Rome – Day 3: Sunday edition

This morning I had an important errands to the Augustinianum to finish off a couple things I am working on, then I rambled to Ss. Trinità where there was to be a Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool for the Sunday after Ascension Thursday.

Before I got there, I stopped at St. Anna dei Palafrenieri.  Some of the confraternity were there.


The old uniforms.


Eventually I got to my destination.

I have a couple videos I should try to figure out how to post.

The altar with the Blessed Sacrament was set to receive a visit from the bishop

The sanctuary, readied.

I met friends for lunch and, in an apartment, had a loooong lunch with wide-ranging conversation and great food.

In the evening, however, I wound up with a standby.

Spaghetti alla carbonara.


There was a canonization today and one of the new saints was particularly interesting.  More later.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. jameeka says:

    “The old uniforms”–> of the pontifical grooms?

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