A note to everyone:
There has been a sharp uptick of attacks on the registration form and on the combox.
I am getting lots of false registrations. Also, I received a notification of a request from “someone” to be white-listed, to be allowed through my moat, boiling oil, alligators, arrows and attack dogs, flame-throwers, razor-wire and TVs with reruns of Green Acres.
So, if you try to register, use that “About Yourself” field in the registration form to convince me that you are not a spammer. You don’t have to write a biography. But, if you leave it blank or put nothing but generic pabulum in it, I will not approve the registration.
Also, I warmly advise that you do not use your own email address as your username.
I am also going to use the moderation option more often right now.
So… the Fishwrap closes its combox completely and spam attacks rise over here.