Remember to check the YOUR URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS thread.
And now…
- JUST TOO COOL: Is there a way to put this on my wish list?
- GUEST POST: The fruits of ‘ad orientem’ worship in a parish.
- From the Religion of Peace: 9 Year Old Christian Girl, Raped For 19 Days
- Could Pope Francis be the one to reconcile the SSPX?
- Had this been a photo of Benedict XVI…
- Pres. Obama to ObamaCare comrades: “The work you’re doing is God’s work.”
- Break out the bongs! Liturgy with Deacon Sandy. VIDEO
- ASK FATHER: “Have a nice day!”, after the final blessing at Mass.
- Bp. Morlino on EWTN on current burning questions
- Archbp. Predergast restricts eulogies at funerals.
- ASK FATHER: Priest’s “Bug Out Bag” for TEOTWAWKI
- Pope Francis creates financial watchdog dicastery headed by Card. Pell: Secretariat for the Economy
- Card. Burke explains what Pope Francis is up to.
- QUAERITUR: Wearing protest clothing and denial of Holy Communion.
- WDTPRS Sexagesima Sunday: “that we may be fortified against every adverse thing”
- Washington DC: Thomas Tallis’ “Spem in alium” for 40 voices
- ASK FATHER: Talking in church. What to do?
Who are those guys, and what are those things they are carrying?
- Benedict XVI public appearance, attends Consistory. Dress rehearsal for April.
- ALERT! Trying a new anti-spam tactic for registration
- The Feeder Feed: Indy Edition (with monkey)
- NY Bishop criticizes ‘c’atholic Dem politician who flipped on abortion
- ASK FATHER: Adding a Collect after the intercessions, like a “commemoration”
- “Go kill yourself. Your f***** family too.”
- Hate on the Church media feeding frenzy
- Pope Francis: GO TO CONFESSION!
- Prayers for Ukrainians
- Challenge public homosexual nudity? You’re a “homophobic a**hole”, you “outrageous bigot”, you!
- Confusion about the term “Latin Mass”
Also, I finally updated the list of people (initials) who have sent donations using the button on the side bar or who have subscribed to send one each month. It is nice to see the familiar names. Thanks, everyone! Also, special thanks to the “Ammo Fund” donors (scroll to the basement of this blog page).
I received books for my Kindle recently from DH, JD, SG, CS, CWM, AC, MLMacC, CH, GF and DM. I hope I got all of you. There isn’t a way for me to write back attached to the email notice that the gift was sent. Also, MH for the great gift card! That doesn’t fit easily into the other categories, but hey! UPDATE:SD, and to whomever it was who sent the tomatoes, thanks! Also, thanks to RE for the DVDs! I also don’t know who sent the flash drive or the book on St. Augustine Theology of Augustine, The: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works by Matthew Levering. I have heard good things about it.
Just under the wire, as I get ready for Mass, SB sent a book from my amazon wishlist, on police chaplaincy. Also, MM sent a suture practice kit. Thanks!
Some of you sent real books from my amazon wishlist, including some materials that I may use if …IF… I do the LENTCAzTs this year. They are work, you know. Maybe I need a “premium” area?
Finally, I will say Mass for those who have sent donations or sent things from my wishlists on Friday, 28 February, in the afternoon (my time – to let a few more squeak in under the wire, so to speak). I regularly pray for my benefactors, always including JS, DY, and the KAs. It is my pleasure and my duty.
Benefactors make this blog possible and pull the weight for everyone else. If you find this blog useful on a regular basis, you also can do your part and chip in. It is sort of like a parish, I think: the same percentages and personalities seem to recur everywhere. Fascinating.
Finally, thanks to those who have sent “feedback” notes. Some of them are very encouraging and really give a boost to the day. A recent one began:
“I am very happy to support you and your work in a small way. Your blog has been a great help to me almost daily for the better part of a decade. Thank you for remembering us at the Altar!”
Another read:
“I am so thankful that I now- in a very small way- can help you and the work you do. I have read your blog for many years. And it was the many-servers-ago Forum that directed me to your blog. I spent uncountable hours scouring the threads of that forum searching for -and finding- answers to questions I had about the Catholic faith and today I write to you as a very happy convert of almost 5 years.
There are precious few places to find truth- Truth with love and clarity- and I find that here on your blog along with a dash of levity all of which encourage my weary heart.”
This is why I keep going.