Please, in your goodness, say a prayer for a priest who is under some stress.  He has a tough meeting coming up.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in Mail from priests, PRAYER REQUEST, Priests and Priesthood, Urgent Prayer Requests. Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Sancte Michele, Ora Pro Nobis! Should this involve priests and/or laity of the liberal minded sort, may you, St. Michael the Archangel, protect this priest from the snared of the devil in those who are possibly taking the path of Judas, and not the path of Christ.

  2. DavidJ says:

    on it

  3. SophiaGrace says:


  4. Genna says:

    Prayers to St. Michael and St Thomas More. And always prayers to Our Lady to protect good and faithful priests.

  5. Mariana2 says:

    Of course.

  6. Warren says:

    Prayers going up.

  7. S.Armaticus says:


  8. Liz says:

    In our rosary and in my mass today. God bless and keep him!

  9. DD says:

    Prayers ongoing.

  10. Kathleen10 says:

    Jesus, be with him. St. Michael, defend him in battle. Our Lady, cover him with your mantle. Amen.

  11. Joan M says:

    Prayers said. I would suggest to that priest (and anyone who has difficult or important meetings) to ask his Guardian Angel to communicate with the Guardian Angels of the other people who will be at the meeting, and ask their help in making the meeting a good one. I can witness to how this can produce a very fruitful result.

  12. yatzer says:

    I pray for all priests daily, and will include him specifically today.

  13. lsclerkin says:

    On it.

  14. mysticalrose says:

    Praying to Our Lady.

  15. Fern says:

    Consider it done. Priests are in my prayers every day especially those in difficulty. A blessed Easter Season, Father Z

  16. Lori says:

    Prayed for him.

  17. gramma10 says:

    Dear Mother Mary
    Please give peace and calm to your sons who are priests.
    Especially those who are under extra stress, specifically in this prayer request.
    Wrap them in your mantle and invite all the angels and saints to encircle especially whoever needs help now. Be by their sides with your Son to protect them from evil. We thank you for our priests and pray the most precious blood of Christ over them all. amen

  18. Elizabeth D says:

    praying for the stressed priest, and all other stressed priests also.

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