfortunately, I am at home this weekend with my 20-year-old daughter, who just had her wisdom teeth removed. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.
Two of our other children, however, are attending. Caleb is a high school senior and Abby is a junior at JPII Shanley High School in Fargo, ND. Abby attended the March for Life last year and she absolutely LOVED it! I was pleased that Caleb decided to go as well this year. Last year, Shanley Teens for Life won the SFLA 2013 High School Group of the Year Award for excellence in pro-life leadership and activism. They brought 145 students. This year four Catholic high schools in our state are sending buses of young people to the event. North Dakota has been very active in the fight against abortion and I’m thrilled that our children are able to be a part of this event.
Earlier this week, one of your posts asked whether or not we should be culture warriors? The answer is yes! Absolutely!
Yes! I’ll be there!
Heading down from New England on Sunday afternoon. Was on the bubble this year due to work/finances/generally-hectic-large-family-life, but my kids – especially my 12-, 9-, and 7-year-old boys – were quite vociferous about wanting to go… So we will be hitting the road after Mass…
My daughter is going with her school and youth group-almost 70 kids. This is the first time for this group and for many of the kids.
I appreciate the info. above regarding Mass in the EF after the March. Does anyone know of an EF Mass or really good OF that is in the morning? I would like to pass the information on to the group so that they have options.
Yes! I will be going this year, for the first time! :D
Oh, and I second Netmilsmom regarding the yellow balloons. :) (I’m with the same group.)
I attended Bishop Ryan High School in Minot in the late 90’s, the pro-life movement in ND is wonderful, they planted the seeds that brought me back to the church after leaving as a young adult. No matter how liberal I was in my youth, I could never identify as pro-choice after learning the truth about abortion in high school. I’ll pray for your daughter’s speedy recovery.
My family will be attending our local March for Life, which is being led by our Bishop and will begin outside the county courthouse and end at the Cathedral.
Yes, I shall finally be able to attend the March for Life.
I’ll be there as I have for the last 7 years. There is going to be more of us from the Rochester Diocese this year…our New bishop, Bishop Matano is going as well. A first for a bishop form our diocese. God be praised!
Proudly marching with the St Michael’s K of C from Cranford NJ
I will indeed. See y’all on the Mall.
BTW does anyone know if any Extraordinary Form masses are planned for Old St Mary’s in Chinatown or any other location in DC during the day of the March this year?
I am on a waiting list to go! Franciscan University is sending 8 buses of students leaving at midnight and attending a morning Mass at the National Shrine Basilica. They are considering adding a 9th bus!
The middle daughter, and about thirty other kids from Skutt Catholic High School in Omaha, will be piling onto a bus for Washington tomorrow.
My wife and I are coming from Jacksonville, Florida for the 7th year in a row since our marriage 7 1/2 years ago (my wife has been about a dozen times). We brought our three sons and 17 teenagers from our youth group last year, and attended both the Vigil Mass at the National Shrine and the Pontifical Requiem Mass at St. Mary Mother of God. For many of the teens it was their first experience and they were in awe at the Mass and loved the sacred liturgical music (It’s sad that many of them had never heard this type of music which has been so integral to our Catholic tradition until the recent past).
This year we are only bringing seven because of transportation challenges. We hope to see you there, Fr. Z!
Yes! I live in Washington and this will be my thirty-somethingth March. I will be joining up with the entire student body from Christendom College. Hope to see Fr. Z there as last year.
You bet! I’ll be attending with my 19 year old daughter (4th March) and 14 year old son (3rd), along with a great group of homeschoolers and parents who do bake sales to raise the money for the bus to the March. It’s such a truly awesome sight to see the mass of humanity that comes to stand up for life, but even more incredible that the vast majority are college age and younger! The NARAL cabal must lose sleep over it (hopefully!).
Oh yes! The Diocese of Arlington always turns up in a big way! I’ll be marching with the local parish young adult group, I hope, and then attending the High Mass at St Mary’s with others from the youth group and the DC Juventutdm chapter. Can’t wait.
Cpttom, see the seventh post above for Extraordinary Form Mass at Old St. Mary’s on March 22.
Fr. Z, I’m going on a full bus from Holy Child Catholic Church in Wilmington, DE. One of which is at the least 7 buses from the smallest state in the union. We have two Senators and only one Congressman (none of whom has any regard for human life!) and we’re going on mission to stop the madness, please God!
Please pray for us for good weather as we have with us a remarkable fellow who is wheelchair bound but held aloft on the wings of God and His angels. It would be difficult for him to get around in snow, but then, God always provides. Thanks for you and your blog.
I will be there! Going up on one of several buses from the Diocese of Raleigh, NC.
I have gone for 8 out of the last 10 years and am very sorry to miss this year due to sickness. I will pray and fast this year for the unborn. And pray for good weather and safe travels for all who attend!!
Do you go Father?
I will be attending the March for Life as one of 10 priest chaplains for a group of nearly 500 high school students, young adults, seminarians and religious from the Archdiocese of New Orleans. I am looking forward to this pilgrimage with great excitement.
For the first time in my life, I am able to go. I’ll be going with my school, owned and operated by a certain well-known congregation of sisters in Nashville. FIVE buses from our campus! We are looking at this as a pilgrimage and will be celebrating the Mass along the way. Prayer for us and for the good sisters, that they and our school continue to flourish and be faithful to Christ!
I would love to go to the belly of the beast in Washington D.C, but I will be attending the West Coast Walk for Life in the navel of the beast. This will be my third trip. It is truly spiritually amazing to be surrounded by joyful life loving people of all faiths, colors, and ages. Most of the 55,000 plus participants last year were Catholic. Fr. Fessio from Ignatius press was just named the chaplain for the walk. The walk began 10 years ago with around 5-6000 participants. It is truly a pilgrimage for me.
Peace and God bless,
Yup. I’m goin. From NYC.
Also- There is a March for Life in Paris(!) on Sunday I think. Very cool.
Headed over Sunday with the 3 bus caravan from the Diocese of Winona!
YES! I am looking forward to spending the day with many friends from Christendom College that are marching, and then afterwards stopping by St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill to visit some seminarian friends followed by Mass at St. Mary Mother of God. It looks to be an exceptionally great day to pray for an end to abortion.
I’ll be there, manning a table at the info fair, then walking with my wife and three sons. It’s the fifth Walk for our 5 year-old, fourth Walk for our 3 year-old, and second Walk for our 1 year-old. Last year a shot of the baby made it on the EWTN coverage.
Yes! It will be the 9th year for me. My husband and 12 yo son are coming too. We have two buses going from our parish and one from the neighboring parish.
In addition to the 6:00 p.m. Solemn Mass that I have previously advertised, above, we have lately read that The Wanderer‘s Fr. Kevin Cusick will offer a 7:00 a.m. Low Mass at St. Mary, Mother of God on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Having subsequently spoken with Fr. Cusick, I know that he is in need of servers for this 7:00 a.m. Mass – if you are a young man who can serve, please tweet that information @Fr. Cusick, or text or email it to Juventutem Michigan.
WDTPRSFr. Z coverage of Fr. Cusick may be read here.Our Knights of Columbus Council will be hosting people all day at the nearby churches of St. Peter’s and St. Joseph (both on Capitol Hill). St. Vincent de Paul (less than 1 mile from the capitol dome) will have a sacred music mass Sunday evening at 6:30pm. Feel free to join us at any of these churches.
God willing, I will be headed down on a bus from the Diocese of Trenton. My third time going, and the second year in a row. Should be cold, but I don’t think that it will be snowing like last year (not that I minded the snow, it was such a great day).
Yes. This year I am going on a bus from the parish which hosts the EF mass. I prefer to drive down there and visit my children who live in the area and attend other events, but I was sick for a whole week last month and used up too much benefit time. Going on the bus means I only have to take one day off from work. Get on the bus at 11PM, drive all night with a stop for breakfast, get there, go to mass, go on the march, get back on the bus at 4 or so, get back home at 11PM and go to work the next day. I pray I can sleep on the bus.
I have gone to the march every year for about ten years now. I also went the first four years they held it, in 1974,75, 76, and 77. I took a 1 month old infant in 74. In 77 I was 8 months pregnant with my third child, looked huge, and got lots of attention! After that I had too many children to manage it, and had moved from the parish which sent the bus. Years later I was able to go again, and now I would not miss it.
It would be good if we didn’t have to have the March for Life, because we had finally won on this issue, but I have to admit that I would miss being there with all those Catholics and other Christians.
Susan Peterson
Walking the Walk in SF next Saturday. Just getting over a long bout with the flu, but should be in shape by then and besides, the temperatures have been unseasonably warm (70’s), so this is a small sacrifice, to be sure.
Our parish is taking a bus from Oxon Hill, MD to DC to attend the march for life.
How is the weather in D. C. for the March? It is very cold in much of the Country east of the Mississippi – a baby polar vortex.
The Chicken