I’m just sayin… for you young’uns…
And for all you cats and kitties out there, just because I really like The Temptations… it doesn’t get much better than…
Feeling young again on the blogosphere.
A man of conscience is one who never acquires tolerance, well-being, success, public standing, and approval on the part of prevailing opinion at the expense of truth.
1991-February: Catholic Conscience: Foundation & Formation
National Catholic Bioethics Center Keynote Address
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Pater noster, ne nos inducas in Tentationes!
“But Father, but Father…” No Jackie Wilson?!
You can leave the Motor City Father, but it can’t leave you….
Okay, as long as I don’t see any priests or monks getting up like this. Or any choreography for bishops in cassocks.
Gotta say, the Temptations sure could sing. But how anachronistic the outfits and the choreography look now.
Great music! Thanks, Father, I feel younger already. :-)
Our Papa’s on the Rolling Stone!
That’s when music was music!
The Temptations, man good stuff…here’s another one…Ball of Confusion . For you schola geeks (like me) in Accapella
Could have been written today.
Great stuff. I have to laugh at the audience in the “Papa was a rolling stone” video. Not a single foot tapping, hand clapping, or head bobbing. How on earth could you listen to that a stay still?
Thanks for that. Here’s one back atcha: an A Cappella homage to the Temptations by the incredible all male group: Straight No Chaser. Love, love, LOVE them!!!
Ahhh.. the temptations! Great music.
Thanks Father Z.,
Loved the Temps but in my neck of the woods we had the Philadelphia Soul sound and among my most favourite acts…The O’Jays! Here ‘s a number of theirs:
that hit the spot. Temptations fix complete!
Eddie Kendricks and David Ruffin?
Ah Motown, and its precursor, Doo Wop. I too am a fan.
A few years back, my wife and I attended a concert in our local town. the Temptations’ bags got lost, and they went to a local sporting goods store and bought matching sweats and t-shirts and the show went on. It was fabulous. We were close enough to get sweated on. :)
The Temptations were around before I was born, but I have to say that there hasn’t been any music that good made while I’ve been alive. If only they could ditch those outfits though…
Perhaps while you’re in town for your lecture at the DIA, a trip to Hitsville USA could make your itinerary.