I’m off to another ordination. This time it is the ordination to the priesthood of one of the frequent commentators here, soon-to-be Fr. Tim Ferguson. He is, as you might remember, the author of the parody songs I’ve done from time to time. Fr. Ferguson has been on this road for a long time, so it will be a great joy to see him ordained at long last.
This will take place in the Cathedral of Marquette.
I had to drive to Milwaukee for the flights, since there was nothing available in and out of Mad City. So, I had a bit of a drive to get to the airport and, I found, my car’s AC isn’t working. Blech.
Oh the glamour of travel. So far during boarding I’ve been bumped in the head by the backpacks of the spatially challenged, and I changed my rental car reservation.
So I walk into a Delta Sky Club at DTW-B and “Maria” at the desk sends a young man to chase me down to tell me that I can’t eat it in the club. I wasn’t trying to by the way, but, damn, Maria had me hunted down.
Of course these Sky Clubs have such wonderful fare for the clients.
I should start chronicling how awful some of the stuff is… especially in comparison with thee lounges at Heathrow and Schipol.
Marquette in the UP! Soon-to-be-Fr. Ferguson must have started as a seminarian under the excellent Bishop Alexander Sample, now Archbishop of Portland.
For excellent fare, Lufthansa is the best I have found. They have reciprocity with United.
“Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?”
Welcome to Michigan, Father!
Heartfelt congratulations, prayers, and best wishes for Fr. Ferguson. The day is finally here. May it be the most joyful of days!
I got my BS from Michigan Tech, Bp. Sample’s alma mater, some years ago. Two of my sons, my brother, and I were just up in the Keweenaw last weekend riding the trails. It was so nice to be back, the scenery in the U.P. is *so* beautiful!
I hope you enjoy your stay, Father!
I’m a native Yooper. I was baptized in Marquette, though at the time, as an Episcopal. Dad was in the Air Force over at K.I. Sawyer in the glory days of SAC. Enjoy your stay Father. Beautiful country up there.
My father is yooper. Prayers for all there in the UP.
Congratulations to Tim Ferguson! May God’s gifts of humor and song always help you do His Will as a priest, and may the deeds you do be even greater than the contrafactum songs you’ve made!